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[elpa] externals/company 123b604 46/46: Merge branch 'master' of https:/

From: Dmitry Gutov
Subject: [elpa] externals/company 123b604 46/46: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/company-mode/company-mode into externals/company
Date: Wed, 30 Dec 2020 18:33:13 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/company
commit 123b604297b64c69aeec3018722c75e03d18c23a
Merge: 24aefbd 3644a59
Author: Dmitry Gutov <dgutov@yandex.ru>
Commit: Dmitry Gutov <dgutov@yandex.ru>

    Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/company-mode/company-mode into 
 .dir-locals.el          |   3 +-
 NEWS.md                 |  25 +++
 README.md               |   2 +-
 company-clang.el        |  21 ++-
 company-cmake.el        |   1 +
 company-eclim.el        | 186 ----------------------
 company-gtags.el        |  29 +++-
 company-tng.el          | 134 +++++++---------
 company-xcode.el        | 123 ---------------
 company-yasnippet.el    |   1 +
 company.el              | 404 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 test/core-tests.el      | 145 +++++++++++++++--
 test/frontends-tests.el |   2 +-
 13 files changed, 515 insertions(+), 561 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.dir-locals.el b/.dir-locals.el
index 79d9a12..8e92085 100644
--- a/.dir-locals.el
+++ b/.dir-locals.el
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 ((nil . ((indent-tabs-mode . nil)
          (fill-column . 80)
          (sentence-end-double-space . t)
-         (emacs-lisp-docstring-fill-column . 75))))
+         (emacs-lisp-docstring-fill-column . 75)
+         (project-vc-merge-submodules . nil))))
diff --git a/NEWS.md b/NEWS.md
index f1f1d05..38ef038 100644
--- a/NEWS.md
+++ b/NEWS.md
@@ -1,5 +1,30 @@
 # History of user-visible changes
+## Next
+* `company-gtags` on remote hosts is improved
+  ([#1037](https://github.com/company-mode/company-mode/pull/1037)).
+* New commands `company-select-first` and `company-select-last`.
+* `company-tng-mode` has been added to replace both
+  `company-tng-configure-default` and the manual method of enabling
+  `company-tng-frontend` (see also `company-tng-auto-configure`). Also,
+  `company-selection` can now have `nil` value, which means no selection.
+* `company-auto-complete` and `company-auto-complete-chars` have been renamed 
+  `company-auto-commit` and `company-auto-commit-chars` respectively.
+* `company-clang` filters out duplicates
+  ([#841](https://github.com/company-mode/company-mode/issues/841)).
+* New user option `company-tooltip-width-grow-only`.
+* `company-xcode` has been removed. It has not been useful for years now.
+* `company-clang` has been moved to after `company-capf` in the default value 
+  `company-backends`. So now if there is an active completion function in
+  `completion-at-point-functions`, it will have priority over
+  `company-clang`. Unless it's `tags-completion-at-point-function` (this one is
+  still skipped explicitly).
+* `company-eclim` has been removed. Eclim is generally not recommended for 
+  users these days, with
+  ([emacs-eclim](https://github.com/emacs-eclim/emacs-eclim/)) declared 
+  in favor of `lsp-java`. Though it used its own backend anyway.
 ## 2020-07-26 (0.9.13)
 * `company-clang`: error handling is more permissive.
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 1e0e5e6..b466d66 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 See the [homepage](http://company-mode.github.com/).
diff --git a/company-clang.el b/company-clang.el
index d7391b3..24e5977 100644
--- a/company-clang.el
+++ b/company-clang.el
@@ -136,6 +136,7 @@ or automatically through a custom 
   (let ((pattern (format company-clang--completion-pattern
                          (regexp-quote prefix)))
         (case-fold-search nil)
+        (results (make-hash-table :test 'equal :size (/ (point-max) 100)))
         lines match)
     (while (re-search-forward pattern nil t)
       (setq match (match-string-no-properties 1))
@@ -144,11 +145,21 @@ or automatically through a custom 
           (when (string-match ":" match)
             (setq match (substring match 0 (match-beginning 0)))))
         (let ((meta (match-string-no-properties 2)))
-          (when (and meta (not (string= match meta)))
-            (put-text-property 0 1 'meta
-                               (company-clang--strip-formatting meta)
-                               match)))
-        (push match lines)))
+          ;; Avoiding duplicates:
+          ;; https://github.com/company-mode/company-mode/issues/841
+          (cond
+           ;; Either meta != completion (not a macro)
+           ((not (equal match meta))
+            (puthash match meta results))
+           ;; Or it's the first time we see this completion
+           ((eq (gethash match results 'none) 'none)
+            (puthash match nil results))))))
+    (maphash
+     (lambda (match meta)
+       (when meta
+         (put-text-property 0 1 'meta (company-clang--strip-formatting meta) 
+       (push match lines))
+     results)
 (defun company-clang--meta (candidate)
diff --git a/company-cmake.el b/company-cmake.el
index 2e69b6d..136c3e5 100644
--- a/company-cmake.el
+++ b/company-cmake.el
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
 (defvar company-cmake-executable-arguments
+    "--help-property-list"
   "The arguments we pass to cmake, separately.
 They affect which types of symbols we get completion candidates for.")
diff --git a/company-eclim.el b/company-eclim.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 4763e97..0000000
--- a/company-eclim.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-;;; company-eclim.el --- company-mode completion backend for Eclim
-;; Copyright (C) 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;; Author: Nikolaj Schumacher
-;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
-;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; Using `emacs-eclim' together with (or instead of) this backend is
-;; recommended, as it allows you to use other Eclim features.
-;; The alternative backend provided by `emacs-eclim' uses `yasnippet'
-;; instead of `company-template' to expand function calls, and it supports
-;; some languages other than Java.
-;;; Code:
-(require 'company)
-(require 'company-template)
-(require 'cl-lib)
-(defgroup company-eclim nil
-  "Completion backend for Eclim."
-  :group 'company)
-(defun company-eclim-executable-find ()
-  (let (file)
-    (cl-dolist (eclipse-root '("/Applications/eclipse" "/usr/lib/eclipse"
-                            "/usr/local/lib/eclipse"))
-      (and (file-exists-p (setq file (expand-file-name "plugins" 
-           (setq file (car (last (directory-files file t "^org.eclim_"))))
-           (file-exists-p (setq file (expand-file-name "bin/eclim" file)))
-           (cl-return file)))))
-(defcustom company-eclim-executable
-  (or (bound-and-true-p eclim-executable)
-      (executable-find "eclim")
-      (company-eclim-executable-find))
-  "Location of eclim executable."
-  :type 'file)
-(defcustom company-eclim-auto-save t
-  "Determines whether to save the buffer when retrieving completions.
-eclim can only complete correctly when the buffer has been saved."
