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[elpa] externals/auctex 4384639 11/25: Add new style/changes.el

From: Tassilo Horn
Subject: [elpa] externals/auctex 4384639 11/25: Add new style/changes.el
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 2021 11:44:41 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/auctex
commit 438463972df9c85a951f45d07f20367d8a19252a
Author: Arash Esbati <arash@gnu.org>
Commit: Arash Esbati <arash@gnu.org>

    Add new style/changes.el
    * Makefile.in (STYLESRC): Add new style.
    * style/changes.el: New file.
 Makefile.in      |   2 +-
 style/changes.el | 242 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 243 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/Makefile.in b/Makefile.in
index 8822ae4..1eda319 100644
--- a/Makefile.in
+++ b/Makefile.in
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ STYLESRC = style/prosper.el \
           style/ltxguide.el  style/revtex4-2.el style/overpic.el \
           style/tex-live.el  style/algorithm.el style/algpseudocode.el \
           style/appendix.el  style/scholax.el   style/extramarks.el \
-          style/truncate.el  style/footnotehyper.el
+          style/truncate.el  style/changes.el   style/footnotehyper.el
 STYLEELC = $(STYLESRC:.el=.elc)
diff --git a/style/changes.el b/style/changes.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c3bff5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/style/changes.el
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+;;; changes.el --- AUCTeX style for `changes.sty'  -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
+;; Copyright (C) 2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Arash Esbati <arash@gnu.org>
+;; Maintainer: auctex-devel@gnu.org
+;; Created: 2021-01-31
+;; Keywords: tex
+;; This file is part of AUCTeX.
+;; AUCTeX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; AUCTeX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with AUCTeX; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
+;; Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
+;; MA 02110-1301 USA.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This file adds support for `changes.sty' v4.0.0. from 2021/01/28.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'tex)
+(require 'latex)
+;; Silence the compiler:
+(declare-function font-latex-add-keywords
+                  "font-latex"
+                  (keywords class))
+(defvar LaTeX-xcolor-base-colors)
+(defvar LaTeX-truncate-package-options)
+(defvar LaTeX-ulem-package-options)
+(defvar LaTeX-xcolor-package-options)
+(TeX-auto-add-type "changes-definechangesauthor" "LaTeX")
+(defvar LaTeX-changes-definechangesauthor-regexp
+  `(,(concat "\\\\definechangesauthor"
+             "[ \t\n\r%]*"
+             "\\(?:\\[[^]]*\\]\\)?"
+             "[ \t\n\r%]*"
+             "{\\([^}]+\\)}")
+    1 LaTeX-auto-changes-definechangesauthor)
+  "Matches the id defined by \\definechangesauthor.")
+(defun LaTeX-changes-auto-prepare ()
+  "Reset `LaTeX-auto-changes-definechangesauthor'."
+  (setq LaTeX-auto-changes-definechangesauthor nil))
+(add-hook 'TeX-auto-prepare-hook #'LaTeX-changes-auto-prepare t)
+(add-hook 'TeX-update-style-hook #'TeX-auto-parse t)
+(defun LaTeX-arg-changes-definechangesauthor (optional)
+  "Prompt for the arguments of \\definechangesauthor macro.
+While reading the first optional argument, remove space from
+`crm-local-completion-map' and `minibuffer-local-completion-map'.
+Insert the argument in brackets if OPTIONAL is non-nil."
+  (let* ((crm-local-completion-map
+          (remove (assoc 32 crm-local-completion-map)
+                  crm-local-completion-map))
+         (minibuffer-local-completion-map
+          (remove (assoc 32 minibuffer-local-completion-map)
+                  minibuffer-local-completion-map))
+         (TeX-last-optional-rejected nil)
+         (keyval (LaTeX-check-insert-macro-default-style
+                  (TeX-read-key-val
+                   t
+                   `(("name")
+                     ("color"
+                      ,(cond
+                        ((and (member "xcolor" (TeX-style-list))
+                              (fboundp 'LaTeX-xcolor-definecolor-list))
+                         (mapcar #'car (LaTeX-xcolor-definecolor-list)))
+                        ((and (member "color" (TeX-style-list))
+                              (fboundp 'LaTeX-color-definecolor-list))
+                         (mapcar #'car (LaTeX-color-definecolor-list)))
+                        (t nil)))))))
+         (TeX-arg-opening-brace LaTeX-optop)
+         (TeX-arg-closing-brace LaTeX-optcl))
+    (when keyval (TeX-argument-insert keyval t)))
+  (let ((id (TeX-read-string
+             (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Author ID"))))
+    (LaTeX-add-changes-definechangesauthors id)
+    (TeX-argument-insert id optional)))
+(defun LaTeX-arg-changes-markup (optional)
+  "Prompt for the argument of various markup commands.
+Remove space from `crm-local-completion-map' and
+`minibuffer-local-completion-map' while reading user input.
+Insert the argument in brackets if OPTIONAL is non-nil."
+  (let* ((crm-local-completion-map
+          (remove (assoc 32 crm-local-completion-map)
+                  crm-local-completion-map))
+         (minibuffer-local-completion-map
+          (remove (assoc 32 minibuffer-local-completion-map)
+                  minibuffer-local-completion-map))
+         (keyval (TeX-read-key-val
+                  optional
