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[elpa] externals/auto-overlays 888cba4 74/93: Refactor auto-overlay-(com

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [elpa] externals/auto-overlays 888cba4 74/93: Refactor auto-overlay-(common|compat) into auto-overlays.el
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2020 13:00:41 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/auto-overlays
commit 888cba445103838c199a7ddcaa8337b68b26c166
Author: Toby S. Cubitt <toby-predictive@dr-qubit.org>
Commit: Toby S. Cubitt <toby-predictive@dr-qubit.org>

    Refactor auto-overlay-(common|compat) into auto-overlays.el
 auto-overlay-common.el  | 256 --------------------------------------------
 auto-overlays-compat.el |  51 ---------
 auto-overlays.el        | 277 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 3 files changed, 255 insertions(+), 329 deletions(-)

diff --git a/auto-overlay-common.el b/auto-overlay-common.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 777f2ef..0000000
--- a/auto-overlay-common.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,256 +0,0 @@
-;;; auto-overlay-common.el --- general overlay functions
-;; Copyright (C) 2005-2015  Free Software Foundation, Inc
-;; Author: Toby Cubitt <toby-predictive@dr-qubit.org>
-;; Maintainer: Toby Cubitt <toby-predictive@dr-qubit.org>
-;; URL: http://www.dr-qubit.org/emacs.php
-;; Repository: http://www.dr-qubit.org/git/predictive.git
-;; This file is part of the Emacs.
-;; This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-;; the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
-;; Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
-;; any later version.
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-;; FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
-;; more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-;; with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-;;; Code:
-(provide 'auto-overlay-common)
-(defun auto-o--plist-delete (plist &rest keys)
-  ;; Destructively delete KEYS from PLIST
-  (while (memq (car plist) keys)
-    (setq plist (cddr plist)))
-  (let ((el (cdr plist)))
-    (while el
-      (when (memq (cadr el) keys)
-       (setcdr el (cdddr el)))
-      (setq el (cddr el))))
-  plist)
-(defun auto-overlay-< (a b)
-  "Return non-nil iff overlay A comes before overlay B in buffer."
-  (and (eq (overlay-buffer a) (overlay-buffer b))
-       (or (< (overlay-start a) (overlay-start b))
-          (and (= (overlay-start a) (overlay-start b))
-               (> (overlay-end a) (overlay-end b))))))
-(cl-defun auto-overlays-at-point (&optional point
-                                 &rest prop-tests
-                                 &key inactive all-overlays &allow-other-keys)
-  "Return overlays overlapping POINT, defaulting to the point.
-If keyword argument :inactive is non-nil, both active and
-inactive overlays are returned (usually inactive ones are
-If keyword argument :all-overlays is non-nil, all overlays are
-returned, not just auto-overlays.
-Any remaining arguments specify property tests, each of which
-should be a list with one of the following forms:
-where PROPERTY indicates an overlay property name (a symbol), and
-VALUE indicates an arbitrary value or lisp expression.
-For each overlay between START and END, first the values
-corresponding to the property names are retrieved from the
-overlay, then FUNCTION is called with the properties values
-followed by the other values as its arguments. The test is
-satisfied if the result is non-nil, otherwise it fails. Tests are
-evaluated in order, but only up to the first failure. Only
-overlays that satisfy all property tests are returned."
-  (when (null point) (setq point (point)))
-  (auto-overlay-trigger-update point)
-  (let (overlay-list)
-    ;; get overlays overlapping POINT and zero-length overlays at POINT
-    (setq overlay-list
-         (apply #'auto-overlays-in point point prop-tests))
-    ;; get overlays that end at POINT
-    (dolist (o (apply #'auto-overlays-in (1- point) point prop-tests))
-      (when (and (< (overlay-start o) point)
-                (= (overlay-end o) point))
-       (push o overlay-list)))
-    ;; get overlays that start at POINT
-    (dolist (o (apply #'auto-overlays-in point (1+ point) prop-tests))
-      (when (and (> (overlay-end o) point)
-                (= (overlay-start o) point))
-       (push o overlay-list)))
-    (sort overlay-list #'auto-overlay-<)))
-(cl-defun auto-overlays-in (start end &rest prop-tests
-                                 &key within inactive all-overlays 
-;; FIXME: get rid of INACTIVE argument?