-  :type '(choice (const :tag "Off" nil)
-                 (const :tag "On" t)))
-(defvar-local company-eclim--project-dir 'unknown)
-(defvar-local company-eclim--project-name nil)
-(declare-function json-read "json")
-(defvar json-array-type)
-(defun company-eclim--call-process (&rest args)
-  (let ((coding-system-for-read 'utf-8)
-        res)
-    (require 'json)
-    (with-temp-buffer
-      (if (= 0 (setq res (apply 'call-process company-eclim-executable nil t 
-                                "-command" args)))
-          (let ((json-array-type 'list))
-            (goto-char (point-min))
-            (unless (eobp)
-              (json-read)))
-        (message "Company-eclim command failed with error %d:\n%s" res
-                 (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max)))
-        nil))))
-(defun company-eclim--project-list ()
-  (company-eclim--call-process "project_list"))
-(defun company-eclim--project-dir ()
-  (if (eq company-eclim--project-dir 'unknown)
-      (let ((dir (locate-dominating-file buffer-file-name ".project")))
-        (when dir
-          (setq company-eclim--project-dir
-                (directory-file-name
-                 (expand-file-name dir)))))
-    company-eclim--project-dir))
-(defun company-eclim--project-name ()
-  (or company-eclim--project-name
-      (let ((dir (company-eclim--project-dir)))
-        (when dir
-          (setq company-eclim--project-name
-                (cl-loop for project in (company-eclim--project-list)
-                         when (equal (cdr (assoc 'path project)) dir)
-                         return (cdr (assoc 'name project))))))))
-(defun company-eclim--candidates (prefix)
-  (interactive "d")
-  (let ((project-file (file-relative-name buffer-file-name
-                                          (company-eclim--project-dir)))
-        completions)
-    (when company-eclim-auto-save
-      (when (buffer-modified-p)
-        (basic-save-buffer))
-      ;; FIXME: Sometimes this isn't finished when we complete.
-      (company-eclim--call-process "java_src_update"
-                                   "-p" (company-eclim--project-name)
-                                   "-f" project-file))
-    (dolist (item (cdr (assoc 'completions
-                              (company-eclim--call-process
-                               "java_complete" "-p" 
-                               "-f" project-file
-                               "-o" (number-to-string
-                                     (company-eclim--search-point prefix))
-                               "-e" "utf-8"
-                               "-l" "standard"))))
-      (let* ((meta (cdr (assoc 'info item)))
-             (completion meta))
-        (when (string-match " ?[(:-]" completion)
-          (setq completion (substring completion 0 (match-beginning 0))))
-        (put-text-property 0 1 'meta meta completion)
-        (push completion completions)))
-    (let ((completion-ignore-case nil))
-      (all-completions prefix completions))))
-(defun company-eclim--search-point (prefix)
-  (if (or (cl-plusp (length prefix)) (eq (char-before) ?.))
-      (1- (point))
-    (point)))
-(defun company-eclim--meta (candidate)
-  (get-text-property 0 'meta candidate))
-(defun company-eclim--annotation (candidate)
-  (let ((meta (company-eclim--meta candidate)))
-    (when (string-match "\\(([^-]*\\) -" meta)
-      (substring meta (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))))
-(defun company-eclim--prefix ()
-  (let ((prefix (company-grab-symbol)))
-    (when prefix
-      ;; Completion candidates for annotations don't include '@'.
-      (when (eq ?@ (string-to-char prefix))
-        (setq prefix (substring prefix 1)))
-      prefix)))
-(defun company-eclim (command &optional arg &rest ignored)
-  "`company-mode' completion backend for Eclim.
-Eclim provides access to Eclipse Java IDE features for other editors.
-Eclim version 1.7.13 or newer (?) is required.
-Completions only work correctly when the buffer has been saved.
-`company-eclim-auto-save' determines whether to do this automatically."
-  (interactive (list 'interactive))
-  (cl-case command
-    (interactive (company-begin-backend 'company-eclim))
-    (prefix (and (derived-mode-p 'java-mode 'jde-mode)
-                 buffer-file-name
-                 company-eclim-executable
-                 (company-eclim--project-name)
-                 (not (company-in-string-or-comment))
-                 (or (company-eclim--prefix) 'stop)))
-    (candidates (company-eclim--candidates arg))
-    (meta (company-eclim--meta arg))
-    ;; because "" doesn't return everything
-    (no-cache (equal arg ""))
-    (annotation (company-eclim--annotation arg))
-    (post-completion (let ((anno (company-eclim--annotation arg)))
-                       (when anno
-                         (insert anno)
-                         (company-template-c-like-templatify anno))))))
-(provide 'company-eclim)
-;;; company-eclim.el ends here
diff --git a/company-gtags.el b/company-gtags.el
index eb3c453..30b6f20 100644
--- a/company-gtags.el
+++ b/company-gtags.el
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
   :package-version '(company . "0.8.1"))
 (defvar-local company-gtags--tags-available-p 'unknown)
+(defvar-local company-gtags--executable 'unknown)
 (defcustom company-gtags-modes '(prog-mode jde-mode)
   "Modes that use `company-gtags'.
@@ -62,6 +63,32 @@ completion."
             (locate-dominating-file buffer-file-name "GTAGS"))
+(defun company-gtags--executable ()
+  (cond
+   ((not (eq company-gtags--executable 'unknown)) ;; the value is already 
+    company-gtags--executable)
+   ((and (version<= "27" emacs-version)           ;; can search remotely to set
+         (file-remote-p default-directory))
+    (with-connection-local-variables
+     (if (boundp 'company-gtags--executable-connection)
+         (setq-local company-gtags--executable     ;; use if defined as 
+                     company-gtags--executable-connection)
+       ;; Else search and set as connection local for next uses.
+       (setq-local company-gtags--executable (executable-find "global" t))
+       (let* ((host (file-remote-p default-directory 'host))
+              (symvars (intern (concat host "-vars")))) ;; profile name
+         (connection-local-set-profile-variables
+          symvars
+          `((company-gtags--executable-connection . 
+         (connection-local-set-profiles `(:machine ,host) symvars))
+       company-gtags--executable)))
+   (t     ;; use default value (searched locally)
+    company-gtags-executable)))
 (defun company-gtags--fetch-tags (prefix)
     (let (tags)
@@ -98,7 +125,7 @@ completion."
   (interactive (list 'interactive))
   (cl-case command
     (interactive (company-begin-backend 'company-gtags))
-    (prefix (and company-gtags-executable
+    (prefix (and (company-gtags--executable)
                  (apply #'derived-mode-p company-gtags-modes)
                  (not (company-in-string-or-comment))
diff --git a/company-tng.el b/company-tng.el
index bd325c7..3bfa298 100644
--- a/company-tng.el
+++ b/company-tng.el
@@ -38,14 +38,15 @@
 ;; Usage:
-;; To apply the default configuration for company-tng call
-;; `company-tng-configure-default' from your init script.
+;; Enable `company-tng-mode' with:
-;; You can also configure company-tng manually:
+;;   (add-hook 'after-init-hook 'company-tng-mode)
-;; Add `company-tng-frontend' to `company-frontends':
+;; in your init script. It will set up the required frontend, as well as make a
+;; number of recommended configuration changes described below.
-;;   (add-to-list 'company-frontends 'company-tng-frontend)
+;; To avoid these changes, if you want to tweak everything yourself, customize
+;;`company-tng-auto-configure' to nil.
 ;; We recommend to bind TAB to `company-select-next', S-TAB to
 ;; `company-select-previous', and unbind RET and other now-unnecessary
@@ -74,8 +75,8 @@
 ;; continues typing would be surprising and undesirable, since the candidate 
 ;; already inserted into the buffer.
-;; For this reason `company-tng-configure-default' disables arguments insertion
-;; for a number of popular backends.  If the backend you are using is not among
+;; For this reason `company-tng-mode' by default disables arguments insertion
+;; for a number of popular backends. If the backend you are using is not among
 ;; them, you might have to configure it not to do that yourself.
