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[elpa] externals/org-real ac799d3 040/160: Merge into single file

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/org-real ac799d3 040/160: Merge into single file
Date: Wed, 6 Oct 2021 16:58:11 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/org-real
commit ac799d3077455ad896124fc36a30c1259ba05bf8
Author: Tyler Grinn <tylergrinn@gmail.com>
Commit: Tyler Grinn <tylergrinn@gmail.com>

    Merge into single file
    Merged org-real-box.el into org-real.el
 org-real-box.el | 560 --------------------------------------------------------
 org-real-pkg.el |   5 -
 org-real.el     | 517 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 3 files changed, 515 insertions(+), 567 deletions(-)

diff --git a/org-real-box.el b/org-real-box.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 710c78a..0000000
--- a/org-real-box.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,560 +0,0 @@
-;;; org-real-box.el --- Keep track of real things as org-mode links -*- 
lexical-binding: t -*-
-;; Author: Tyler Grinn <tylergrinn@gmail.com>
-;; Version: 0.1.0
-;; File: org-real-box.el
-;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "26.1"))
-;; Keywords: tools
-;; URL: https://gitlab.com/tygrdev/org-real
-;;; Commentary:
-;; Box class definition and related methods
-;;; Code:
-;;;; Patch! 0.0.1 -> 0.1.0+
-;;;; Will be removed in version 1.0.0+
-(and (fboundp 'org-real--merge) (fmakunbound 'org-real--merge))
-(and (fboundp 'org-real--map-immediate) (fmakunbound 'org-real--map-immediate))
-(and (fboundp 'org-real--next) (fmakunbound 'org-real--next))
-(and (fboundp 'org-real--merge-into) (fmakunbound 'org-real--merge-into))
-(and (fboundp 'org-real--add-matching) (fmakunbound 'org-real--add-matching))
-(and (fboundp 'org-real--flex-add) (fmakunbound 'org-real--flex-add))
-(and (fboundp 'org-real--expand) (fmakunbound 'org-real--expand))
-(and (fboundp 'org-real--draw) (fmakunbound 'org-real--draw))
-(and (fboundp 'org-real--get-width) (fmakunbound 'org-real--get-width))
-(and (fboundp 'org-real--get-height) (fmakunbound 'org-real--get-height))
-(and (fboundp 'org-real--get-top) (fmakunbound 'org-real--get-top))
-(and (fboundp 'org-real--get-left) (fmakunbound 'org-real--get-left))
-;;;; Requirements:
-(require 'eieio)
-(require 'cl-lib)
-;;;; Variables from org-real.el
-  (defvar org-real-padding)
-  (defvar org-real-margin))
-;;;; Class definitions
-(defclass org-real-box-collection ()
-  ((box :initarg :box
-        :type org-real-box)
-   (next :initarg :next
-         :type org-real-box-collection))
-  "A collection of `org-real-box'es.")
-(defclass org-real-box ()
-  ((name :initarg :name
-         :type string)
-   (rel :initarg :rel
-        :type string)
-   (rel-box :initarg :rel-box
-            :type org-real-box)
-   (x-order :initarg :x-order
-            :initform 0
-            :type number)
-   (y-order :initarg :y-order
-            :initform 0
-            :type number)
-   (in-front :initarg :in-front
-             :initform nil
-             :type boolean)
-   (behind :initarg :behind
-           :initform nil
-           :type boolean)
-   (parent :initarg :parent
-           :type org-real-box)
-   (children :initarg :children
-             :initform (org-real-box-collection)
-             :type org-real-box-collection)
-   (primary :initarg :primary
-            :initform nil
-            :type boolean))
-  "A representation of a box in 3D space.")
-;;;; Exports
-(cl-defmethod org-real--make-instance ((_ (subclass org-real-box)) containers)
-  "Create an instance of `org-real-box' from CONTAINERS.
-CONTAINERS is a list of plists containing at least a :name
-property and optionally a :rel property."
-  (when-let* ((world (org-real-box))
-              (base-container (pop containers))
-              (base (org-real-box :name (plist-get base-container :name))))
-    (oset base :parent world)
-    (with-slots (children) world
-      (setq children (org-real--add-to-list children base)))
-    (if containers
-        (org-real--make-instance-helper containers world base))
-    world))
-(cl-defmethod org-real--merge (boxes)
-  "Merge BOXES into a single box."
