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[elpa] externals/auto-overlays 8d0dd07 26/93: Fixed bug due to narrowed

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [elpa] externals/auto-overlays 8d0dd07 26/93: Fixed bug due to narrowed buffer; improved update scheduling to avoid duplicate parses.
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2020 13:00:31 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/auto-overlays
commit 8d0dd07d29b84d95ccb23ad372852e0f1f9bf795
Author: Toby Cubitt <toby-predictive@dr-qubit.org>
Commit: tsc25 <toby-predictive@dr-qubit.org>

    Fixed bug due to narrowed buffer; improved update scheduling to avoid 
duplicate parses.
 auto-overlays.el | 260 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 1 file changed, 153 insertions(+), 107 deletions(-)

diff --git a/auto-overlays.el b/auto-overlays.el
index bf4397c..7f7c714 100644
--- a/auto-overlays.el
+++ b/auto-overlays.el
@@ -30,6 +30,11 @@
 ;;; Change Log:
+;; Version 0.8.2
+;; * fixed bug that arose when buffer was narrowed by widening before
+;;   scheduling updates and before parsing lines in `auto-overlay-update'
+;; * improved update scheduling by collapsing updates for overlapping regions
 ;; Version 0.8.1
 ;; * modified `auto-o-run-after-change-functions' to cope more robustly with
 ;;   the pending functions that it calls themselves scheduling other functions
@@ -850,12 +855,51 @@ was saved."
   ;; FIXME: we should do more to avoid doing multiple, redundant
   ;;        updates. Currently, only updates for identical regions are
   ;;        filtered (by add-to-list), not updates for overlapping regions.
-  (add-to-list 'auto-o-pending-updates
-              (list (setq start (line-number-at-pos start))
-                    (when (and end (setq end (line-number-at-pos end))
-                               (not (= start end)))
-                      end)
-                    set-id))
+  (save-restriction
+    (widen)   ; need to widen, since goto-line goes to absolute line
+    (setq start (line-number-at-pos start))
+    (setq end (if end (line-number-at-pos end) start))
+    (let ((pending auto-o-pending-updates))
+      (cond
+       ;; if pending list is empty, just add new entry to the list
+       ((null pending)
+       (setq auto-o-pending-updates (list (cons start end))))
+       ;; if start of the new entry is before start of the first entry in
+       ;; pending list, add new entry to front of the list
+       ((<= start (caar pending))
+       (setq auto-o-pending-updates (nconc (list (cons start end)) pending))
+       (setq pending auto-o-pending-updates))
+       ;; otherwise...
+       (t
+       ;; search for entry in pending list that new one should come after
+       ;; Note: we do an O(n) linear search here, as opposed to the O(log n)
+       ;; we would get were we to store the entries in a binary tree. But the
+       ;; pending list is unlikely to ever be all that long, so the
+       ;; optimisation almost certainly isn't worth the effort.
+       (catch 'found
+         (while (cdr pending)
+           (when (<= start (caadr pending)) (throw 'found t))
+           (setq pending (cdr pending))))
+       ;; if start of new entry is before end of entry it should come after,
+       ;; merge it with that entry
+       (if (<= start (1+ (cdar pending)))
+           (when (> end (cdar pending)) (setcdr (car pending) end))
+         ;; otherwise, insert new entry after it
+         (setcdr pending (nconc (list (cons start end)) (cdr pending)))
+         (setq pending (cdr pending)))
+       ))
+      ;; merge new entry with successive entries until end of merged entry is
+      ;; before start of next entry
+      ;; (See above note about O(n) vs. O(log n))
+      (while (and (cdr pending)
+                 (>= (1+ (cdar pending)) (caadr pending)))
+       (setcdr (car pending) (max (cdar pending) (cdadr pending)))
+       (setcdr pending (cddr pending)))
+      ))
@@ -874,123 +918,125 @@ was saved."
   ;; supplied, just parse that line. If neither are supplied, parse line
   ;; containing the point. If SET-ID is specified, only look for matches in
   ;; that set of overlay regexps definitions.