 ;; YASnippet and company-tng both use TAB, which causes conflicts. The
@@ -105,25 +106,22 @@ confirm the selection and finish the completion."
      (let ((ov (make-overlay (point) (point))))
        (setq company-tng--overlay ov)
-       (overlay-put ov 'priority 2))
-     (advice-add 'company-select-next :before-until 
-     (advice-add 'company-fill-propertize :filter-args 
+       (overlay-put ov 'priority 2)))
-     (let ((ov company-tng--overlay)
-           (selected (nth company-selection company-candidates))
-           (prefix (length company-prefix)))
+     (let* ((ov company-tng--overlay)
+            (selected (and company-selection
+                           (nth company-selection company-candidates)))
+            (prefix (length company-prefix)))
        (move-overlay ov (- (point) prefix) (point))
        (overlay-put ov
                     (if (= prefix 0) 'after-string 'display)
-                    (and company-selection-changed selected))))
+                    selected)))
      (when company-tng--overlay
        (delete-overlay company-tng--overlay)
-       (kill-local-variable 'company-tng--overlay))
-     (advice-remove 'company-select-next 'company-tng--allow-unselected)
-     (advice-remove 'company-fill-propertize 
+       (kill-local-variable 'company-tng--overlay)))
-     (when (and company-selection-changed
+     (when (and company-selection
                 (not (company--company-command-p (this-command-keys))))
        (setq this-command 'company-complete-selection)))))
@@ -133,65 +131,51 @@ confirm the selection and finish the completion."
 (defvar company-rtags-insert-arguments)
 (defvar lsp-enable-snippet)
+(defgroup company-tng nil
+  "Company Tab and Go."
+  :group 'company)
+(defcustom company-tng-auto-configure t
+  "Automatically apply default configure when enable `company-tng-mode'."
+  :type 'boolean)
+(define-obsolete-function-alias 'company-tng-configure-default 
'company-tng-mode "0.9.14"
+  "Applies the default configuration to enable company-tng.")
+(declare-function eglot--snippet-expansion-fn "eglot")
-(defun company-tng-configure-default ()
-  "Applies the default configuration to enable company-tng."
-  (setq company-require-match nil)
-  (setq company-frontends '(company-tng-frontend
-                            company-pseudo-tooltip-frontend
-                            company-echo-metadata-frontend))
-  (setq company-clang-insert-arguments nil
-        company-semantic-insert-arguments nil
-        company-rtags-insert-arguments nil
-        lsp-enable-snippet nil)
-  (advice-add #'eglot--snippet-expansion-fn :override #'ignore)
-  (let ((keymap company-active-map))
-    (define-key keymap [return] nil)
-    (define-key keymap (kbd "RET") nil)
-    (define-key keymap [tab] 'company-select-next)
-    (define-key keymap (kbd "TAB") 'company-select-next)
-    (define-key keymap [backtab] 'company-select-previous)
-    (define-key keymap (kbd "S-TAB") 'company-select-previous)))
-(defun company-tng--allow-unselected (&optional arg)
-  "Advice `company-select-next' to allow for an 'unselected'
-state. Unselected means that no user interaction took place on the
-completion candidates and it's marked by setting
-`company-selection-changed' to nil. This advice will call the underlying
-`company-select-next' unless we need to transition to or from an unselected
-Possible state transitions:
-- (arg > 0) unselected -> first candidate selected
-- (arg < 0) first candidate selected -> unselected
-- (arg < 0 wrap-round) unselected -> last candidate selected
-- (arg < 0 no wrap-round) unselected -> unselected
-There is no need to advice `company-select-previous' because it calls
-`company-select-next' internally."
+(define-minor-mode company-tng-mode
+ "This minor mode enables `company-tng-frontend'."
+  :init-value nil
+  :global t
-   ;; Selecting next
-   ((or (not arg) (> arg 0))
-    (unless company-selection-changed
-      (company-set-selection (1- (or arg 1)) 'force-update)
-      t))
-   ;; Selecting previous
-   ((< arg 0)
-    (when (and company-selection-changed
-               (< (+ company-selection arg) 0))
-      (company-set-selection 0)
-      (setq company-selection-changed nil)
-      (company-call-frontends 'update)
-      t)
-    )))
-(defun company-tng--adjust-tooltip-highlight (args)
-  "Prevent the tooltip from highlighting the current selection if it wasn't
-made explicitly (i.e. `company-selection-changed' is true)"
-  (unless company-selection-changed
-    ;; The 4th arg of `company-fill-propertize' is selected
-    (setf (nth 3 args) nil))
-  args)
+   (company-tng-mode
+    (setq company-frontends
+          (add-to-list 'company-frontends 'company-tng-frontend))
+    (when company-tng-auto-configure
+      (setq company-require-match nil)
+      (setq company-frontends '(company-tng-frontend
+                                company-pseudo-tooltip-frontend
+                                company-echo-metadata-frontend))
+      (setq company-clang-insert-arguments nil
+            company-semantic-insert-arguments nil
+            company-rtags-insert-arguments nil
+            lsp-enable-snippet nil)
+      (advice-add #'eglot--snippet-expansion-fn :override #'ignore)
+      (let ((keymap company-active-map))
+        (define-key keymap [return] nil)
+        (define-key keymap (kbd "RET") nil)
+        (define-key keymap [tab] 'company-select-next)
+        (define-key keymap (kbd "TAB") 'company-select-next)
+        (define-key keymap [backtab] 'company-select-previous)
+        (define-key keymap (kbd "S-TAB") 'company-select-previous)))
+    (setq company-selection-default nil))
+   (t
+    (setq company-frontends
+          (delete 'company-tng-frontend company-frontends))
+    (setq company-selection-default 0))))
 (provide 'company-tng)
 ;;; company-tng.el ends here
diff --git a/company-xcode.el b/company-xcode.el
deleted file mode 100644
index ea89bcb..0000000
--- a/company-xcode.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-;;; company-xcode.el --- company-mode completion backend for Xcode projects
-;; Copyright (C) 2009-2011, 2014  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;; Author: Nikolaj Schumacher
-;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
-;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-;;; Commentary:
-;;; Code:
-(require 'company)
-(require 'cl-lib)
-(defgroup company-xcode nil
-  "Completion backend for Xcode projects."
-  :group 'company)
-(defcustom company-xcode-xcodeindex-executable (executable-find "xcodeindex")
-  "Location of xcodeindex executable."
-  :type 'file)
-(defvar company-xcode-tags nil)
-(defun company-xcode-reset ()
-  "Reset the cached tags."
-  (interactive)
-  (setq company-xcode-tags nil))
-(defcustom company-xcode-types
-  '("Class" "Constant" "Enum" "Macro" "Modeled Class" "Structure"
-    "Type" "Union" "Function")
-  "The types of symbols offered by `company-xcode'.
-No context-enabled completion is available.  Types like methods will be
-offered regardless of whether the class supports them.  The defaults should be
-valid in most contexts."
