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[nongnu] elpa/popup 180516e 079/184: Use cl-lib functions instead of cl

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/popup 180516e 079/184: Use cl-lib functions instead of cl
Date: Wed, 6 Oct 2021 00:01:11 -0400 (EDT)

branch: elpa/popup
commit 180516e080e84a8666766813b4739efc12a295af
Author: Syohei YOSHIDA <syohex@gmail.com>
Commit: Syohei YOSHIDA <syohex@gmail.com>

    Use cl-lib functions instead of cl
 popup.el | 525 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------------
 1 file changed, 263 insertions(+), 262 deletions(-)

diff --git a/popup.el b/popup.el
index 2eba784..5163fff 100644
--- a/popup.el
+++ b/popup.el
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 ;; Author: Tomohiro Matsuyama <tomo@cx4a.org>
 ;; Keywords: lisp
 ;; Version: 0.5.0
+;; Package-Requires: ((cl-lib "0.3"))
 ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -28,7 +29,7 @@
 ;;; Code:
-(require 'cl)
+(require 'cl-lib)
 (defconst popup-version "0.5.0")
@@ -55,7 +56,7 @@ If there is a problem, please set it nil.")
 (defun popup-x-to-string (x)
   "Convert any object to string effeciently.
 This is faster than `prin1-to-string' in many cases."
-  (typecase x
+  (cl-typecase x
     (string x)
     (symbol (symbol-name x))
     (integer (number-to-string x))
@@ -67,15 +68,15 @@ This is faster than `prin1-to-string' in many cases."
 splitting with WIDTH."
   ;; Expand tabs into 4 spaces
   (setq string (replace-regexp-in-string "\t" "    " string))
-  (loop with len = (length string)
-        with w = 0
-        for l from 0
-        for c in (append string nil)
-        while (<= (incf w (char-width c)) width)
-        finally return
-        (if (< l len)
-            (cons (substring string 0 l) (substring string l))
-          (list string))))
+  (cl-loop with len = (length string)
+           with w = 0
+           for l from 0
+           for c in (append string nil)
+           while (<= (incf w (char-width c)) width)
+           finally return
+           (if (< l len)
+               (cons (substring string 0 l) (substring string l))
+             (list string))))
 (defun popup-fill-string (string &optional width max-width justify squeeze)
   "Split STRING into fixed width strings and return a cons cell
@@ -142,15 +143,15 @@ untouched."
 (defun popup-preferred-width (list)
   "Return the preferred width to show LIST beautifully."
-  (loop with tab-width = 4
-        for item in list
-        for summary = (popup-item-summary item)
-        maximize (string-width (popup-x-to-string item)) into width
-        if (stringp summary)
-        maximize (+ (string-width summary) 2) into summary-width
-        finally return
-        (let ((total (+ (or width 0) (or summary-width 0))))
-          (* (ceiling (/ total 10.0)) 10))))
+  (cl-loop with tab-width = 4
+           for item in list
+           for summary = (popup-item-summary item)
+           maximize (string-width (popup-x-to-string item)) into width
+           if (stringp summary)
+           maximize (+ (string-width summary) 2) into summary-width
+           finally return
+           (let ((total (+ (or width 0) (or summary-width 0))))
+             (* (ceiling (/ total 10.0)) 10))))
 (defun popup-window-full-width-p (&optional window)
   "A portable version of `window-full-width-p'."
@@ -241,7 +242,7 @@ buffer."
   (propertize " " 'face 'popup-scroll-bar-background-face)
   "Background character for scroll-bar.")
-(defstruct popup
+(cl-defstruct popup
   point row column width height min-height direction overlays keymap
   parent depth
   face mouse-face selection-face summary-face
@@ -252,12 +253,12 @@ buffer."
 (defun popup-item-propertize (item &rest properties)
   "Same as `propertize' except that this avoids overriding
 existed value with `nil' property."
-  (loop for (k v) on properties by 'cddr
-        if v append (list k v) into props
-        finally return
-        (apply 'propertize
-               (popup-x-to-string item)
-               props)))
+  (cl-loop for (k v) on properties by 'cddr
+           if v append (list k v) into props
+           finally return
+           (apply 'propertize
+                  (popup-x-to-string item)
+                  props)))
 (defun popup-item-property (item property)
   "Same as `get-text-property' except that this returns nil if
@@ -265,16 +266,16 @@ ITEM is not string."