+                  `(("id" ,(mapcar #'car
+                                   (LaTeX-changes-definechangesauthor-list)))
+                    ("comment")))))
+    (TeX-argument-insert keyval optional)))
+ "changes"
+ (lambda ()
+   ;; Add changes to the parser
+   (TeX-auto-add-regexp LaTeX-changes-definechangesauthor-regexp)
+   ;; Run AUCTeX style hooks based on given package options: This is
+   ;; more complicated since we're only looking after "ulem" or
+   ;; "xcolor" and don't really care about the given options to them:
+   (when (assoc "changes" LaTeX-provided-package-options)
+     (dolist (pkg '("ulem" "xcolor"))
+       (let ((opts (cdr (assoc "changes"
+                               LaTeX-provided-package-options))))
+         (when (string-match (concat "\\<" pkg "\\>")
+                             (mapconcat #'identity opts "|"))
+           (TeX-run-style-hooks pkg)))))
+   ;; truncate.sty is always loaded:
+   (TeX-run-style-hooks "truncate")
+   (TeX-add-symbols
+    ;; 4.2 Change management
+    '("added"    [ LaTeX-arg-changes-markup ] 1)
+    '("deleted"  [ LaTeX-arg-changes-markup ] 1)
+    '("replaced" [ LaTeX-arg-changes-markup ] 2)
+    ;; 4.3 Highlighting and Comments
+    '("highlight" [ LaTeX-arg-changes-markup ] 1)
+    '("comment"
+      [TeX-arg-eval
+       TeX-read-key-val t `(("id"
+                             ,(mapcar #'car
+      1)
+    ;; 4.4 Overview of changes
+    '("listofchanges"
+      [TeX-arg-key-val (("style" ("list" "summary" "compactsummary"))
+                        ("title")
+                        ("show" ("all" "added" "deleted"
+                                 "replaced" "highlight" "comment")))])
+    ;; 4.5 Author management \definechangesauthor
+    '("definechangesauthor" LaTeX-arg-changes-definechangesauthor)
+    ;; 4.6 Adaption of the output:
+    '("setaddedmarkup" "Definition")
+    '("setdeletedmarkup" "Definition")
+    '("sethighlightmarkup" "Definition")
+    '("setcommentmarkup" "Definition")
+    '("setauthormarkup" "Definition")
+    '("setauthormarkupposition"
+      (TeX-arg-eval completing-read
+                    (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Position")
+                    '("left" "right")))
+    '("setauthormarktext"
+      (TeX-arg-eval completing-read
+                    (TeX-argument-prompt optional nil "Markup")
+                    '("id" "name")))
+    '("settruncatewidth" (TeX-arg-length "Width"))
+    '("setsummarywidth" (TeX-arg-length "Width"))
+    '("setsummarytowidth" "Text")
+    '("setlocextension" "Extension")
+    '("setsocextension" "Extension"))
+   ;; Fontification
+   (when (and (featurep 'font-latex)
+              (eq TeX-install-font-lock 'font-latex-setup))
+     (font-latex-add-keywords '(("definechangesauthor" "[{")
+                                ("setaddedmarkup"      "{")
+                                ("setdeletedmarkup"    "{")
+                                ("sethighlightmarkup"  "{")
+                                ("setcommentmarkup"    "{")
+                                ("setauthormarkup"     "{")
+                                ("setauthormarkupposition"   "{")
+                                ("setauthormarktext"   "{")
+                                ("settruncatewidth"    "{")
+                                ("setsummarywidth"     "{")
+                                ("setsummarytowidth"   "{")
+                                ("setlocextension"     "{")
+                                ("setsocextension"     "{"))
+                              'function)
+     (font-latex-add-keywords '(("added"     "[{")
+                                ("deleted"   "[{")
+                                ("replaced"  "[{{")
+                                ("highlight" "[{")
+                                ("comment"   "[{"))
+                              'textual)
+     (font-latex-add-keywords '(("listofchanges" "["))
+                              'reference)))
+ TeX-dialect)
+(defun LaTeX-changes-package-options ()
+  "Prompt for package options for the changes package."
+  (TeX-load-style "xcolor")
+  (TeX-load-style "truncate")
+  (TeX-load-style "ulem")
+  (TeX-read-key-val
+   t
+   (append
+    `(("defaultcolor"
+       ,(if (and (fboundp 'LaTeX-xcolor-definecolor-list)
+                 (LaTeX-xcolor-definecolor-list))
+            (mapcar #'car (LaTeX-xcolor-definecolor-list))
+          LaTeX-xcolor-base-colors)))
+    `(("draft")
+      ("final")
+      ("commandnameprefix" ("none" "ifneeded" "always"))
+      ("markup" ("default" "underlined" "bfit" "nocolor"))
+      ("addedmarkup" ("colored" "uline" "uuline" "uwave"
+                      "dashuline" "dotuline"
+                      "bf" "it" "sl" "em"))
+      ("deletedmarkup" ("sout" "xout" "colored"
+                        "uline" "uuline" "uwave"
+                        "dashuline" "dotuline"
+                        "bf" "it" "sl" "em"))
+      ("highlightmarkup" ("background" "uuline" "uwave"))
+      ("commentmarkup" ("todo" "margin" "footnote" "uwave"))
+      ("authormarkup" ("superscript" "subscript" "brackets"
+                       "footnote" "none"))
+      ("authormarkupposition" ("right" "left"))
+      ("authormarkuptext" ("id" "name"))
+      ("todonotes")
+      ("truncate" ,LaTeX-truncate-package-options)
+      ("ulem" ,LaTeX-ulem-package-options)
+      ("xcolor" ,LaTeX-xcolor-package-options)))))
+;;; changes.el ends here

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