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[nongnu] elpa/haskell-tng-mode ad5967b 236/385: simpler installation

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/haskell-tng-mode ad5967b 236/385: simpler installation
Date: Tue, 5 Oct 2021 23:59:38 -0400 (EDT)

branch: elpa/haskell-tng-mode
commit ad5967b9f35087ef8c5a137424ce8125af312f76
Author: Tseen She <ts33n.sh3@gmail.com>
Commit: Tseen She <ts33n.sh3@gmail.com>

    simpler installation
 README.md | 93 ++++++++++++++++-----------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 70 deletions(-)

diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index d31d2a2..6d0afc4 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -28,98 +28,59 @@ If it is possible to implement a feature using another 
minor mode, or command li
 ## Install
-Check out the source code repository and enable with 
+Check out the source code repository and enable with 
+A full installation may look like the following
 (use-package haskell-tng-mode
-  ;; these 3 lines are only needed for local checkouts
   :ensure nil
-  :load-path "/path/to/haskell-tng.el"
-  :mode ("\\.hs\\'" . haskell-tng-mode)
+  :load-path "/path/to/git/clone"
+  :mode ((rx ".hs" eos) . haskell-tng-mode)
+  :config
+  (require 'haskell-tng-hsinspect)
+  (require 'haskell-tng-contrib)
+  (require 'haskell-tng-contrib-company)
+  (require 'haskell-tng-contrib-projectile)
+  (require 'haskell-tng-contrib-smartparens)
+  (require 'haskell-tng-contrib-yasnippet)
-   haskell-tng-compilation-mode-map
-   (("C-c c" . haskell-tng-compile)
-    ("C-c e" . next-error)))
-  (:map
    ("RET" . haskell-tng-newline)
    ("C-c c" . haskell-tng-compile)
    ("C-c e" . next-error)))
-Giving the following commands
-- `C-c c` compile, prompt on first use
-  - `C-u C-c c` always prompt
-  - `C-- C-c c` clean project
-  - `C-c e` jump to error
-Built-in navigation commands such as `forward-symbol`, `forward-sexp` and 
`imenu` work as expected (although 
[`popup-imenu`](https://github.com/ancane/popup-imenu) is recommended).
 ## `hsinspect`
-  :config
-  (require 'haskell-tng-hsinspect)
-The optional command line tool `hsinspect` provides semantic information by 
using the `ghc` api.
-<!-- `hsinspect` must be installed separately for each version of `ghc` that 
you are using. -->
+The optional command line tool 
[`hsinspect`](https://gitlab.com/tseenshe/hsinspect) provides semantic 
information by using the `ghc` api.
-At the moment only one version of `ghc` is supported at a time (change 
`ghc-8.4.4` to your current `ghc` version):
+For now, only one version of `ghc` is supported at a time (change `ghc-8.4.4` 
to your current `ghc` version):
 git clone https://gitlab.com/tseenshe/hsinspect.git
 cd hsinspect
-cabal v2-install -O2 hsinspect --overwrite-policy=always -w ghc-8.4.4
-<!-- TODO these installation instructions don't work 
https://github.com/haskell/cabal/issues/6179 -->
-<!-- ```bash -->
-<!-- for v in ghc-8.4.4 ghc-8.6.5 ; do -->
-<!--   cabal v2-install hsinspect --program-suffix=-$v -w $v -->
-<!-- done -->
-<!-- ``` -->
-with recommended binding
-  :bind
-   (:map haskell-tng-mode-map
-    ("C-c C-i s" . haskell-tng-fqn-at-point))
+cabal v2-install hsinspect --overwrite-policy=always -w ghc-8.4.4
-### Known Problems
 To use `hsinspect` commands, generate a `.hsinspect.env` file by running `M-x 
haskell-tng-hsinspect` for a project. This is only needed when the dependencies 
change, but the project must be compilable.
-See [the gory details](https://gitlab.com/tseenshe/hsinspect) for more 
information and known caveats. Hopefully there will be no need for 
`haskell-tng-hsinspect` in a future release.
+The `haskell-tng-contrib-company` package will automatically complete symbols 
that are in scope.
-## Contrib
+To find out which module a symbol belongs to, use `M-x 
-Integrations are provided for common libraries and external applications 
(installed separately), enable them from `use-package` with
+The are some limitations to this tool in addition to known bugs. See [the gory 
details](https://gitlab.com/tseenshe/hsinspect) for more information. Hopefully 
there will be no need for `M-x haskell-tng-hsinspect` or the `.hsinspect.env` 
files in a future release.
-  :config
-  (require 'haskell-tng-contrib)
-  (require 'haskell-tng-contrib-company)
-  (require 'haskell-tng-contrib-projectile)
-  (require 'haskell-tng-contrib-smartparens)
-  (require 'haskell-tng-contrib-yasnippet)
+## Contrib
-  :bind
-  (:map
-   haskell-tng-mode-map
-   (("C-c C" . haskell-tng-stack2cabal)
-    ("C-c C-r f" . haskell-tng-stylish-haskell)))
+Integrations are provided for common libraries and external applications.
-providing project navigation, enchanced matched parenthesis handling, and 
templates that can be expanded with your `yas-expand` hotkey.
+The installation instructions above enable all the integrations. Remove the 
`require` lines for packages that are unwanted.
-Ensure that third party Haskell tools are available (e.g. via `cabal 
v2-install`) for:
+Third party Haskell tools must be installed separately (e.g. via `cabal 
v2-install`) for:
 - `C-c C` invoke 
 - `C-c C-r f` invoke 
@@ -155,14 +116,6 @@ This is the status of core features:
   - [x] `stack`, `nix`, `shake`, etc support (customise 
   - [ ] `comint-mode` based `ghc` repl
-### Next
-Semantic tooling will likely take the form of a standalone cli tool that is 
called from Emacs:
-1. fully qualified name and type of symbol at point
-2. search for symbol and typesig (e.g. import symbol at point)
-3. jump to source of symbol at point
 ### Blue Sky
 - `lsp-mode` / 
[`haskell-ide-engine`](https://github.com/haskell/haskell-ide-engine) for more 
advanced IDE features.

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