   (if (stringp item)
       (get-text-property 0 property item)))
-(defun* popup-make-item (name
-                         &key
-                         value
-                         face
-                         mouse-face
-                         selection-face
-                         sublist
-                         document
-                         symbol
-                         summary)
+(cl-defun popup-make-item (name
+                           &key
+                           value
+                           face
+                           mouse-face
+                           selection-face
+                           sublist
+                           document
+                           symbol
+                           summary)
   "Utility function to make popup item. See also
   (popup-item-propertize name
@@ -316,17 +317,17 @@ ITEM is not string."
 (defun popup-item-show-help-with-event-loop (item)
     (when (popup-item-show-help-1 item)
-      (loop do (clear-this-command-keys)
-            for key = (read-key-sequence-vector nil)
-            do
-            (case (key-binding key)
-              ('scroll-other-window
-               (scroll-other-window))
-              ('scroll-other-window-down
-               (scroll-other-window-down nil))
-              (t
-               (setq unread-command-events (append key unread-command-events))
-               (return)))))))
+      (cl-loop do (clear-this-command-keys)
+               for key = (read-key-sequence-vector nil)
+               do
+               (case (key-binding key)
+                 ('scroll-other-window
+                  (scroll-other-window))
+                 ('scroll-other-window-down
+                  (scroll-other-window-down nil))
+                 (t
+                  (setq unread-command-events (append key 
+                  (return)))))))
 (defun popup-item-show-help (item &optional persist)
   "Display the documentation of ITEM with `display-buffer'. If
@@ -343,7 +344,7 @@ usual."
   (popup-set-filtered-list popup list)
   (setf (popup-pattern popup) nil)
   (setf (popup-original-list popup) list))
 (defun popup-set-filtered-list (popup list)
   (let ((offset
          (if (> (popup-direction popup) 0)
@@ -374,19 +375,19 @@ usual."
     (and (eq (overlay-get overlay 'display) nil)
          (eq (overlay-get overlay 'after-string) nil))))
-(defun* popup-set-line-item (popup
-                             line
-                             &key
-                             item
-                             face
-                             mouse-face
-                             margin-left
-                             margin-right
-                             scroll-bar-char
-                             symbol
-                             summary
-                             summary-face
-                             keymap)
+(cl-defun popup-set-line-item (popup
+                               line
+                               &key
+                               item
+                               face
+                               mouse-face
+                               margin-left
+                               margin-right
+                               scroll-bar-char
+                               symbol
+                               summary
+                               summary-face
+                               keymap)
   (let* ((overlay (popup-line-overlay popup line))
          (content (popup-create-line-string popup (popup-x-to-string item)
                                             :margin-left margin-left
@@ -421,14 +422,14 @@ usual."
-(defun* popup-create-line-string (popup
-                                  string
-                                  &key
-                                  margin-left
-                                  margin-right
-                                  symbol
-                                  summary
-                                  summary-face)
+(cl-defun popup-create-line-string (popup
+                                    string
+                                    &key
+                                    margin-left
+                                    margin-right
+                                    symbol
+                                    summary
+                                    summary-face)
   (let* ((popup-width (popup-width popup))
          (summary-width (string-width summary))
          (content-width (max
@@ -480,23 +481,23 @@ number at the point."
-(defun* popup-create (point
-                      width
-                      height
-                      &key
-                      min-height
-                      around
-                      (face 'popup-face)
-                      mouse-face
-                      (selection-face face)
-                      (summary-face 'popup-summary-face)
-                      scroll-bar
-                      margin-left
-                      margin-right
-                      symbol
-                      parent
-                      parent-offset
-                      keymap)
+(cl-defun popup-create (point
+                        width
+                        height
+                        &key
+                        min-height
+                        around
+                        (face 'popup-face)
+                        mouse-face
+                        (selection-face face)
+                        (summary-face 'popup-summary-face)
+                        scroll-bar
+                        margin-left
+                        margin-right
+                        symbol
+                        parent
+                        parent-offset
+                        keymap)
   "Create a popup instance at POINT with WIDTH and HEIGHT.
 MIN-HEIGHT is a minimal height of the popup. The default value is
@@ -627,9 +628,9 @@ KEYMAP is a keymap that will be put on the popup contents."
           (aset overlays
                (if (> direction 0) i (- height i 1))
-      (loop for p from (- 10000 (* depth 1000))
-            for overlay in (nreverse (append overlays nil))
-            do (overlay-put overlay 'priority p))
+      (cl-loop for p from (- 10000 (* depth 1000))
+               for overlay in (nreverse (append overlays nil))
+               do (overlay-put overlay 'priority p))
       (let ((it (make-popup :point point
                             :row row
                             :column column
@@ -678,101 +679,101 @@ KEYMAP is a keymap that will be put on the popup 
 (defun popup-draw (popup)
   "Draw POPUP."