-  :set (lambda (variable value)
-         (set variable value)
-         (company-xcode-reset))
-  :type '(set (const "Category") (const "Class") (const "Class Method")
-              (const "Class Variable") (const "Constant") (const "Enum")
-              (const "Field") (const "Instance Method")
-              (const "Instance Variable") (const "Macro")
-              (const "Modeled Class") (const "Modeled Method")
-              (const "Modeled Property") (const "Property") (const "Protocol")
-              (const "Structure") (const "Type") (const "Union")
-              (const "Variable") (const "Function")))
-(defvar-local company-xcode-project 'unknown)
-(defun company-xcode-fetch (project-bundle)
-  (setq project-bundle (directory-file-name project-bundle))
-  (message "Retrieving dump from %s..." project-bundle)
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (let ((default-directory (file-name-directory project-bundle)))
-      (call-process company-xcode-xcodeindex-executable nil (current-buffer)
-                    nil "dump" "-project"
-                    (file-name-nondirectory project-bundle) "-quiet")
-      (goto-char (point-min))
-      (let ((regexp (concat "^\\([^\t\n]*\\)\t[^\t\n]*\t"
-                            (regexp-opt company-xcode-types)
-                            "\t[^\t\n]*\t[^\t\n]*"))
-            candidates)
-        (while (re-search-forward regexp nil t)
-          (cl-pushnew (match-string 1) candidates :test #'equal))
-        (message "Retrieving dump from %s...done" project-bundle)
-        candidates))))
-(defun company-xcode-find-project ()
-  (let ((dir (if buffer-file-name
-                 (file-name-directory buffer-file-name)
-               (expand-file-name default-directory)))
-        (prev-dir nil)
-        file)
-    (while (not (or file (equal dir prev-dir)))
-      (setq file (car (directory-files dir t ".xcodeproj\\'" t))
-            prev-dir dir
-            dir (file-name-directory (directory-file-name dir))))
-    file))
-(defun company-xcode-tags ()
-  (when (eq company-xcode-project 'unknown)
-    (setq company-xcode-project (company-xcode-find-project)))
-  (when company-xcode-project
-    (cdr (or (assoc company-xcode-project company-xcode-tags)
-             (car (push (cons company-xcode-project
-                              (company-xcode-fetch company-xcode-project))
-                        company-xcode-tags))))))
-(defun company-xcode (command &optional arg &rest ignored)
-  "`company-mode' completion backend for Xcode projects."
-  (interactive (list 'interactive))
-  (cl-case command
-    (interactive (company-begin-backend 'company-xcode))
-    (prefix (and company-xcode-xcodeindex-executable
-                 (company-xcode-tags)
-                 (not (company-in-string-or-comment))
-                 (or (company-grab-symbol) 'stop)))
-    (candidates (let ((completion-ignore-case nil))
-                  (company-xcode-tags)
-                  (all-completions arg (company-xcode-tags))))))
-(provide 'company-xcode)
-;;; company-xcode.el ends here
diff --git a/company-yasnippet.el b/company-yasnippet.el
index 197ae78..dfc959c 100644
--- a/company-yasnippet.el
+++ b/company-yasnippet.el
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
 (declare-function yas--template-content "yasnippet")
 (declare-function yas--template-expand-env "yasnippet")
 (declare-function yas--warning "yasnippet")
+(declare-function yas-minor-mode "yasnippet")
 (defvar company-yasnippet-annotation-fn
   (lambda (name)
diff --git a/company.el b/company.el
index b96983b..34721b1 100644
--- a/company.el
+++ b/company.el
@@ -280,6 +280,11 @@ This doesn't include the margins and the scroll bar."
   :type 'integer
   :package-version '(company . "0.9.5"))
+(defcustom company-tooltip-width-grow-only nil
+  "When non-nil, the tooltip width is not allowed to decrease."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :package-version '(company . "0.9.14"))
 (defcustom company-tooltip-margin 1
   "Width of margin columns to show around the toolip."
   :type 'integer)
@@ -307,21 +312,19 @@ This doesn't include the margins and the scroll bar."
     (company-capf . "completion-at-point-functions")
     (company-clang . "Clang")
     (company-cmake . "CMake")
-    (company-css . "CSS")
+    (company-css . "CSS (obsolete backend)")
     (company-dabbrev . "dabbrev for plain text")
     (company-dabbrev-code . "dabbrev for code")
-    (company-eclim . "Eclim (an Eclipse interface)")
-    (company-elisp . "Emacs Lisp")
+    (company-elisp . "Emacs Lisp (obsolete backend)")
     (company-etags . "etags")
     (company-files . "Files")
     (company-gtags . "GNU Global")
     (company-ispell . "Ispell")
     (company-keywords . "Programming language keywords")
-    (company-nxml . "nxml")
+    (company-nxml . "nxml (obsolete backend)")
     (company-oddmuse . "Oddmuse")
     (company-semantic . "Semantic")
-    (company-tempo . "Tempo templates")
-    (company-xcode . "Xcode")))
+    (company-tempo . "Tempo templates")))
 (put 'company-safe-backends 'risky-local-variable t)
 (defun company-safe-backends-p (backends)
@@ -339,9 +342,10 @@ This doesn't include the margins and the scroll bar."
                                   (list 'company-nxml))
                               ,@(unless (version<= "26" emacs-version)
                                   (list 'company-css))
-                              company-eclim company-semantic company-clang
-                              company-xcode company-cmake
+                              company-semantic
+                              company-cmake
+                              company-clang
                               (company-dabbrev-code company-gtags company-etags
@@ -544,34 +548,45 @@ prefix it was started from."
 This can be a function do determine if a match is required.
 This can be overridden by the backend, if it returns t or `never' to
-`require-match'.  `company-auto-complete' also takes precedence over this."
+`require-match'.  `company-auto-commit' also takes precedence over this."
   :type '(choice (const :tag "Off" nil)
                  (function :tag "Predicate function")
                  (const :tag "On, if user interaction took place"
                  (const :tag "On" t)))
-(defcustom company-auto-complete nil
-  "Determines when to auto-complete.
-If this is enabled, all characters from `company-auto-complete-chars'
+  'company-auto-complete
+  'company-auto-commit
+  "0.9.14")
+(defcustom company-auto-commit nil
+  "Determines whether to auto-commit.
+If this is enabled, all characters from `company-auto-commit-chars'
 trigger insertion of the selected completion candidate.
 This can also be a function."
   :type '(choice (const :tag "Off" nil)
                  (function :tag "Predicate function")
                  (const :tag "On, if user interaction took place"
-                 (const :tag "On" t)))
+                 (const :tag "On" t))
+  :package-version '(company . "0.9.14"))
-(defcustom company-auto-complete-chars '(?\  ?\) ?.)
-  "Determines which characters trigger auto-completion.
-See `company-auto-complete'.  If this is a string, each string character
-triggers auto-completion.  If it is a list of syntax description characters 
-`modify-syntax-entry'), all characters with that syntax auto-complete.
+  'company-auto-complete-chars
+  'company-auto-commit-chars
+  "0.9.14")
+(defcustom company-auto-commit-chars '(?\  ?\) ?.)
+  "Determines which characters trigger auto-commit.
+See `company-auto-commit'.  If this is a string, each character in it
+triggers auto-commit.  If it is a list of syntax description characters (see
+`modify-syntax-entry'), characters with any of those syntaxes do that.
 This can also be a function, which is called with the new input and should
-return non-nil if company should auto-complete.
+return non-nil if company should auto-commit.
-A character that is part of a valid candidate never triggers auto-completion."
+A character that is part of a valid completion never triggers auto-commit."
   :type '(choice (string :tag "Characters")
                  (set :tag "Syntax"
                       (const :tag "Whitespace" ?\ )
@@ -588,7 +603,8 @@ A character that is part of a valid candidate never 
triggers auto-completion."