-  (if (< (length boxes) 2)
-      (if (= 0 (length boxes))
-          (org-real-box)
-        (car boxes))
-    (let ((world (org-real-box)))
-      (while boxes
-        (org-real--merge-into (pop boxes) world))
-      world)))
-;;;; Drawing
-(cl-defmethod org-real--draw ((box org-real-box) offset)
-  "Insert an ascii drawing of BOX into the current buffer.
-OFFSET is the starting line to start insertion."
-  (let ((children (with-slots (children) box (org-real--get-all children))))
-    (if (slot-boundp box :name)
-        (with-slots (name behind (align-bottom in-front) (dashed behind) 
primary) box
-          (let* ((top (+ offset (org-real--get-top box)))
-                 (left (org-real--get-left box))
-                 (width (org-real--get-width box))
-                 (height (org-real--get-height box)))
-            (cl-flet ((draw (coords str &optional primary)
-                            (forward-line (- (car coords) 
-                            (move-to-column (cdr coords) t)
-                            (if primary
-                                (put-text-property 0 (length str) 'face 
-                                                   str))
-                            (insert str)
-                            (delete-char (length str))))
-              (draw (cons top left)
-                    (concat "┌" (make-string (- width 2) (if dashed #x254c 
#x2500)) "┐"))
-              (if align-bottom
-                  (draw (cons (+ top height) left)
-                        (concat "┴" (make-string (- width 2) (if dashed #x254c 
#x2500)) "┴"))
-                (draw (cons (+ top height -1) left)
-                      (concat "└" (make-string (- width 2) (if dashed #x254c 
#x2500)) "┘")))
-              (draw (cons (+ top 1 (cdr org-real-padding))
-                          (+ left 1 (car org-real-padding)))
-                    name
-                    primary)
-              (let ((r (+ top 1))
-                    (c1 left)
-                    (c2 (+ left width -1)))
-                (dotimes (_ (- height (if align-bottom 1 2)))
-                  (draw (cons r c1) (if dashed "╎" "│"))
-                  (draw (cons r c2) (if dashed "╎" "│"))
-                  (setq r (+ r 1))))))))
-    (mapc
-     (lambda (child) (org-real--draw child offset))
-     children)))
-(cl-defmethod org-real--get-width ((box org-real-box))
-  "Get the width of BOX."
-  (let* ((base-width (+ 2 ; box walls
-                        (* 2 (car org-real-padding))))
-         (width (+ base-width
-                   (if (slot-boundp box :name)
-                       (with-slots (name) box (length name))
-                     0)))
-         (children (with-slots (children) box (org-real--get-all children))))
-    (if (not children)
-        width
-      (let* ((column-indices (cl-delete-duplicates
-                              (mapcar (lambda (child) (with-slots (x-order) 
child x-order)) children)))
-             (columns (mapcar
-                       (lambda (c)
-                         (seq-filter
-                          (lambda (child)
-                            (with-slots (x-order) child
-                              (= c x-order)))
-                          children))
-                       column-indices))
-             (column-widths (mapcar
-                             (lambda (column)
-                               (apply 'max (mapcar 'org-real--get-width 
-                             columns))
-             (children-width (seq-reduce
-                              (lambda (total width)
-                                (+ total (car org-real-margin) width))
-                              column-widths
-                              (* -1 (car org-real-margin)))))
-        (if (> width (+ (* 2 (car org-real-margin)) children-width))
-            width
-          (+ base-width children-width))))))
-(cl-defmethod org-real--get-height ((box org-real-box))
-  "Get the height of BOX."