-  "Return auto overlays overlapping region between START and END.
-If keyword argument :within is non-nil, only overlays entirely
-within START and END are returned.
-If keyword argument :inactive is non-nil, both active and
-inactive overlays are returned (usually inactive ones are
-If keyword argument :all-overlays is non-nil, all overlays are
-returned, not just auto-overlays.
-Any remaining arguments specify property tests, each of which
-should be a list with one of the following forms:
-where PROPERTY indicates an overlay property name (a symbol), and
-VALUE indicates an arbitrary value or lisp expression.
-For each overlay between START and END, first the values
-corresponding to the property names are retrieved from the
-overlay, then FUNCTION is called with the properties values
-followed by the other values as its arguments. The test is
-satisfied if the result is non-nil, otherwise it fails. Tests are
-evaluated in order, but only up to the first failure. Only
-overlays that satisfy all property tests are returned."
-  ;; remove any keyword arguments from PROP-TESTS
-  (setq prop-tests
-       (auto-o--plist-delete prop-tests :within :inactive :all-overlays))
-  ;; exclude inactive overlays unless told not to
-  (unless inactive (push '(null inactive) prop-tests))
-  ;; exclude non-auto-overlays unless told not to
-  (unless all-overlays (push '(identity auto-overlay) prop-tests))
-  ;; FIXME: Is updating just START and END enough to trigger all updates?
-  (auto-overlay-trigger-update start)
-  (unless (= start end) (auto-overlay-trigger-update end))
-  (let (overlay-list function prop-list value-list result)
-    ;; check properties of each overlay in region
-    (dolist (o (overlays-in start end))
-      ;; check overlay is entirely within region
-      (if (and within
-              (or (< (overlay-start o) start) (> (overlay-end o) end)))
-         (setq result nil)
-       ;; if it is, or we don't care
-       (setq result t)
-       (catch 'failed
-         ;; check if properties match
-         (dolist (test prop-tests)
-           ;; (Note: the whole thing would be neater with something like
-           ;; (apply 'and (map ...)) but 'and is a special form, not a
-           ;; function, so can't be applied)
-           (setq function (nth 0 test))
-           (unless (listp (setq prop-list (nth 1 test)))
-             (setq prop-list (list prop-list)))
-           (setq value-list nil)
-           (unless (or (< (length test) 3)
-                       (and (setq value-list (nth 2 test))  ; nil isn't list
-                            (listp value-list)))
-             (setq value-list (list value-list)))
-           ;; apply the test
-           (setq result
-                 (and result
-                      (apply function
-                             (append (mapcar (lambda (p) (overlay-get o p))
-                                             prop-list)
-                                     value-list))))
-           (when (null result) (throw 'failed nil)))))
-      ;; add overlay to result list if its properties matched
-      (when result (push o overlay-list)))
-    ;; return result list
-    (nreverse overlay-list)))
-(cl-defun auto-overlay-highest-priority-at-point (&optional point
-                                                 &rest prop-tests
-                                                 &key inactive all-overlays
-                                                 &allow-other-keys)
-  "Return highest priority overlay at POINT, defaulting to the point.
-If two overlays have the same priority, the innermost one takes
-precedence (i.e. the one that begins later, or if they begin at
-the same point the one that ends earlier).
-The remaining arguments are as for `auto-overlays-at' (which see)."
-  (unless point (setq point (point)))
-  ;; get all overlays at point with a non-nil SYMBOL property
-  (let* ((overlay-list (apply #'auto-overlays-at-point point prop-tests))
-        (overlay (pop overlay-list))
-        p p1)
-    ;; find the highest priority, innermost overlay
-    (dolist (o1 overlay-list)
-      (setq p (overlay-get overlay 'priority))
-      (setq p1 (overlay-get o1 'priority))
-      (when (or (and (null p) p1)
-               (and p p1 (> p1 p))
-               (and (equal p1 p)
-                    (or (> (overlay-start o1) (overlay-start overlay))
-                        (and (= (overlay-start o1) (overlay-start overlay))
-                             (< (overlay-end o1) (overlay-end o1))))))
-       (setq overlay o1)))
-    ;; return the overlay
-    overlay))
-(defun auto-overlay-local-binding (symbol &optional point only-overlay)
-  "Return \"overlay local \" binding of SYMBOL at POINT,
-or the current local binding if there is no overlay binding. If
-there is no overlay binding and SYMBOL is not bound, return
-nil. POINT defaults to the point.