                       (const :tag "Character-quote." ?/)
                       (const :tag "Generic string fence." ?|)
                       (const :tag "Generic comment fence." ?!))
-                 (function :tag "Predicate function")))
+                 (function :tag "Predicate function"))
+  :package-version '(company . "0.9.14"))
 (defcustom company-idle-delay .5
   "The idle delay in seconds until completion starts automatically.
@@ -741,9 +757,10 @@ asynchronous call into synchronous.")
                             (if (consp company-backend)
-                                (company--group-lighter (nth company-selection
-                                                        company-lighter-base)
+                                (when company-selection
+                                  (company--group-lighter (nth 
                               (symbol-name company-backend)))
   "Mode line lighter for Company.
@@ -1092,7 +1109,9 @@ matches IDLE-BEGIN-AFTER-RE, return it wrapped in a cons."
 (defvar-local company-common nil)
-(defvar-local company-selection 0)
+(defvar company-selection-default 0
+  "The default value for `company-selection'.")
+(defvar-local company-selection company-selection-default)
 (defvar-local company-selection-changed nil)
@@ -1101,10 +1120,6 @@ matches IDLE-BEGIN-AFTER-RE, return it wrapped in a 
 (defvar-local company--manual-prefix nil)
-(defvar company--auto-completion nil
-  "Non-nil when current candidate is being inserted automatically.
-Controlled by `company-auto-complete'.")
 (defvar-local company--point-max nil)
 (defvar-local company-point nil)
@@ -1180,10 +1195,21 @@ can retrieve meta-data for them."
                     frontend (error-message-string err) command)))))
 (defun company-set-selection (selection &optional force-update)
-  (setq selection
-        (if company-selection-wrap-around
-            (mod selection company-candidates-length)
-          (max 0 (min (1- company-candidates-length) selection))))
+  "Set SELECTION for company candidates.
+This will update `company-selection' and related variable.
+Only update when the current selection is changed, but optionally always
+update if FORCE-UPDATE."
+  (when selection
+    (let* ((offset (if company-selection-default 0 1))
+           (company-candidates-length
+            (+ company-candidates-length offset)))
+      (setq selection (+ selection offset))
+      (setq selection
+            (if company-selection-wrap-around
+                (mod selection company-candidates-length)
+              (max 0 (min (1- company-candidates-length) selection))))
+      (setq selection (unless (< selection offset)
+                        (- selection offset)))))
   (when (or force-update (not (equal selection company-selection)))
     (setq company-selection selection
           company-selection-changed t)
@@ -1202,10 +1228,11 @@ can retrieve meta-data for them."
   (setq company-candidates-length (length candidates))
   (if company-selection-changed
       ;; Try to restore the selection
-      (let ((selected (nth company-selection company-candidates)))
-        (setq company-selection 0
-              company-candidates candidates)
+      (let ((selected (and company-selection
+                           (nth company-selection company-candidates))))
+        (setq company-candidates candidates)
         (when selected
+          (setq company-selection 0)
           (catch 'found
             (while candidates
               (let ((candidate (pop candidates)))
@@ -1214,9 +1241,9 @@ can retrieve meta-data for them."
                                   (company-call-backend 'annotation selected)))
                   (throw 'found t)))
               (cl-incf company-selection))
-            (setq company-selection 0
+            (setq company-selection company-selection-default
                   company-selection-changed nil))))
-    (setq company-selection 0
+    (setq company-selection company-selection-default
           company-candidates candidates))
   ;; Calculate common.
   (let ((completion-ignore-case (company-call-backend 'ignore-case)))
@@ -1505,18 +1532,18 @@ prefix match (same case) will be prioritized."
                  (funcall company-require-match)
                (eq company-require-match t))))))
-(defun company-auto-complete-p (input)
-  "Return non-nil if INPUT should trigger auto-completion."
-  (and (if (functionp company-auto-complete)
-           (funcall company-auto-complete)
-         company-auto-complete)
-       (if (functionp company-auto-complete-chars)
-           (funcall company-auto-complete-chars input)
-         (if (consp company-auto-complete-chars)
+(defun company-auto-commit-p (input)
+  "Return non-nil if INPUT should trigger auto-commit."
+  (and (if (functionp company-auto-commit)
+           (funcall company-auto-commit)
+         company-auto-commit)
+       (if (functionp company-auto-commit-chars)
+           (funcall company-auto-commit-chars input)
+         (if (consp company-auto-commit-chars)
              (memq (char-syntax (string-to-char input))
-                   company-auto-complete-chars)
+                   company-auto-commit-chars)
            (string-match (regexp-quote (substring input 0 1))
-                          company-auto-complete-chars)))))
+                          company-auto-commit-chars)))))
 (defun company--incremental-p ()
   (and (> (point) company-point)
@@ -1580,12 +1607,11 @@ prefix match (same case) will be prioritized."
       (company-update-candidates c)
      ((and (characterp last-command-event)
-           (company-auto-complete-p (string last-command-event)))
-      ;; auto-complete
+           (company-auto-commit-p (string last-command-event)))
+      ;; auto-commit
         (goto-char company-point)
-        (let ((company--auto-completion t))
-          (company-complete-selection))
+        (company-complete-selection)
      ((not (company--incremental-p))
@@ -1655,7 +1681,7 @@ prefix match (same case) will be prioritized."
           company-candidates-cache nil
           company-candidates-predicate nil
           company-common nil
-          company-selection 0
+          company-selection company-selection-default
           company-selection-changed nil
           company--manual-action nil
           company--manual-prefix nil
@@ -1819,6 +1845,7 @@ each one wraps a part of the input string."
 (defun company--permutations (lst)
   (if (not lst)
+    ;; FIXME: Replace with `mapcan' in Emacs 26.
      (lambda (e)
        (mapcar (lambda (perm) (cons e perm))
@@ -1859,11 +1886,12 @@ each one wraps a part of the input string."
     (company-update-candidates cc)))
 (defun company--search-update-string (new)
-  (let* ((pos (company--search new (nthcdr company-selection 
+  (let* ((selection (or company-selection 0))
+         (pos (company--search new (nthcdr selection company-candidates))))
     (if (null pos)
       (setq company-search-string new)
-      (company-set-selection (+ company-selection pos) t))))
+      (company-set-selection (+ selection pos) t))))
 (defun company--search-assert-input ()
@@ -1874,24 +1902,25 @@ each one wraps a part of the input string."
   "Repeat the incremental search in completion candidates forward."
-  (let ((pos (company--search company-search-string
-                              (cdr (nthcdr company-selection
-                                           company-candidates)))))
+  (let* ((selection (or company-selection 0))
+         (pos (company--search company-search-string
+                              (cdr (nthcdr selection company-candidates)))))
     (if (null pos)
-      (company-set-selection (+ company-selection pos 1) t))))
+      (company-set-selection (+ selection pos 1) t))))
 (defun company-search-repeat-backward ()
   "Repeat the incremental search in completion candidates backwards."
-  (let ((pos (company--search company-search-string
+  (let* ((selection (or company-selection 0))
+         (pos (company--search company-search-string
                               (nthcdr (- company-candidates-length
-                                         company-selection)
+                                         selection)
                                       (reverse company-candidates)))))
     (if (null pos)
-      (company-set-selection (- company-selection pos 1) t))))
+      (company-set-selection (- selection pos 1) t))))
 (defun company-search-toggle-filtering ()
   "Toggle `company-search-filtering'."