-  (let (regexp-entry entry-id class regexp group priority set-id subentry-id
-                    o-match o-overlap o-new)
-    (unless start (setq start (line-number-at-pos)))
-    (save-excursion
-      (save-match-data
-       (goto-line start)
-       (dotimes (i (if end (1+ (- end start)) 1))
+  (save-restriction
+    (widen)
+    (let (regexp-entry entry-id class regexp group priority set-id subentry-id
+                      o-match o-overlap o-new)
+      (unless start (setq start (line-number-at-pos)))
+      (save-excursion
+       (save-match-data
+         (goto-line start)
+         (dotimes (i (if end (1+ (- end start)) 1))
-         ;; check each enabled set of overlays, or just the specified set
-         (dotimes (s (if set-id 1 (length auto-overlay-regexps)))
-           (setq set-id (or set-id (car (nth s auto-overlay-regexps))))
-           (when (auto-o-enabled-p set-id)
-             ;; check each regexp entry in regexp set
-             (dolist (regexp-entry (auto-o-get-regexps set-id))
-               (setq entry-id (car regexp-entry))
-               (setq class (nth 1 regexp-entry))
-               (setq regexp-entry (cdr regexp-entry)) ; remove entry-id
-               (if (auto-o-entry-compound-class-p set-id entry-id)
-                   (pop regexp-entry)                 ; remove class
-                 (setq regexp-entry (list regexp-entry))) ; bundle in list
+           ;; check each enabled set of overlays, or just the specified set
+           (dotimes (s (if set-id 1 (length auto-overlay-regexps)))
+             (setq set-id (or set-id (car (nth s auto-overlay-regexps))))
+             (when (auto-o-enabled-p set-id)
+               ;; check each regexp entry in regexp set
+               (dolist (regexp-entry (auto-o-get-regexps set-id))
+                 (setq entry-id (car regexp-entry))
+                 (setq class (nth 1 regexp-entry))
+                 (setq regexp-entry (cdr regexp-entry)) ; remove entry-id
+                 (if (auto-o-entry-compound-class-p set-id entry-id)
+                     (pop regexp-entry)                   ; remove class
+                   (setq regexp-entry (list regexp-entry))) ; bundle in list
-               ;; check all regexps for current entry if it has a compound
-               ;; class
-               (dotimes (rank (length regexp-entry))
-                 (if (> (length regexp-entry) 1)
-                     (setq subentry-id (car (nth rank regexp-entry)))
-                   (setq subentry-id nil))
+                 ;; check all regexps for current entry if it has a compound
+                 ;; class
+                 (dotimes (rank (length regexp-entry))
+                   (if (> (length regexp-entry) 1)
+                       (setq subentry-id (car (nth rank regexp-entry)))
+                     (setq subentry-id nil))
-                 ;; extract regexp properties from current entry
-                 (setq regexp (auto-o-entry-regexp set-id entry-id
-                                                   subentry-id))
-                 (setq group (auto-o-entry-regexp-group
-                              set-id entry-id subentry-id))
-                 (setq priority
-                       (cdr (assq 'priority
-                                  (auto-o-entry-props
-                                   set-id entry-id subentry-id))))
+                   ;; extract regexp properties from current entry
+                   (setq regexp (auto-o-entry-regexp set-id entry-id
+                                                     subentry-id))
+                   (setq group (auto-o-entry-regexp-group
+                                set-id entry-id subentry-id))
+                   (setq priority
+                         (cdr (assq 'priority
+                                    (auto-o-entry-props
+                                     set-id entry-id subentry-id))))
-                 ;; look for matches in current line, ensuring case *is*
-                 ;; significant
-                 (forward-line 0)
-                 (while (let ((case-fold-search nil))
-                          (re-search-forward regexp (line-end-position) t))
-                   (cond
-                    ;; ignore match if it already has a match overlay
-                    ((auto-o-matched-p (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)
-                                       set-id entry-id subentry-id))
+                   ;; look for matches in current line, ensuring case *is*
+                   ;; significant
+                   (forward-line 0)
+                   (while (let ((case-fold-search nil))
+                            (re-search-forward regexp (line-end-position) t))
+                     (cond
+                      ;; ignore match if it already has a match overlay
+                      ((auto-o-matched-p (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)
+                                         set-id entry-id subentry-id))
-                    ;; if existing match overlay corresponding to same entry
-                    ;; and edge but different subentry overlaps new match...
-                    ((and (auto-o-entry-compound-class-p set-id entry-id)
-                          (setq o-overlap
-                                (auto-o-overlapping-match
-                                 (match-beginning group) (match-end group)
-                                 set-id entry-id subentry-id
-                                 (auto-o-entry-edge set-id entry-id
-                                                    subentry-id))))
-                     ;; if new match takes precedence, replace existing one
-                     ;; with new one, otherwise ignore new match
-                     (when (< rank (auto-o-compound-rank o-overlap))
-                       (delete-overlay o-overlap)
+                      ;; if existing match overlay corresponding to same entry
+                      ;; and edge but different subentry overlaps new match...