-  (let* ((in-front (with-slots (in-front) box in-front))
-         (height (+ (if in-front
-                        (* -1 (cdr org-real-margin))
-                      0)
-                    3 ; box walls + text
-                    (cdr org-real-padding)
-                    (cdr org-real-margin)))
-         (children (with-slots (children) box (org-real--get-all children))))
-    (if (not children)
-        height
-      (let* ((row-indices (cl-delete-duplicates
-                           (mapcar (lambda (child) (with-slots (y-order) child 
y-order)) children)))
-             (rows (mapcar
-                    (lambda (r)
-                      (seq-filter
-                       (lambda (child)
-                         (with-slots (y-order) child
-                           (= r y-order)))
-                       children))
-                    row-indices))
-             (row-heights (mapcar
-                           (lambda (row)
-                             (apply 'max (mapcar 'org-real--get-height row)))
-                           rows)))
-        (+ height (seq-reduce '+ row-heights 0))))))
-(cl-defmethod org-real--get-top ((box org-real-box))
-  "Get the top row index of BOX."
-  (if (not (slot-boundp box :parent))
-      0
-    (with-slots (parent x-order y-order) box
-      (let* ((offset (+ 2 (cdr org-real-padding) (cdr org-real-margin)))
-             (top (+ offset (org-real--get-top parent)))
-             (above (seq-filter
-                     (lambda (child)
-                       (with-slots ((child-x x-order) (child-y y-order)) child
-                         (and (= x-order child-x)
-                              (< child-y y-order))))
-                     (org-real--get-all (with-slots (children) parent 
-             (directly-above (and above (seq-reduce
-                                         (lambda (max child)
-                                           (with-slots ((max-y y-order)) max
-                                             (with-slots ((child-y y-order)) 
-                                               (if (> child-y max-y)
-                                                   child
-                                                 max))))
-                                         above
-                                         (org-real-box :y-order -9999))))
-             (above-height (and directly-above (apply 'max
-                                                      (mapcar
-                                                       'org-real--get-height
-                                                       (seq-filter
-                                                        (lambda (child)
-                                                          (= (with-slots 
(y-order) directly-above y-order)
-                                                             (with-slots 
(y-order) child y-order)))
-                                                        (org-real--get-all
-                                                         (with-slots 
(children) parent children))))))))
-        (if directly-above
-            (+ (org-real--get-top directly-above)
-               above-height)
-          (with-slots (rel rel-box) box
-            (if (and (slot-boundp box :rel)
-                     (or (string= "to the left of" rel)
-                         (string= "to the right of" rel)))
-                (org-real--get-top rel-box)
-              top)))))))
-(cl-defmethod org-real--get-left ((box org-real-box))
-  "Get the left column index of BOX."
-  (if (not (slot-boundp box :parent))
-      0
-    (with-slots (parent x-order y-order) box
-      (let* ((left (+ 1
-                      (car org-real-padding)
-                      (org-real--get-left parent)))
-             (to-the-left (seq-filter
-                           (lambda (child)
-                             (with-slots ((child-y y-order) (child-x x-order)) 
-                                 (and (= y-order child-y)
-                                      (< child-x x-order))))
-                           (org-real--get-all (with-slots (children) parent 
-             (directly-left (and to-the-left
-                                 (seq-reduce
-                                  (lambda (max child)
-                                    (with-slots ((max-x x-order)) max
-                                      (with-slots ((child-x x-order)) child
-                                        (if (> child-x max-x)
-                                            child
-                                          max))))
-                                  to-the-left
-                                  (org-real-box :x-order -9999)))))
-        (if directly-left
-            (+ (org-real--get-left directly-left)
-               (org-real--get-width directly-left)
-               (car org-real-margin))
-          (with-slots (rel rel-box) box
-            (if (and (slot-boundp box :rel)
-                     (or (string= "above" rel)
-                         (string= "below" rel)))
-                (org-real--get-left rel-box)
-              left)))))))
-;;;; Utility expressions
-(cl-defmethod org-real--get-all ((collection org-real-box-collection))
-  "Get all boxes in COLLECTION as a sequence."
-  (with-slots (box next) collection
-    (append (if (slot-boundp collection :box) (list box))
-            (if (slot-boundp collection :next) (org-real--get-all next)))))
-(cl-defmethod org-real--add-to-list ((collection org-real-box-collection)
-                                     (box org-real-box))
-  "Add BOX to COLLECTION and return new COLLECTION."
-  (if (slot-boundp collection :box)
-      (org-real-box-collection
-       :box box
-       :next collection)
-    (oset collection :box box)
-    collection))
-(cl-defmethod org-real--make-instance-helper (containers parent (prev 
-  "Help create a 3D representation of CONTAINERS.