@@ -2016,14 +2045,6 @@ uses the search string to filter the completion 
   (company-search-mode 1))
-(defvar company-filter-map
-  (let ((keymap (make-keymap)))
-    (define-key keymap [remap company-search-printing-char]
-      'company-filter-printing-char)
-    (set-keymap-parent keymap company-search-map)
-    keymap)
-  "Keymap used for incrementally searching the completion candidates.")
 (defun company-filter-candidates ()
   "Start filtering the completion candidates incrementally.
 This works the same way as `company-search-candidates' immediately
@@ -2037,10 +2058,16 @@ followed by `company-search-toggle-filtering'."
 (defun company-select-next (&optional arg)
   "Select the next candidate in the list.
-With ARG, move by that many elements."
+With ARG, move by that many elements.
+When `company-selection-default' is nil, add a special pseudo candidates
+meant for no selection."
   (interactive "p")
   (when (company-manual-begin)
-    (company-set-selection (+ (or arg 1) company-selection))))
+    (let ((selection (+ (or arg 1)
+                        (or company-selection
+                            company-selection-default
+                            -1))))
+      (company-set-selection selection))))
 (defun company-select-previous (&optional arg)
   "Select the previous candidate in the list.
@@ -2071,6 +2098,16 @@ With ARG, move by that many elements."
+(defun company-select-first ()
+  "Select the first completion candidate."
+  (interactive)
+  (company-set-selection 0))
+(defun company-select-last ()
+  "Select the last completion candidate."
+  (interactive)
+  (company-set-selection (1- company-candidates-length)))
 (defun company-next-page ()
   "Select the candidate one page further."
@@ -2149,7 +2186,7 @@ With ARG, move by that many elements."
 (defun company-complete-selection ()
   "Insert the selected candidate."
-  (when (company-manual-begin)
+  (when (and (company-manual-begin) company-selection)
     (let ((result (nth company-selection company-candidates)))
       (company-finish result))))
@@ -2277,7 +2314,7 @@ character, stripping the modifiers.  That character must 
be a digit."
 (defvar-local company-last-metadata nil)
 (defun company-fetch-metadata ()
-  (let ((selected (nth company-selection company-candidates)))
+  (let ((selected (nth (or company-selection 0) company-candidates)))
     (unless (eq selected (car company-last-metadata))
       (setq company-last-metadata
             (cons selected (company-call-backend 'meta selected))))
@@ -2328,9 +2365,10 @@ character, stripping the modifiers.  That character must 
be a digit."
 (defun company-show-doc-buffer ()
   "Temporarily show the documentation buffer for the selection."
-  (let (other-window-scroll-buffer)
+  (let ((other-window-scroll-buffer)
+        (selection (or company-selection 0)))
-      (let* ((selected (nth company-selection company-candidates))
+      (let* ((selected (nth selection company-candidates))
              (doc-buffer (or (company-call-backend 'doc-buffer selected)
                              (user-error "No documentation available")))
@@ -2438,6 +2476,7 @@ If SHOW-VERSION is non-nil, show the version in the echo 
                           thereis (let ((company-backend b))
                                     (setq backend b)
                                     (company-call-backend 'prefix))))
+         (c-a-p-f completion-at-point-functions)
          cc annotations)
     (when (or (stringp prefix) (consp prefix))
       (let ((company-backend backend))
@@ -2464,7 +2503,7 @@ If SHOW-VERSION is non-nil, show the version in the echo 
               (memq 'company-capf backend)
             (eq backend 'company-capf))
       (insert "Value of c-a-p-f: "
-              (pp-to-string completion-at-point-functions)))
+              (pp-to-string c-a-p-f)))
     (insert "Major mode: " mode)
     (insert "\n")
     (insert "Prefix: " (pp-to-string prefix))
@@ -2486,6 +2525,8 @@ If SHOW-VERSION is non-nil, show the version in the echo 
 (defvar-local company-tooltip-offset 0)
+(defvar-local company--tooltip-current-width 0)
 (defun company-tooltip--lines-update-offset (selection num-lines limit)
   (cl-decf limit 2)
   (setq company-tooltip-offset
@@ -2637,7 +2678,10 @@ If SHOW-VERSION is non-nil, show the version in the echo 
       ((match-beginning 1)
        ;; FIXME: Better char for 'non-printable'?
        ;; We shouldn't get any of these, but sometimes we might.
-       "\u2017")
+       ;; The official "replacement character" is not supported by some fonts.
+       ;;"\ufffd"
+       "?"
+       )
       ((match-beginning 2)
        ;; Zero-width non-breakable space.
@@ -2712,6 +2756,27 @@ If SHOW-VERSION is non-nil, show the version in the echo 
       (cl-decf ww (1- (length (aref buffer-display-table ?\n)))))
+(defun company--face-attribute (face attr)
+  ;; Like `face-attribute', but accounts for faces that have been remapped to
+  ;; another face, a list of faces, or a face spec.
+  (cond ((null face) nil)
+        ((symbolp face)
+         (let ((remap (cdr (assq face face-remapping-alist))))
+           (if remap
+               (company--face-attribute
+                ;; Faces can be remapped to their unremapped selves, but that
+                ;; would cause us infinite recursion.
+                (if (listp remap) (remq face remap) remap)
+                attr)
+             (face-attribute face attr nil t))))
+        ((keywordp (car-safe face))
+         (or (plist-get face attr)
+             (company--face-attribute (plist-get face :inherit) attr)))
+        ((listp face)
+         (cl-find-if #'stringp
+                     (mapcar (lambda (f) (company--face-attribute f attr))
+                             face)))))
 (defun company--replacement-string (lines old column nl &optional align-top)
   (cl-decf column company-tooltip-margin)
@@ -2744,9 +2809,21 @@ If SHOW-VERSION is non-nil, show the version in the echo 
                     (company--offset-line (pop lines) offset))
-    (let ((str (concat (when nl " \n")
-                       (mapconcat 'identity (nreverse new) "\n")
-                       "\n")))
+    ;; XXX: Also see branch 'more-precise-extend'.
+    (let* ((nl-face (list
+                     :extend t
+                     :inverse-video nil
+                     :background (or (company--face-attribute 'default 
+                                     (face-attribute 'default :background nil 
+           (str (apply #'concat
+                       (when nl " \n")
+                       (cl-mapcan
+                        ;; 
+                        (lambda (line) (list line (propertize "\n" 'face 
+                        (nreverse new)))))
+      ;; Use add-face-text-property in Emacs 24.4
+      ;; https://debbugs.gnu.org/38563
+      (font-lock-append-text-property 0 (length str) 'face 'default str)
       (when nl (put-text-property 0 1 'cursor t str))
@@ -2770,23 +2847,26 @@ If SHOW-VERSION is non-nil, show the version in the 
echo area."
     (when (< len (+ company-tooltip-offset limit))
       (setq company-tooltip-offset 0))
-    ;; Scroll to offset.
-    (if (eq company-tooltip-offset-display 'lines)
-        (setq limit (company-tooltip--lines-update-offset selection len limit))
-      (company-tooltip--simple-update-offset selection len limit))
+    (let ((selection (or selection 0)))
+      ;; Scroll to offset.