-If ONLY-OVERLAY is non-nil, only overlay bindings are
-returned. If none exists at POINT, nil is returned
-An \"overlay local\" binding is created by giving an overlay a
-non-nil value for a property named SYMBOL. If more than one
-overlay at POINT has a non-nil SYMBOL property, the value from
-the highest priority overlay is returned.
-See `auto-overlay-highest-priority-at-point' for a definition of
-\"highest priority\"."
-  (let ((overlay (auto-overlay-highest-priority-at-point
-                 point `(identity ,symbol))))
-    (if overlay
-       (overlay-get overlay symbol)
-      (and (not only-overlay) (boundp symbol) (symbol-value symbol)))))
-;; auto-overlay-common.el ends here
diff --git a/auto-overlays-compat.el b/auto-overlays-compat.el
deleted file mode 100644
index cd6fcd1..0000000
--- a/auto-overlays-compat.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-;;; auto-overlays-compat.el --- compatability functions for auto-overlays 
-;; Copyright (C) 2005-2015  Free Software Foundation, Inc
-;; Author: Toby Cubitt <toby-predictive@dr-qubit.org>
-;; Version: 0.3.2
-;; Keywords: auto-overlay, automatic, overlays, compatability
-;; URL: http://www.dr-qubit.org/emacs.php
-;; This file is NOT part of the Emacs.
-;; This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-;; the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
-;; Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
-;; any later version.
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-;; FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
-;; more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-;; with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-;;; Code:
-(provide 'auto-overlays-compat)
-(defun auto-overlays-compat-line-number-at-pos (&optional pos)
-  "Return (narrowed) buffer line number at position POS.
-\(Defaults to the point.\)"
-  (unless pos (setq pos (point)))
-  ;; note: need to add 1 if at beginning of line
-  (+ (count-lines (point-min) pos)
-     (if (save-excursion (goto-char pos) (bolp)) 1 0))
-(defun auto-overlays-compat-replace-regexp-in-string (regexp rep string)
-  "Return a new string with all matches for REGEXP in STRING replaced
-with REP."
-  (let ((str string))
-    (while (string-match regexp str)
-      (setq str (replace-match rep nil nil str)))
-    str)
-;;; auto-overlays-compat.el ends here
diff --git a/auto-overlays.el b/auto-overlays.el
index aebaabc..6ae1f06 100644
--- a/auto-overlays.el
+++ b/auto-overlays.el
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@
 (eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
-(require 'auto-overlay-common)
 (provide 'auto-overlays)
@@ -379,9 +378,261 @@ Comparison is done with `eq'."
   `(if (memq ,item ,list) ,list (setf ,list (cons ,item ,list))))
+(defun auto-o--plist-delete (plist &rest keys)
+  ;; Destructively delete KEYS from PLIST
+  (while (memq (car plist) keys)
+    (setq plist (cddr plist)))
+  (let ((el (cdr plist)))
+    (while el
+      (when (memq (cadr el) keys)
+       (setcdr el (cdddr el)))
+      (setq el (cddr el))))
+  plist)
+;;; ===============================================================
+;;;                    Compatibility aliases
+(unless (fboundp 'line-number-at-pos)
+  (defun line-number-at-pos (&optional pos)
+    "Return (narrowed) buffer line number at position POS.
+\(Defaults to the point.\)"
+    (unless pos (setq pos (point)))
+    ;; note: need to add 1 if at beginning of line
+    (+ (count-lines (point-min) pos)
+       (if (save-excursion (goto-char pos) (bolp)) 1 0))))
+(unless (fboundp 'replace-regexp-in-string)
+  (defun replace-regexp-in-string (regexp rep string)
+    "Return a new string with all matches for REGEXP in STRING replaced
+with REP."
+    (let ((str string))
+      (while (string-match regexp str)
+       (setq str (replace-match rep nil nil str)))
+      str)))
+;;; ===============================================================
+;;;                Public overlay query functions
+(defun auto-overlay-< (a b)
+  "Return non-nil iff overlay A comes before overlay B in buffer."