-  (loop with height = (popup-height popup)
-        with min-height = (popup-min-height popup)
-        with popup-face = (popup-face popup)
-        with mouse-face = (popup-mouse-face popup)
-        with selection-face = (popup-selection-face popup)
-        with summary-face-0 = (popup-summary-face popup)
-        with list = (popup-list popup)
-        with length = (length list)
-        with thum-size = (max (/ (* height height) (max length 1)) 1)
-        with page-size = (/ (+ 0.0 (max length 1)) height)
-        with scroll-bar = (popup-scroll-bar popup)
-        with margin-left = (make-string (if (popup-margin-left-cancel popup) 0 
(popup-margin-left popup)) ? )
-        with margin-right = (make-string (popup-margin-right popup) ? )
-        with symbol = (popup-symbol popup)
-        with cursor = (popup-cursor popup)
-        with scroll-top = (popup-scroll-top popup)
-        with offset = (popup-offset popup)
-        with keymap = (popup-keymap popup)
-        for o from offset
-        for i from scroll-top
-        while (< o height)
-        for item in (nthcdr scroll-top list)
-        for page-index = (* thum-size (/ o thum-size))
-        for face = (if (= i cursor)
-                       (or (popup-item-selection-face item) selection-face)
-                     (or (popup-item-face item) popup-face))
-        for summary-face = (unless (= i cursor) summary-face-0)
-        for empty-char = (propertize " " 'face face)
-        for scroll-bar-char = (if scroll-bar
-                                  (cond
-                                   ((and (not (eq scroll-bar :always))
-                                         (<= page-size 1))
-                                    empty-char)
-                                   ((and (> page-size 1)
-                                         (>= cursor (* page-index page-size))
-                                         (< cursor (* (+ page-index thum-size) 
-                                    popup-scroll-bar-foreground-char)
-                                   (t
-                                    popup-scroll-bar-background-char))
-                                "")
-        for sym = (if symbol
-                      (concat " " (or (popup-item-symbol item) " "))
-                    "")
-        for summary = (or (popup-item-summary item) "")
-        do
-        ;; Show line and set item to the line
-        (popup-set-line-item popup o
-                             :item item
-                             :face face
-                             :mouse-face mouse-face
-                             :margin-left margin-left
-                             :margin-right margin-right
-                             :scroll-bar-char scroll-bar-char
-                             :symbol sym
-                             :summary summary
-                             :summary-face summary-face
-                             :keymap keymap)
-        finally
-        ;; Remember current height
-        (setf (popup-current-height popup) (- o offset))
-        ;; Hide remaining lines
-        (let ((scroll-bar-char (if scroll-bar (propertize " " 'face 
popup-face) ""))
-              (symbol (if symbol " " "")))
-          (if (> (popup-direction popup) 0)
-              (progn
-                (when min-height
-                  (while (< o min-height)
-                    (popup-set-line-item popup o
-                                         :item ""
-                                         :face popup-face
-                                         :margin-left margin-left
-                                         :margin-right margin-right
-                                         :scroll-bar-char scroll-bar-char
-                                         :symbol symbol
-                                         :summary "")
-                    (incf o)))
-                (while (< o height)
-                  (popup-hide-line popup o)
-                  (incf o)))
-            (loop with h = (if min-height (- height min-height) offset)
-                  for o from 0 below offset
-                  if (< o h)
-                  do (popup-hide-line popup o)
-                  if (>= o h)
-                  do (popup-set-line-item popup o
-                                          :item ""
-                                          :face popup-face
-                                          :margin-left margin-left
-                                          :margin-right margin-right
-                                          :scroll-bar-char scroll-bar-char
-                                          :symbol symbol
-                                          :summary ""))))))
+  (cl-loop with height = (popup-height popup)
+           with min-height = (popup-min-height popup)
+           with popup-face = (popup-face popup)
+           with mouse-face = (popup-mouse-face popup)
+           with selection-face = (popup-selection-face popup)
+           with summary-face-0 = (popup-summary-face popup)
+           with list = (popup-list popup)
+           with length = (length list)
+           with thum-size = (max (/ (* height height) (max length 1)) 1)
+           with page-size = (/ (+ 0.0 (max length 1)) height)
+           with scroll-bar = (popup-scroll-bar popup)
+           with margin-left = (make-string (if (popup-margin-left-cancel 
popup) 0 (popup-margin-left popup)) ? )
+           with margin-right = (make-string (popup-margin-right popup) ? )
+           with symbol = (popup-symbol popup)
+           with cursor = (popup-cursor popup)
+           with scroll-top = (popup-scroll-top popup)
+           with offset = (popup-offset popup)
+           with keymap = (popup-keymap popup)
+           for o from offset
+           for i from scroll-top
+           while (< o height)