-PREV must already existing in PARENT."
-  (let* ((container (pop containers))
-         (rel (plist-get container :rel))
-         (box (org-real-box :name (plist-get container :name))))
-    (when prev
-      (oset box :rel (plist-get container :rel))
-      (oset box :rel-box prev)
-      (with-slots
-          ((cur-x x-order)
-           (cur-y y-order)
-           (cur-behind behind)
-           (cur-in-front in-front))
-          box
-        (with-slots
-            ((prev-x x-order)
-             (prev-y y-order)
-             (prev-behind behind)
-             (prev-in-front in-front))
-            prev
-          (cond ((or (string= rel "in") (string= rel "on"))
-                 (setq cur-x prev-x)
-                 (setq cur-y prev-y)
-                 (setq cur-behind prev-behind))
-                ((string= rel "behind")
-                 (setq cur-x prev-x)
-                 (setq cur-y prev-y)
-                 (setq cur-behind t))
-                ((string= rel "in front of")
-                 (setq cur-x prev-x)
-                 (setq cur-y 9999)
-                 (setq cur-behind prev-behind)
-                 (setq cur-in-front t))
-                ((string= rel "above")
-                 (setq cur-x prev-x)
-                 (setq cur-y (- prev-y 1))
-                 (setq cur-behind prev-behind))
-                ((string= rel "below")
-                 (setq cur-x prev-x)
-                 (setq cur-y (+ 1 prev-y))
-                 (setq cur-behind prev-behind)
-                 (setq cur-in-front prev-in-front))
-                ((string= rel "to the left of")
-                 (setq cur-x (- prev-x 1))
-                 (setq cur-y prev-y)
-                 (setq cur-behind prev-behind)
-                 (setq cur-in-front prev-in-front))
-                ((string= rel "to the right of")
-                 (setq cur-x (+ 1 prev-x))
-                 (setq cur-y prev-y)
-                 (setq cur-behind prev-behind)
-                 (setq cur-in-front prev-in-front))))))
-    (if (and prev (member rel '("in" "on" "behind" "in front of")))
-        (progn
-          (oset box :parent prev)
-          (oset prev :children (org-real--add-to-list (with-slots (children) 
prev children) box))
-          (if containers
-              (org-real--make-instance-helper containers prev box)
-            (oset box :primary t)))
-      (oset box :parent parent)
-      (oset parent :children (org-real--add-to-list (with-slots (children) 
parent children) box))
-      (if containers
-          (org-real--make-instance-helper containers parent box)
-        (oset box :primary t)))))
-(cl-defmethod org-real--map-immediate (fn (box org-real-box))
-  "Map a function FN across all immediate relatives of BOX, including BOX.
-Any box with a :rel-box slot equivalent to BOX will be passed to
-  (progn
-    (funcall fn box)
-    (mapc
-     (lambda (box) (org-real--map-immediate fn box))
-     (org-real--next box t))))
-(cl-defmethod org-real--next ((box org-real-box) &optional exclude-children)
-  "Retrieve any boxes for which the :rel-box slot is BOX.
-If EXCLUDE-CHILDREN, only retrieve sibling boxes."
-  (let ((relatives (append (if exclude-children '() (org-real--get-all
-                                                     (with-slots (children) 
box children)))
-                           (if (slot-boundp box :parent)
-                               (org-real--get-all
-                                (with-slots
-                                    (children)
-                                    (with-slots (parent) box parent)
-                                  children))
-                             '()))))
-    (seq-filter
-     (lambda (relative)
-       (and (slot-boundp relative :rel-box)
-            (string= (with-slots
-                         (name)
-                         (with-slots (rel-box) relative rel-box)
-                       name)
-                     (with-slots (name) box name))))
-     relatives)))
-(cl-defmethod org-real--expand ((box org-real-box))
-  "Get a list of all boxes, including BOX, that are children of BOX."
-  (with-slots (children) box
-    (apply 'append (list box) (mapcar 'org-real--expand (org-real--get-all 
-(cl-defmethod org-real--merge-into ((from org-real-box) (to org-real-box))
-  "Merge FROM box into TO box."