+  (and (eq (overlay-buffer a) (overlay-buffer b))
+       (or (< (overlay-start a) (overlay-start b))
+          (and (= (overlay-start a) (overlay-start b))
+               (> (overlay-end a) (overlay-end b))))))
+(cl-defun auto-overlays-in (start end &rest prop-tests
+                                 &key within inactive all-overlays 
+;; FIXME: get rid of INACTIVE argument?
+  "Return auto overlays overlapping region between START and END.
+If keyword argument :within is non-nil, only overlays entirely
+within START and END are returned.
+If keyword argument :inactive is non-nil, both active and
+inactive overlays are returned (usually inactive ones are
+If keyword argument :all-overlays is non-nil, all overlays are
+returned, not just auto-overlays.
+Any remaining arguments specify property tests, each of which
+should be a list with one of the following forms:
+where PROPERTY indicates an overlay property name (a symbol), and
+VALUE indicates an arbitrary value or lisp expression.
+For each overlay between START and END, first the values
+corresponding to the property names are retrieved from the
+overlay, then FUNCTION is called with the properties values
+followed by the other values as its arguments. The test is
+satisfied if the result is non-nil, otherwise it fails. Tests are
+evaluated in order, but only up to the first failure. Only
+overlays that satisfy all property tests are returned."
+  ;; remove any keyword arguments from PROP-TESTS
+  (setq prop-tests
+       (auto-o--plist-delete prop-tests :within :inactive :all-overlays))
+  ;; exclude inactive overlays unless told not to
+  (unless inactive (push '(null inactive) prop-tests))
+  ;; exclude non-auto-overlays unless told not to
+  (unless all-overlays (push '(identity auto-overlay) prop-tests))
+  ;; FIXME: Is updating just START and END enough to trigger all updates?
+  (auto-overlay-trigger-update start)
+  (unless (= start end) (auto-overlay-trigger-update end))
+  (let (overlay-list function prop-list value-list result)
+    ;; check properties of each overlay in region
+    (dolist (o (overlays-in start end))
+      ;; check overlay is entirely within region
+      (if (and within
+              (or (< (overlay-start o) start) (> (overlay-end o) end)))
+         (setq result nil)
+       ;; if it is, or we don't care
+       (setq result t)
+       (catch 'failed
+         ;; check if properties match
+         (dolist (test prop-tests)
+           ;; (Note: the whole thing would be neater with something like
+           ;; (apply 'and (map ...)) but 'and is a special form, not a
+           ;; function, so can't be applied)
+           (setq function (nth 0 test))
+           (unless (listp (setq prop-list (nth 1 test)))
+             (setq prop-list (list prop-list)))
+           (setq value-list nil)
+           (unless (or (< (length test) 3)
+                       (and (setq value-list (nth 2 test))  ; nil isn't list
+                            (listp value-list)))
+             (setq value-list (list value-list)))
+           ;; apply the test
+           (setq result
+                 (and result
+                      (apply function
+                             (append (mapcar (lambda (p) (overlay-get o p))
+                                             prop-list)
+                                     value-list))))
+           (when (null result) (throw 'failed nil)))))
+      ;; add overlay to result list if its properties matched
+      (when result (push o overlay-list)))
+    ;; return result list
+    (nreverse overlay-list)))
+(cl-defun auto-overlays-at-point (&optional point
+                                 &rest prop-tests
+                                 &key inactive all-overlays &allow-other-keys)
+  "Return overlays overlapping POINT, defaulting to the point.
+If keyword argument :inactive is non-nil, both active and
+inactive overlays are returned (usually inactive ones are
+If keyword argument :all-overlays is non-nil, all overlays are
+returned, not just auto-overlays.
+Any remaining arguments specify property tests, each of which
+should be a list with one of the following forms:
+where PROPERTY indicates an overlay property name (a symbol), and
+VALUE indicates an arbitrary value or lisp expression.
+For each overlay between START and END, first the values
+corresponding to the property names are retrieved from the
+overlay, then FUNCTION is called with the properties values
+followed by the other values as its arguments. The test is
+satisfied if the result is non-nil, otherwise it fails. Tests are
+evaluated in order, but only up to the first failure. Only
+overlays that satisfy all property tests are returned."
