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[nongnu] elpa/swift-mode ade8e95 277/496: Use with-eval-after-load inste

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/swift-mode ade8e95 277/496: Use with-eval-after-load instead of eval-after-load
Date: Sun, 29 Aug 2021 11:33:50 -0400 (EDT)

branch: elpa/swift-mode
commit ade8e95538f673df93b5eeb8635e3c0c40e8a1f1
Author: Syohei YOSHIDA <syohex@gmail.com>
Commit: Syohei YOSHIDA <syohex@gmail.com>

    Use with-eval-after-load instead of eval-after-load
 swift-mode.el | 139 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------
 1 file changed, 69 insertions(+), 70 deletions(-)

diff --git a/swift-mode.el b/swift-mode.el
index 18cbcc6..2833047 100644
--- a/swift-mode.el
+++ b/swift-mode.el
@@ -629,76 +629,75 @@ We try to constraint those lookups by reasonable number 
of lines.")
 ;;; Flycheck
-(eval-after-load 'flycheck
-  (lambda ()
-    (flycheck-def-option-var flycheck-swift-sdk-path nil swift
-       "A path to the targeted SDK"
-       :type '(choice (const :tag "Don't link against sdk" nil)
-                      (string :tag "Targeted SDK path"))
-       :safe #'stringp)
-     (flycheck-def-option-var flycheck-swift-linked-sources nil swift
-       "Source files path to link against. Can be glob, i.e. *.swift"
-       :type '(choice (const :tag "Don't use linked sources" nil)
-                      (string :tag "Linked Sources"))
-       :safe #'stringp)
-     (flycheck-def-option-var flycheck-swift-framework-search-paths nil swift
-       "A list of framework search paths"
-       :type '(repeat (directory :tag "Include directory"))
-       :safe #'flycheck-string-list-p)
-     (flycheck-def-option-var flycheck-swift-cc-include-search-paths nil swift
-       "A list of include file search paths to pass to the Objective C 
-       :type '(repeat (directory :tag "Include directory"))
-       :safe #'flycheck-string-list-p)
-     (flycheck-def-option-var flycheck-swift-target "i386-apple-ios8.1" swift
-       "Target used by swift compiler"
-       :type '(choice (const :tag "Don't specify target" nil)
-                      (string :tag "Build target"))
-       :safe #'stringp)
-     (flycheck-def-option-var flycheck-swift-import-objc-header nil swift
-       "Objective C header file to import, if any"
-       :type '(choice (const :tag "Don't specify objective C bridging header" 
-                      (string :tag "Objective C bridging header path"))
-       :safe #'stringp)
-     (flycheck-define-checker swift
-       "Flycheck plugin for for Apple's Swift programming language."
-       :command ("swift"
-                 "-frontend" "-parse"
-                 (option "-sdk" flycheck-swift-sdk-path)
-                 (option-list "-F" flycheck-swift-framework-search-paths)
-                 ;; Swift compiler will complain about redeclaration
-                 ;; if we will include original file along with
-                 ;; temporary source file created by flycheck.
-                 ;; We also don't want a hidden emacs interlock files.
-                 (eval
-                  (let (source file)
-                    (when flycheck-swift-linked-sources
-                      (setq source (car (flycheck-substitute-argument 'source 
-                      (setq file (file-name-nondirectory source))
-                      (cl-remove-if-not
-                       #'(lambda (path)
-                           (and
-                            (eq (string-match ".#" path) nil)
-                            (eq (string-match file path) nil)))
-                       (file-expand-wildcards 
-                 (option "-target" flycheck-swift-target)
-                 (option "-import-objc-header" 
-                 (eval
-                  (mapcan
-                   #'(lambda (path) (list "-Xcc" (concat "-I" path)))
-                   flycheck-swift-cc-include-search-paths))
-                 "-primary-file" source)
-       :error-patterns
-       ((error line-start (file-name) ":" line ":" column ": "
-               "error: " (message) line-end)
-        (warning line-start (file-name) ":" line ":" column ": "
-                 "warning: " (message) line-end))
-       :modes swift-mode)))
+(with-eval-after-load 'flycheck
+  (flycheck-def-option-var flycheck-swift-sdk-path nil swift
+     "A path to the targeted SDK"
+     :type '(choice (const :tag "Don't link against sdk" nil)
+                    (string :tag "Targeted SDK path"))
+     :safe #'stringp)
+   (flycheck-def-option-var flycheck-swift-linked-sources nil swift
+     "Source files path to link against. Can be glob, i.e. *.swift"
+     :type '(choice (const :tag "Don't use linked sources" nil)
+                    (string :tag "Linked Sources"))
+     :safe #'stringp)
+   (flycheck-def-option-var flycheck-swift-framework-search-paths nil swift
+     "A list of framework search paths"
+     :type '(repeat (directory :tag "Include directory"))
+     :safe #'flycheck-string-list-p)
+   (flycheck-def-option-var flycheck-swift-cc-include-search-paths nil swift
+     "A list of include file search paths to pass to the Objective C compiler"
+     :type '(repeat (directory :tag "Include directory"))
+     :safe #'flycheck-string-list-p)
+   (flycheck-def-option-var flycheck-swift-target "i386-apple-ios8.1" swift
+     "Target used by swift compiler"
+     :type '(choice (const :tag "Don't specify target" nil)
+                    (string :tag "Build target"))
+     :safe #'stringp)
+   (flycheck-def-option-var flycheck-swift-import-objc-header nil swift
+     "Objective C header file to import, if any"
+     :type '(choice (const :tag "Don't specify objective C bridging header" 
+                    (string :tag "Objective C bridging header path"))
+     :safe #'stringp)
+   (flycheck-define-checker swift
+     "Flycheck plugin for for Apple's Swift programming language."
+     :command ("swift"
+               "-frontend" "-parse"
+               (option "-sdk" flycheck-swift-sdk-path)
+               (option-list "-F" flycheck-swift-framework-search-paths)
+               ;; Swift compiler will complain about redeclaration
+               ;; if we will include original file along with
+               ;; temporary source file created by flycheck.
+               ;; We also don't want a hidden emacs interlock files.
+               (eval
+                (let (source file)
+                  (when flycheck-swift-linked-sources
+                    (setq source (car (flycheck-substitute-argument 'source 
+                    (setq file (file-name-nondirectory source))
+                    (cl-remove-if-not
+                     #'(lambda (path)
+                         (and
+                          (eq (string-match ".#" path) nil)
+                          (eq (string-match file path) nil)))
+                     (file-expand-wildcards flycheck-swift-linked-sources)))))
+               (option "-target" flycheck-swift-target)
+               (option "-import-objc-header" flycheck-swift-import-objc-header)
+               (eval
+                (mapcan
+                 #'(lambda (path) (list "-Xcc" (concat "-I" path)))
+                 flycheck-swift-cc-include-search-paths))
+               "-primary-file" source)
+     :error-patterns
+     ((error line-start (file-name) ":" line ":" column ": "
+             "error: " (message) line-end)
+      (warning line-start (file-name) ":" line ":" column ": "
+               "warning: " (message) line-end))
+     :modes swift-mode))
 ;;; REPL

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