+           for item in (nthcdr scroll-top list)
+           for page-index = (* thum-size (/ o thum-size))
+           for face = (if (= i cursor)
+                          (or (popup-item-selection-face item) selection-face)
+                        (or (popup-item-face item) popup-face))
+           for summary-face = (unless (= i cursor) summary-face-0)
+           for empty-char = (propertize " " 'face face)
+           for scroll-bar-char = (if scroll-bar
+                                     (cond
+                                      ((and (not (eq scroll-bar :always))
+                                            (<= page-size 1))
+                                       empty-char)
+                                      ((and (> page-size 1)
+                                            (>= cursor (* page-index 
+                                            (< cursor (* (+ page-index 
thum-size) page-size)))
+                                       popup-scroll-bar-foreground-char)
+                                      (t
+                                       popup-scroll-bar-background-char))
+                                   "")
+           for sym = (if symbol
+                         (concat " " (or (popup-item-symbol item) " "))
+                       "")
+           for summary = (or (popup-item-summary item) "")
+           do
+           ;; Show line and set item to the line
+           (popup-set-line-item popup o
+                                :item item
+                                :face face
+                                :mouse-face mouse-face
+                                :margin-left margin-left
+                                :margin-right margin-right
+                                :scroll-bar-char scroll-bar-char
+                                :symbol sym
+                                :summary summary
+                                :summary-face summary-face
+                                :keymap keymap)
+           finally
+           ;; Remember current height
+           (setf (popup-current-height popup) (- o offset))
+           ;; Hide remaining lines
+           (let ((scroll-bar-char (if scroll-bar (propertize " " 'face 
popup-face) ""))
+                 (symbol (if symbol " " "")))
+             (if (> (popup-direction popup) 0)
+                 (progn
+                   (when min-height
+                     (while (< o min-height)
+                       (popup-set-line-item popup o
+                                            :item ""
+                                            :face popup-face
+                                            :margin-left margin-left
+                                            :margin-right margin-right
+                                            :scroll-bar-char scroll-bar-char
+                                            :symbol symbol
+                                            :summary "")
+                       (incf o)))
+                   (while (< o height)
+                     (popup-hide-line popup o)
+                     (incf o)))
+               (cl-loop with h = (if min-height (- height min-height) offset)
+                        for o from 0 below offset
+                        if (< o h)
+                        do (popup-hide-line popup o)
+                        if (>= o h)
+                        do (popup-set-line-item popup o
+                                                :item ""
+                                                :face popup-face
+                                                :margin-left margin-left
+                                                :margin-right margin-right
+                                                :scroll-bar-char 
+                                                :symbol symbol
+                                                :summary ""))))))
 (defun popup-hide (popup)
   "Hide POPUP."
@@ -885,25 +886,25 @@ Pages up through POPUP."
        (<= char 126)))
 (defun popup-isearch-filter-list (pattern list)
-  (loop with regexp = (regexp-quote pattern)
-        for item in list
-        do
-        (unless (stringp item)
-          (setq item (popup-item-propertize (popup-x-to-string item)
-                                            'value item)))
-        if (string-match regexp item)
-        collect
-        (let ((beg (match-beginning 0))
-              (end (match-end 0)))
-          (alter-text-property 0 (length item) 'face
-                               (lambda (prop)
-                                 (unless (eq prop 'popup-isearch-match)
-                                   prop))
-                               item)
-          (put-text-property beg end
-                             'face 'popup-isearch-match
-                             item)
-          item)))
+  (cl-loop with regexp = (regexp-quote pattern)
+           for item in list
+           do
+           (unless (stringp item)
+             (setq item (popup-item-propertize (popup-x-to-string item)
+                                               'value item)))
+           if (string-match regexp item)
+           collect
+           (let ((beg (match-beginning 0))
+                 (end (match-end 0)))
+             (alter-text-property 0 (length item) 'face
+                                  (lambda (prop)
+                                    (unless (eq prop 'popup-isearch-match)
+                                      prop))
+                                  item)
+             (put-text-property beg end
+                                'face 'popup-isearch-match
+                                item)
+             item)))
 (defun popup-isearch-prompt (popup pattern)
   (format "Pattern: %s" (if (= (length (popup-list popup)) 0)
@@ -920,12 +921,12 @@ Pages up through POPUP."