+  (when (null point) (setq point (point)))
+  (auto-overlay-trigger-update point)
+  (let (overlay-list)
+    ;; get overlays overlapping POINT and zero-length overlays at POINT
+    (setq overlay-list
+         (apply #'auto-overlays-in point point prop-tests))
+    ;; get overlays that end at POINT
+    (dolist (o (apply #'auto-overlays-in (1- point) point prop-tests))
+      (when (and (< (overlay-start o) point)
+                (= (overlay-end o) point))
+       (push o overlay-list)))
+    ;; get overlays that start at POINT
+    (dolist (o (apply #'auto-overlays-in point (1+ point) prop-tests))
+      (when (and (> (overlay-end o) point)
+                (= (overlay-start o) point))
+       (push o overlay-list)))
+    (sort overlay-list #'auto-overlay-<)))
-;;;          auto-overlay definition functions
+(cl-defun auto-overlay-highest-priority-at-point (&optional point
+                                                 &rest prop-tests
+                                                 &key inactive all-overlays
+                                                 &allow-other-keys)
+  "Return highest priority overlay at POINT, defaulting to the point.
+If two overlays have the same priority, the innermost one takes
+precedence (i.e. the one that begins later, or if they begin at
+the same point the one that ends earlier).
+The remaining arguments are as for `auto-overlays-at' (which see)."
+  (unless point (setq point (point)))
+  ;; get all overlays at point with a non-nil SYMBOL property
+  (let* ((overlay-list (apply #'auto-overlays-at-point point prop-tests))
+        (overlay (pop overlay-list))
+        p p1)
+    ;; find the highest priority, innermost overlay
+    (dolist (o1 overlay-list)
+      (setq p (overlay-get overlay 'priority))
+      (setq p1 (overlay-get o1 'priority))
+      (when (or (and (null p) p1)
+               (and p p1 (> p1 p))
+               (and (equal p1 p)
+                    (or (> (overlay-start o1) (overlay-start overlay))
+                        (and (= (overlay-start o1) (overlay-start overlay))
+                             (< (overlay-end o1) (overlay-end o1))))))
+       (setq overlay o1)))
+    ;; return the overlay
+    overlay))
+(defun auto-overlay-local-binding (symbol &optional point only-overlay)
+  "Return \"overlay local \" binding of SYMBOL at POINT,
+or the current local binding if there is no overlay binding. If
+there is no overlay binding and SYMBOL is not bound, return
+nil. POINT defaults to the point.
+If ONLY-OVERLAY is non-nil, only overlay bindings are
+returned. If none exists at POINT, nil is returned
+An \"overlay local\" binding is created by giving an overlay a
+non-nil value for a property named SYMBOL. If more than one
+overlay at POINT has a non-nil SYMBOL property, the value from
+the highest priority overlay is returned.
+See `auto-overlay-highest-priority-at-point' for a definition of
+\"highest priority\"."
+  (let ((overlay (auto-overlay-highest-priority-at-point
+                 point `(identity ,symbol))))
+    (if overlay
+       (overlay-get overlay symbol)
+      (and (not only-overlay) (boundp symbol) (symbol-value symbol)))))
+;;; =========================================================
+;;;          Public auto-overlay definition functions
 (defun auto-overlay-load-definition (set-id definition &optional pos)
@@ -959,10 +1210,8 @@ overlays were saved."
-;;;               auto-overlay overlay functions
+;;;               Update and change-hook functions
 (defun auto-o-run-after-change-functions (beg end len)
   ;; Assigned to the `after-change-functions' hook. Run all the various
@@ -1697,20 +1946,4 @@ overlay changes."
-;;; ===============================================================
-;;;                       Compatibility Stuff
-(unless (fboundp 'line-number-at-pos)
-  (require 'auto-overlays-compat)
-  (defalias 'line-number-at-pos
-            'auto-overlays-compat-line-number-at-pos))
-(unless (fboundp 'replace-regexp-in-string)
-  (require 'auto-overlays-compat)
-  (defalias 'replace-regexp-in-string
-    'auto-overlays-compat-replace-regexp-in-string))
 ;;; auto-overlays.el ends here

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