+      (if (eq company-tooltip-offset-display 'lines)
+          (setq limit (company-tooltip--lines-update-offset selection len 
+        (company-tooltip--simple-update-offset selection len limit))
+      (cond
+       ((eq company-tooltip-offset-display 'scrollbar)
+        (setq scrollbar-bounds (company--scrollbar-bounds 
+                                                          limit len)))
+       ((eq company-tooltip-offset-display 'lines)
+        (when (> company-tooltip-offset 0)
+          (setq previous (format "...(%d)" company-tooltip-offset)))
+        (setq remainder (- len limit company-tooltip-offset)
+              remainder (when (> remainder 0)
+                          (setq remainder (format "...(%d)" remainder)))))))
+    (when selection
+      (cl-decf selection company-tooltip-offset))
-    (cond
-     ((eq company-tooltip-offset-display 'scrollbar)
-      (setq scrollbar-bounds (company--scrollbar-bounds company-tooltip-offset
-                                                        limit len)))
-     ((eq company-tooltip-offset-display 'lines)
-      (when (> company-tooltip-offset 0)
-        (setq previous (format "...(%d)" company-tooltip-offset)))
-      (setq remainder (- len limit company-tooltip-offset)
-            remainder (when (> remainder 0)
-                        (setq remainder (format "...(%d)" remainder))))))
-    (cl-decf selection company-tooltip-offset)
     (setq width (max (length previous) (length remainder))
           lines (nthcdr company-tooltip-offset company-candidates)
           len (min limit len)
@@ -2803,6 +2883,7 @@ If SHOW-VERSION is non-nil, show the version in the echo 
           (setq annotation (company--clean-string annotation))
           (when company-tooltip-align-annotations
             ;; `lisp-completion-at-point' adds a space.
+            ;; FIXME: Use `string-trim' in Emacs 24.4
             (setq annotation (comment-string-strip annotation t nil))))
         (push (cons value annotation) items)
         (setq width (max (+ (length value)
@@ -2818,6 +2899,10 @@ If SHOW-VERSION is non-nil, show the version in the echo 
                               (+ 2 width)
+    (when company-tooltip-width-grow-only
+      (setq width (max company--tooltip-current-width width))
+      (setq company--tooltip-current-width width))
     (let ((items (nreverse items))
           (numbered (if company-show-numbers 0 99999))
@@ -2955,14 +3040,12 @@ Returns a negative number if the tooltip should be 
displayed above point."
       (overlay-put ov 'priority 111)
       ;; No (extra) prefix for the first line.
       (overlay-put ov 'line-prefix "")
-      ;; `display' is better
-      ;; (http://debbugs.gnu.org/18285, http://debbugs.gnu.org/20847),
-      ;; but it doesn't work on 0-length overlays.
-      (if (< (overlay-start ov) (overlay-end ov))
-          (overlay-put ov 'display disp)
-        (overlay-put ov 'after-string disp)
-        (overlay-put ov 'invisible t))
-      (overlay-put ov 'face 'default)
+      (overlay-put ov 'after-string disp)
+      ;; `display' is better than `invisible':
+      ;; https://debbugs.gnu.org/18285
+      ;; https://debbugs.gnu.org/20847
+      ;; https://debbugs.gnu.org/42521
+      (overlay-put ov 'display "")
       (overlay-put ov 'window (selected-window)))))
 (defun company-pseudo-tooltip-guard ()
@@ -2996,6 +3079,7 @@ Returns a negative number if the tooltip should be 
displayed above point."
        (overlay-put company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay
                     'company-guard (company-pseudo-tooltip-guard)))
+    (show (setq company--tooltip-current-width 0))
     (hide (company-pseudo-tooltip-hide)
           (setq company-tooltip-offset 0))
     (update (when (overlayp company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay)
@@ -3089,8 +3173,10 @@ Delay is determined by `company-tooltip-idle-delay'."
   "`company-mode' frontend showing the selection as if it had been inserted."
   (pcase command
     (`pre-command (company-preview-hide))
-    (`post-command (company-preview-show-at-point (point)
-                                                  (nth company-selection 
+    (`post-command
+     (when company-selection
+       (company-preview-show-at-point (point)
+                                      (nth company-selection 
     (`hide (company-preview-hide))))
 (defun company-preview-if-just-one-frontend (command)
@@ -3166,59 +3252,61 @@ Delay is determined by `company-tooltip-idle-delay'."
         (run-with-idle-timer company-echo-delay nil 'company-echo-show 
 (defun company-echo-format ()
-  (let ((limit (window-body-width (minibuffer-window)))
-        (len -1)
-        ;; Roll to selection.
-        (candidates (nthcdr company-selection company-candidates))
-        (i (if company-show-numbers company-selection 99999))
-        comp msg)
-    (while candidates
-      (setq comp (company-reformat (company--clean-string (pop candidates)))
-            len (+ len 1 (length comp)))
-      (if (< i 10)
-          ;; Add number.
-          (progn
-            (setq comp (propertize (format "%d: %s" i comp)
-                                   'face 'company-echo))
-            (cl-incf len 3)
-            (cl-incf i)
-            (add-text-properties 3 (+ 3 (string-width company-common))
-                                 '(face company-echo-common) comp))
-        (setq comp (propertize comp 'face 'company-echo))
-        (add-text-properties 0 (string-width company-common)
-                             '(face company-echo-common) comp))
-      (if (>= len limit)
-          (setq candidates nil)
-        (push comp msg)))
-    (mapconcat 'identity (nreverse msg) " ")))
+  (let ((selection (or company-selection 0)))
+    (let ((limit (window-body-width (minibuffer-window)))
+          (len -1)
+          ;; Roll to selection.
+          (candidates (nthcdr selection company-candidates))
+          (i (if company-show-numbers selection 99999))
+          comp msg)
+      (while candidates
+        (setq comp (company-reformat (company--clean-string (pop candidates)))
+              len (+ len 1 (length comp)))
+        (if (< i 10)
+            ;; Add number.
+            (progn
+              (setq comp (propertize (format "%d: %s" i comp)
+                                     'face 'company-echo))
+              (cl-incf len 3)
+              (cl-incf i)
+              ;; FIXME: Add support for the `match' backend action, and thus,
+              ;; non-prefix matches.
+              (add-text-properties 3 (+ 3 (string-width (or company-common 
+                                   '(face company-echo-common) comp))
+          (setq comp (propertize comp 'face 'company-echo))
+          (add-text-properties 0 (string-width (or company-common ""))
+                               '(face company-echo-common) comp))
+        (if (>= len limit)
+            (setq candidates nil)
+          (push comp msg)))
+      (mapconcat 'identity (nreverse msg) " "))))
 (defun company-echo-strip-common-format ()
-  (let ((limit (window-body-width (minibuffer-window)))
-        (len (+ (length company-prefix) 2))
-        ;; Roll to selection.
-        (candidates (nthcdr company-selection company-candidates))
-        (i (if company-show-numbers company-selection 99999))
-        msg comp)
-    (while candidates
-      (setq comp (company-strip-prefix (pop candidates))
-            len (+ len 2 (length comp)))
-      (when (< i 10)
-        ;; Add number.