-  (let ((from-boxes (reverse (org-real--expand from)))
-        (to-boxes (reverse (org-real--expand to))))
-    (unless (seq-some
-             (lambda (from-box)
-               (seq-some
-                (lambda (to-box)
-                  (when (and (slot-boundp from-box :name)
-                             (slot-boundp to-box :name)
-                             (string= (with-slots (name) from-box name)
-                                      (with-slots (name) to-box name)))
-                    (org-real--add-matching from-box to-box to)
-                    t))
-                to-boxes))
-             from-boxes)
-      (org-real--flex-add from to to))))
-(cl-defmethod org-real--add-matching ((box org-real-box)
-                                      (match org-real-box)
-                                      (world org-real-box))
-  "Add BOX to WORLD after finding a matching box MATCH already in WORLD.
-MATCH is used to set the :rel-box and :parent slots on children
-of BOX."
-  (with-slots
-      (parent
-       (match-y y-order)
-       (match-x x-order)
-       (match-behind behind)
-       (match-in-front in-front))
-      match
-    (let ((next-boxes (org-real--next box)))
-      (mapc
-       (lambda (next)
-         (with-slots
-             (rel
-              (next-y y-order)
-              (next-x x-order)
-              (next-behind behind)
-              (next-in-front in-front))
-             next
-           (cond
-            ((string= rel "above")
-             (setq next-y match-y)
-             (org-real--map-immediate
-              (lambda (child)
-                (with-slots ((child-y y-order)) child
-                  (when (>= child-y match-y)
-                    (setq child-y (+ 1 child-y)))))
-              match)
-             (setq next-x match-x)
-             (setq next-behind match-behind))
-            ((string= rel "below")
-             (setq next-y (+ 1 match-y))
-             (org-real--map-immediate
-              (lambda (child)
-                (with-slots ((child-y y-order)) child
-                  (when (> child-y match-y)
-                    (setq child-y (+ 1 child-y)))))
-              match)
-             (setq next-x match-x)
-             (setq next-behind match-behind))
-            ((string= rel "to the right of")
-             (setq next-x (+ 1 match-x))
-             (org-real--map-immediate
-              (lambda (child)
-                (with-slots ((child-x x-order)) child
-                  (when (> child-x match-x)
-                    (setq child-x (+ 1 child-x)))))
-              match)
-             (setq next-y match-y)
-             (setq next-behind match-behind)
-             (setq next-in-front match-in-front))
-            ((string= rel "to the left of")
-             (setq next-x match-x)
-             (org-real--map-immediate
-              (lambda (child)
-                (with-slots ((child-x x-order)) child
-                  (when (>= child-x match-x)
-                    (setq child-x (+ 1 child-x)))))
-              match)
-             (setq next-y match-y)
-             (setq next-behind match-behind)
-             (setq next-in-front match-in-front)))
-           (oset next :rel-box match)
-           (if (member rel '("in" "on" "behind" "in front of"))
-               (org-real--flex-add next match world)
-             (oset next :parent parent)
-             (oset parent :children (org-real--add-to-list
-                                     (with-slots (children) parent children)
-                                     next)))
-           (org-real--add-matching next next world)))
-      next-boxes))))
-(cl-defmethod org-real--flex-add ((box org-real-box)
-                                  (parent org-real-box)
-                                  (world org-real-box))
-  "Add BOX to a PARENT box already existing in WORLD.
-This function ignores the :rel slot and adds BOX in such a way
-that the width of WORLD is kept below 80 characters if possible."