         (funcall callback list)))
   (popup-draw popup))
-(defun* popup-isearch (popup
-                       &key
-                       (cursor-color popup-isearch-cursor-color)
-                       (keymap popup-isearch-keymap)
-                       callback
-                       help-delay)
+(cl-defun popup-isearch (popup
+                         &key
+                         (cursor-color popup-isearch-cursor-color)
+                         (keymap popup-isearch-keymap)
+                         callback
+                         help-delay)
   "Start isearch on POPUP. This function is synchronized, meaning
 event loop waits for quiting of isearch.
@@ -987,23 +988,23 @@ HELP-DELAY is a delay of displaying helps."
 (defvar popup-tip-max-width 80)
-(defun* popup-tip (string
-                   &key
-                   point
-                   (around t)
-                   width
-                   (height 15)
-                   min-height
-                   truncate
-                   margin
-                   margin-left
-                   margin-right
-                   scroll-bar
-                   parent
-                   parent-offset
-                   nowait
-                   prompt
-                   &aux tip lines)
+(cl-defun popup-tip (string
+                     &key
+                     point
+                     (around t)
+                     width
+                     (height 15)
+                     min-height
+                     truncate
+                     margin
+                     margin-left
+                     margin-right
+                     scroll-bar
+                     parent
+                     parent-offset
+                     nowait
+                     prompt
+                     &aux tip lines)
   "Show a tooltip of STRING at POINT. This function is
 synchronized unless NOWAIT specified. Almost arguments are same
 as `popup-create' except for TRUNCATE, NOWAIT, and PROMPT.
@@ -1152,17 +1153,17 @@ PROMPT is a prompt string when reading events during 
event loop."
 (defun popup-menu-fallback (event default))
-(defun* popup-menu-event-loop (menu
-                               keymap
-                               fallback
-                               &key
-                               prompt
-                               help-delay
-                               isearch
-                               isearch-cursor-color
-                               isearch-keymap
-                               isearch-callback
-                               &aux key binding)
+(cl-defun popup-menu-event-loop (menu
+                                 keymap
+                                 fallback
+                                 &key
+                                 prompt
+                                 help-delay
+                                 isearch
+                                 isearch-cursor-color
+                                 isearch-keymap
+                                 isearch-callback
+                                 &aux key binding)
   (block nil
     (while (popup-live-p menu)
       (and isearch
@@ -1188,7 +1189,7 @@ PROMPT is a prompt string when reading events during 
event loop."
        ((memq binding '(popup-select popup-open))
         (let* ((item (or (popup-menu-item-of-mouse-event (elt key 0))
                          (popup-selected-item menu)))
-               (index (position item (popup-list menu)))
+               (index (cl-position item (popup-list menu)))
                (sublist (popup-item-sublist item)))
           (unless index (return))
           (if sublist
@@ -1224,29 +1225,29 @@ PROMPT is a prompt string when reading events during 
event loop."
         (funcall fallback key (key-binding key)))))))
-(defun* popup-menu* (list
-                     &key
-                     point
-                     (around t)
-                     (width (popup-preferred-width list))
-                     (height 15)
-                     margin
-                     margin-left
-                     margin-right
-                     scroll-bar
-                     symbol
-                     parent
-                     parent-offset
-                     (keymap popup-menu-keymap)
-                     (fallback 'popup-menu-fallback)
-                     help-delay
-                     nowait
-                     prompt
-                     isearch
-                     (isearch-cursor-color popup-isearch-cursor-color)
-                     (isearch-keymap popup-isearch-keymap)
-                     isearch-callback
-                     &aux menu event)
+(cl-defun popup-menu* (list
+                       &key
+                       point
+                       (around t)
+                       (width (popup-preferred-width list))
+                       (height 15)
+                       margin
+                       margin-left
+                       margin-right
+                       scroll-bar
+                       symbol
+                       parent
+                       parent-offset
+                       (keymap popup-menu-keymap)
+                       (fallback 'popup-menu-fallback)
+                       help-delay
+                       nowait
+                       prompt
+                       isearch
+                       (isearch-cursor-color popup-isearch-cursor-color)
+                       (isearch-keymap popup-isearch-keymap)
+                       isearch-callback
+                       &aux menu event)
   "Show a popup menu of LIST at POINT. This function returns a
 value of the selected item. Almost arguments are same as
 `popup-create' except for KEYMAP, FALLBACK, HELP-DELAY, PROMPT,

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