-        (setq comp (format "%s (%d)" comp i))
-        (cl-incf len 4)
-        (cl-incf i))
-      (if (>= len limit)
-          (setq candidates nil)
-        (push (propertize comp 'face 'company-echo) msg)))
-    (concat (propertize company-prefix 'face 'company-echo-common) "{"
-            (mapconcat 'identity (nreverse msg) ", ")
-            "}")))
+  (let ((selection (or company-selection 0)))
+    (let ((limit (window-body-width (minibuffer-window)))
+          (len (+ (length company-prefix) 2))
+          ;; Roll to selection.
+          (candidates (nthcdr selection company-candidates))
+          (i (if company-show-numbers selection 99999))
+          msg comp)
+      (while candidates
+        (setq comp (company-strip-prefix (pop candidates))
+              len (+ len 2 (length comp)))
+        (when (< i 10)
+          ;; Add number.
+          (setq comp (format "%s (%d)" comp i))
+          (cl-incf len 4)
+          (cl-incf i))
+        (if (>= len limit)
+            (setq candidates nil)
+          (push (propertize comp 'face 'company-echo) msg)))
+      (concat (propertize company-prefix 'face 'company-echo-common) "{"
+              (mapconcat 'identity (nreverse msg) ", ")
+              "}"))))
 (defun company-echo-hide ()
   (unless (equal company-echo-last-msg "")
diff --git a/test/core-tests.el b/test/core-tests.el
index 63feca2..5b8b9d4 100644
--- a/test/core-tests.el
+++ b/test/core-tests.el
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@
     (insert "ab")
     (let (company-frontends
-          company-auto-complete
+          company-auto-commit
           (company-require-match t)
            (list (lambda (command &optional _)
@@ -358,13 +358,13 @@
       (should (string= "a" (buffer-string)))
       (should (null company-candidates)))))
-(ert-deftest company-auto-complete-explicit ()
+(ert-deftest company-auto-commit-explicit ()
     (insert "ab")
     (let (company-frontends
-          (company-auto-complete 'company-explicit-action-p)
-          (company-auto-complete-chars '(? ))
+          (company-auto-commit 'company-explicit-action-p)
+          (company-auto-commit-chars '(? ))
            (list (lambda (command &optional _)
                    (cl-case command
@@ -376,14 +376,14 @@
         (company-call 'self-insert-command 1))
       (should (string= "abcd " (buffer-string))))))
-(ert-deftest company-auto-complete-with-electric-pair ()
+(ert-deftest company-auto-commit-with-electric-pair ()
     (insert "foo(ab)")
     (forward-char -1)
     (let (company-frontends
-          (company-auto-complete t)
-          (company-auto-complete-chars '(? ?\)))
+          (company-auto-commit t)
+          (company-auto-commit-chars '(? ?\)))
            (list (lambda (command &optional _)
                    (cl-case command
@@ -401,13 +401,13 @@
           (electric-pair-mode -1)))
       (should (string= "foo(abcd)" (buffer-string))))))
-(ert-deftest company-no-auto-complete-when-idle ()
+(ert-deftest company-no-auto-commit-when-idle ()
     (insert "ab")
     (let (company-frontends
-          (company-auto-complete 'company-explicit-action-p)
-          (company-auto-complete-chars '(? ))
+          (company-auto-commit 'company-explicit-action-p)
+          (company-auto-commit-chars '(? ))
           (company-minimum-prefix-length 2)
            (list (lambda (command &optional _)
@@ -591,3 +591,128 @@
       (set-window-buffer nil (current-buffer))
       (should (= (company--column) 0))
       (should (= (company--row) 2)))))
+(ert-deftest company-set-nil-selection ()
+  (let ((company-selection 1)
+        (company-candidates-length 10)
+        (company-selection-changed nil)
+        (company-frontends nil))
+    (company-set-selection nil)
+    (should (eq company-selection nil))
+    (should (eq company-selection-changed t))))
+(ert-deftest company-update-candidates-nil-selection ()
+  (let ((company-selection nil)
+        (company-backend #'ignore)
+        company-candidates
+        company-candidates-length
+        company-candidates-cache
+        company-common
+        company-selection-default
+        (company-prefix "ab"))
+    (company-update-candidates '("abcd" "abcde" "abcdf"))
+    (should (null company-selection)))
+  (let* ((company-selection 1)
+         (company-backend #'ignore)
+         (company-candidates '("abc" "abdc" "abe"))
+         company-candidates-length
+         company-candidates-cache
+         company-common
+         company-selection-default
+         (company-prefix "ab")
+         (company-selection-changed t))
+    (company-update-candidates '("abcd" "abcde" "abcdf"))
+    (should (null company-selection))))
+(ert-deftest company-select-next ()
+  (cl-letf (((symbol-function 'company-manual-begin) (lambda () t))
+            (company-selection 1)
+            (company-candidates-length 10)
+            (company-selection-default 0)
+            (company-selection-wrap-around nil)
+            (company-frontends nil))
+    ;; Not wrap
+    (company-select-next 5)
+    (should (eq company-selection 6))
+    (company-select-next 5)
+    (should (eq company-selection 9))
+    (company-select-next -2)
+    (should (eq company-selection 7))
+    ;; Nil selection
+    (setq company-selection nil)
+    (company-select-next 5)
+    (should (eq company-selection 5))
+    (setq company-selection nil)
+    (company-select-next -1)
+    (should (eq company-selection 0))
+    ;; Wrap
+    (setq company-selection-wrap-around t)
+    (setq company-selection 7)
+    (company-select-next 5)
+    (should (eq company-selection 2))
+    ;; Nil selection
+    (setq company-selection nil)
+    (company-select-next 11)
+    (should (eq company-selection 1))
+    (setq company-selection nil)
+    (company-select-next -10)
+    (should (eq company-selection 0))))
+(ert-deftest company-select-next-default-selection-nil ()
+  (cl-letf (((symbol-function 'company-manual-begin) (lambda () t))
+            (company-selection 1)
+            (company-candidates-length 10)
+            (company-selection-default nil)
+            (company-selection-wrap-around nil)
+            (company-frontends nil))
+    ;; Not wrap
+    (company-select-next 5)
+    (should (eq company-selection 6))
+    (company-select-next 5)
+    (should (eq company-selection 9))
+    (company-select-next -10)
+    (should (eq company-selection nil))
+    ;; Nil selection
+    (setq company-selection nil)
+    (company-select-next 5)
+    (should (eq company-selection 4))
+    (setq company-selection nil)
+    (company-select-next -1)
+    (should (eq company-selection nil))
+    ;; Wrap
+    (setq company-selection-wrap-around t)
+    (setq company-selection 7)
+    (company-select-next 5)
+    (should (eq company-selection 1))
+    (setq company-selection 0)
+    (company-select-next -1)
+    (should (eq company-selection nil))
+    (setq company-selection 0)
+    (company-select-next -11)
+    (should (eq company-selection 0))
+    ;; Nil selection
+    (setq company-selection nil)
+    (company-select-next 11)
+    (should (eq company-selection nil))
+    (setq company-selection nil)
+    (company-select-next -10)
+    (should (eq company-selection 0))))
+;;; core-tests.el ends here.
diff --git a/test/frontends-tests.el b/test/frontends-tests.el
index e74b024..199467a 100644
--- a/test/frontends-tests.el
+++ b/test/frontends-tests.el
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@
         (company-candidates-length 2)
         (company-backend 'ignore))
-    (should (equal '(" avalis‗e "
+    (should (equal '(" avalis?e "
                      " avatar   ")
                    (company--create-lines 0 999)))))

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