-  (with-slots ((siblings children)) parent
-    (let* ((cur-width (org-real--get-width world))
-           (siblings (org-real--get-all siblings))
-           (last-sibling (and siblings (seq-reduce
-                                        (lambda (max sibling)
-                                          (with-slots
-                                              ((max-x x-order)
-                                               (max-y y-order))
-                                              max
-                                            (with-slots
-                                                ((sibling-x x-order)
-                                                 (sibling-y y-order))
-                                                sibling
-                                              (if (> sibling-y max-y)
-                                                  sibling
-                                                (if (and (= max-y sibling-y) 
(> sibling-x max-x))
-                                                    sibling
-                                                  max)))))
-                                        (seq-filter
-                                         (lambda (sibling)
-                                           (not (with-slots (in-front) sibling 
-                                         siblings)
-                                        (org-real-box :y-order -9999)))))
-      (oset box :parent parent)
-      (oset parent :children (org-real--add-to-list (with-slots (children) 
parent children) box))
-      (when (and last-sibling (not (with-slots (in-front) box in-front)))
-        (with-slots
-            ((last-sibling-y y-order)
-             (last-sibling-x x-order))
-            last-sibling
-          (oset box :y-order last-sibling-y)
-          (oset box :x-order (+ 1 last-sibling-x))
-          (let ((new-width (org-real--get-width world)))
-            (when (and (> new-width cur-width) (> new-width 80))
-              (oset box :y-order (+ 1 last-sibling-y))
-              (oset box :x-order 0))))))))
-(provide 'org-real-box)
-;;; org-real-box.el ends here
diff --git a/org-real-pkg.el b/org-real-pkg.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 7745852..0000000
--- a/org-real-pkg.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-  "org-real"
-  "0.1.0"
-  "Keep track of real things as org-mode links"
-  '((emacs "26.1")))
diff --git a/org-real.el b/org-real.el
index 45309d6..a7f3c8d 100644
--- a/org-real.el
+++ b/org-real.el
@@ -19,8 +19,9 @@
 ;;;; Requirements
+(require 'eieio)
 (require 'org-element)
-(require 'cl-extra)
+(require 'cl-lib)
 (require 'org-real-box)
@@ -56,7 +57,519 @@ vertical padding"
   '("in" "on" "behind" "in front of" "above" "below" "to the left of" "to the 
right of")
   "List of available prepositions for things.")
-;;;; Utility expressions
+;;;; Class definitions
+(defclass org-real-box-collection ()
+  ((box :initarg :box
+        :type org-real-box)
+   (next :initarg :next
+         :type org-real-box-collection))
+  "A collection of `org-real-box'es.")
+(defclass org-real-box ()
+  ((name :initarg :name
+         :type string)
+   (rel :initarg :rel
+        :type string)
+   (rel-box :initarg :rel-box
+            :type org-real-box)
+   (x-order :initarg :x-order
+            :initform 0
+            :type number)
+   (y-order :initarg :y-order
+            :initform 0
+            :type number)
+   (in-front :initarg :in-front
+             :initform nil
+             :type boolean)
+   (behind :initarg :behind
+           :initform nil
+           :type boolean)
+   (parent :initarg :parent
+           :type org-real-box)
+   (children :initarg :children
+             :initform (org-real-box-collection)
+             :type org-real-box-collection)
+   (primary :initarg :primary
+            :initform nil
+            :type boolean))
+  "A representation of a box in 3D space.")
+(cl-defmethod org-real--make-instance ((_ (subclass org-real-box)) containers)
+  "Create an instance of `org-real-box' from CONTAINERS.
+CONTAINERS is a list of plists containing at least a :name
+property and optionally a :rel property."
+  (when-let* ((world (org-real-box))
+              (base-container (pop containers))
+              (base (org-real-box :name (plist-get base-container :name))))
+    (oset base :parent world)
+    (with-slots (children) world
+      (setq children (org-real--add-to-list children base)))
+    (if containers
+        (org-real--make-instance-helper containers world base))
+    world))
+(cl-defmethod org-real--merge (boxes)
+  "Merge BOXES into a single box."
+  (if (< (length boxes) 2)
+      (if (= 0 (length boxes))
+          (org-real-box)
+        (car boxes))
+    (let ((world (org-real-box)))
+      (while boxes
+        (org-real--merge-into (pop boxes) world))
+      world)))
+;;;; Drawing
+(cl-defmethod org-real--draw ((box org-real-box) offset)
+  "Insert an ascii drawing of BOX into the current buffer.
+OFFSET is the starting line to start insertion."