+                      ((and (auto-o-entry-compound-class-p set-id entry-id)
+                            (setq o-overlap
+                                  (auto-o-overlapping-match
+                                   (match-beginning group) (match-end group)
+                                   set-id entry-id subentry-id
+                                   (auto-o-entry-edge set-id entry-id
+                                                      subentry-id))))
+                       ;; if new match takes precedence, replace existing one
+                       ;; with new one, otherwise ignore new match
+                       (when (< rank (auto-o-compound-rank o-overlap))
+                         (delete-overlay o-overlap)
+                         (setq o-match (auto-o-make-match
+                                        set-id entry-id
+                                        (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)
+                                        subentry-id (match-beginning group)
+                                        (match-end group)))
+                         (when (overlay-get o-overlap 'parent)
+                           (auto-o-match-overlay (overlay-get o-overlap 
+                                                 o-match))
+                         ;; run match function if there is one
+                         (let ((match-func (auto-o-match-function o-match)))
+                           (when match-func (funcall match-func o-match)))))
+                      ;; if match is within a higher priority exclusive
+                      ;; overlay, create match overlay but don't parse it
+                      ((auto-o-within-exclusive-p (match-beginning group)
+                                                  (match-end group)
+                                                  priority)
+                       (auto-o-make-match set-id entry-id
+                                          (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)
+                                          subentry-id (match-beginning group)
+                                          (match-end group)))
+                      ;; if we're going to parse the new match...
+                      (t
+                       ;; create a match overlay for it
                        (setq o-match (auto-o-make-match
                                       set-id entry-id
                                       (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)
-                                      subentry-id (match-beginning group)
+                                      subentry-id
+                                      (match-beginning group)
                                       (match-end group)))
-                       (when (overlay-get o-overlap 'parent)
-                         (auto-o-match-overlay (overlay-get o-overlap 'parent)
-                                               o-match))
+                       ;; call the appropriate parse function
+                       (setq o-new
+                             (funcall (auto-o-parse-function o-match) o-match))
+                       (unless (listp o-new) (setq o-new (list o-new)))
+                       ;; give any new overlays some basic properties
+                       (mapc (lambda (o)
+                               (overlay-put o 'auto-overlay t)
+                               (overlay-put o 'set-id set-id)
+                               (overlay-put o 'entry-id entry-id))
+                             o-new)
                        ;; run match function if there is one
                        (let ((match-func (auto-o-match-function o-match)))
                          (when match-func (funcall match-func o-match)))))
-                    ;; if match is within a higher priority exclusive
-                    ;; overlay, create match overlay but don't parse it
-                    ((auto-o-within-exclusive-p (match-beginning group)
-                                                (match-end group)
-                                                priority)
-                     (auto-o-make-match set-id entry-id
-                                        (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)
-                                        subentry-id (match-beginning group)
-                                        (match-end group)))
-                    ;; if we're going to parse the new match...
-                    (t
-                     ;; create a match overlay for it
-                     (setq o-match (auto-o-make-match
-                                    set-id entry-id
-                                    (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)
-                                    subentry-id
-                                    (match-beginning group)
-                                    (match-end group)))
-                     ;; call the appropriate parse function
-                     (setq o-new
-                           (funcall (auto-o-parse-function o-match) o-match))
-                     (unless (listp o-new) (setq o-new (list o-new)))
-                     ;; give any new overlays some basic properties
-                     (mapc (lambda (o)
-                             (overlay-put o 'auto-overlay t)
-                             (overlay-put o 'set-id set-id)
-                             (overlay-put o 'entry-id entry-id))
-                           o-new)
-                     ;; run match function if there is one
-                     (let ((match-func (auto-o-match-function o-match)))
-                       (when match-func (funcall match-func o-match)))))
-                   ;; go to character one beyond the start of the match, to
-                   ;; make sure we don't miss the next match (if we find the
-                   ;; same one again, it will just be ignored)
-                   (goto-char (+ (match-beginning 0) 1)))))
-             (forward-line 1))
-           )))))
+                     ;; go to character one beyond the start of the match, to
+                     ;; make sure we don't miss the next match (if we find the
+                     ;; same one again, it will just be ignored)
+                     (goto-char (+ (match-beginning 0) 1)))))
+               (forward-line 1))
+             ))))))

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