+  (let ((children (with-slots (children) box (org-real--get-all children))))
+    (if (slot-boundp box :name)
+        (with-slots (name behind (align-bottom in-front) (dashed behind) 
primary) box
+          (let* ((top (+ offset (org-real--get-top box)))
+                 (left (org-real--get-left box))
+                 (width (org-real--get-width box))
+                 (height (org-real--get-height box)))
+            (cl-flet ((draw (coords str &optional primary)
+                            (forward-line (- (car coords) 
+                            (move-to-column (cdr coords) t)
+                            (if primary
+                                (put-text-property 0 (length str) 'face 
+                                                   str))
+                            (insert str)
+                            (delete-char (length str))))
+              (draw (cons top left)
+                    (concat "┌" (make-string (- width 2) (if dashed #x254c 
#x2500)) "┐"))
+              (if align-bottom
+                  (draw (cons (+ top height) left)
+                        (concat "┴" (make-string (- width 2) (if dashed #x254c 
#x2500)) "┴"))
+                (draw (cons (+ top height -1) left)
+                      (concat "└" (make-string (- width 2) (if dashed #x254c 
#x2500)) "┘")))
+              (draw (cons (+ top 1 (cdr org-real-padding))
+                          (+ left 1 (car org-real-padding)))
+                    name
+                    primary)
+              (let ((r (+ top 1))
+                    (c1 left)
+                    (c2 (+ left width -1)))
+                (dotimes (_ (- height (if align-bottom 1 2)))
+                  (draw (cons r c1) (if dashed "╎" "│"))
+                  (draw (cons r c2) (if dashed "╎" "│"))
+                  (setq r (+ r 1))))))))
+    (mapc
+     (lambda (child) (org-real--draw child offset))
+     children)))
+(cl-defmethod org-real--get-width ((box org-real-box))
+  "Get the width of BOX."
+  (let* ((base-width (+ 2 ; box walls
+                        (* 2 (car org-real-padding))))
+         (width (+ base-width
+                   (if (slot-boundp box :name)
+                       (with-slots (name) box (length name))
+                     0)))
+         (children (with-slots (children) box (org-real--get-all children))))
+    (if (not children)
+        width
+      (let* ((column-indices (cl-delete-duplicates
+                              (mapcar (lambda (child) (with-slots (x-order) 
child x-order)) children)))
+             (columns (mapcar
+                       (lambda (c)
+                         (seq-filter
+                          (lambda (child)
+                            (with-slots (x-order) child
+                              (= c x-order)))
+                          children))
+                       column-indices))
+             (column-widths (mapcar
+                             (lambda (column)
+                               (apply 'max (mapcar 'org-real--get-width 
+                             columns))
+             (children-width (seq-reduce
+                              (lambda (total width)
+                                (+ total (car org-real-margin) width))
+                              column-widths
+                              (* -1 (car org-real-margin)))))
+        (if (> width (+ (* 2 (car org-real-margin)) children-width))
+            width
+          (+ base-width children-width))))))
+(cl-defmethod org-real--get-height ((box org-real-box))
+  "Get the height of BOX."
+  (let* ((in-front (with-slots (in-front) box in-front))
+         (height (+ (if in-front
+                        (* -1 (cdr org-real-margin))
+                      0)
+                    3 ; box walls + text
+                    (cdr org-real-padding)
+                    (cdr org-real-margin)))
+         (children (with-slots (children) box (org-real--get-all children))))
+    (if (not children)
+        height
+      (let* ((row-indices (cl-delete-duplicates
+                           (mapcar (lambda (child) (with-slots (y-order) child 
y-order)) children)))
+             (rows (mapcar
+                    (lambda (r)
+                      (seq-filter
+                       (lambda (child)
+                         (with-slots (y-order) child
+                           (= r y-order)))
+                       children))
+                    row-indices))
+             (row-heights (mapcar
+                           (lambda (row)
+                             (apply 'max (mapcar 'org-real--get-height row)))
+                           rows)))
+        (+ height (seq-reduce '+ row-heights 0))))))
+(cl-defmethod org-real--get-top ((box org-real-box))
+  "Get the top row index of BOX."
+  (if (not (slot-boundp box :parent))
+      0
+    (with-slots (parent x-order y-order) box
+      (let* ((offset (+ 2 (cdr org-real-padding) (cdr org-real-margin)))
+             (top (+ offset (org-real--get-top parent)))
+             (above (seq-filter
+                     (lambda (child)
+                       (with-slots ((child-x x-order) (child-y y-order)) child
+                         (and (= x-order child-x)
+                              (< child-y y-order))))
+                     (org-real--get-all (with-slots (children) parent 
+             (directly-above (and above (seq-reduce
+                                         (lambda (max child)
+                                           (with-slots ((max-y y-order)) max
+                                             (with-slots ((child-y y-order)) 
+                                               (if (> child-y max-y)
+                                                   child
+                                                 max))))
+                                         above
+                                         (org-real-box :y-order -9999))))
+             (above-height (and directly-above (apply 'max
+                                                      (mapcar
+                                                       'org-real--get-height
+                                                       (seq-filter
+                                                        (lambda (child)
+                                                          (= (with-slots 
(y-order) directly-above y-order)
+                                                             (with-slots 
(y-order) child y-order)))
+                                                        (org-real--get-all
+                                                         (with-slots 
(children) parent children))))))))
+        (if directly-above
+            (+ (org-real--get-top directly-above)
+               above-height)
+          (with-slots (rel rel-box) box
+            (if (and (slot-boundp box :rel)
+                     (or (string= "to the left of" rel)
+                         (string= "to the right of" rel)))
+                (org-real--get-top rel-box)
+              top)))))))
+(cl-defmethod org-real--get-left ((box org-real-box))
+  "Get the left column index of BOX."
+  (if (not (slot-boundp box :parent))
+      0
+    (with-slots (parent x-order y-order) box
+      (let* ((left (+ 1
+                      (car org-real-padding)
+                      (org-real--get-left parent)))
+             (to-the-left (seq-filter
+                           (lambda (child)
+                             (with-slots ((child-y y-order) (child-x x-order)) 
+                                 (and (= y-order child-y)
+                                      (< child-x x-order))))
+                           (org-real--get-all (with-slots (children) parent 
+             (directly-left (and to-the-left
+                                 (seq-reduce
+                                  (lambda (max child)
+                                    (with-slots ((max-x x-order)) max
+                                      (with-slots ((child-x x-order)) child
+                                        (if (> child-x max-x)
+                                            child
+                                          max))))
+                                  to-the-left
+                                  (org-real-box :x-order -9999)))))
+        (if directly-left
+            (+ (org-real--get-left directly-left)
+               (org-real--get-width directly-left)
+               (car org-real-margin))
+          (with-slots (rel rel-box) box
+            (if (and (slot-boundp box :rel)
+                     (or (string= "above" rel)
+                         (string= "below" rel)))
+                (org-real--get-left rel-box)
+              left)))))))
+;;;; `org-real-box' utility expressions
+(cl-defmethod org-real--get-all ((collection org-real-box-collection))
+  "Get all boxes in COLLECTION as a sequence."
+  (with-slots (box next) collection
+    (append (if (slot-boundp collection :box) (list box))
+            (if (slot-boundp collection :next) (org-real--get-all next)))))
+(cl-defmethod org-real--add-to-list ((collection org-real-box-collection)
+                                     (box org-real-box))
+  "Add BOX to COLLECTION and return new COLLECTION."
+  (if (slot-boundp collection :box)
+      (org-real-box-collection
+       :box box
+       :next collection)
+    (oset collection :box box)
+    collection))
+(cl-defmethod org-real--make-instance-helper (containers parent (prev 
+  "Help create a 3D representation of CONTAINERS.
+PREV must already existing in PARENT."
+  (let* ((container (pop containers))
+         (rel (plist-get container :rel))
+         (box (org-real-box :name (plist-get container :name))))
+    (when prev
+      (oset box :rel (plist-get container :rel))
+      (oset box :rel-box prev)
+      (with-slots
+          ((cur-x x-order)
+           (cur-y y-order)
+           (cur-behind behind)
+           (cur-in-front in-front))
+          box
+        (with-slots
+            ((prev-x x-order)
+             (prev-y y-order)
+             (prev-behind behind)
+             (prev-in-front in-front))
+            prev
+          (cond ((or (string= rel "in") (string= rel "on"))
+                 (setq cur-x prev-x)
+                 (setq cur-y prev-y)
+                 (setq cur-behind prev-behind))
+                ((string= rel "behind")
+                 (setq cur-x prev-x)
+                 (setq cur-y prev-y)
+                 (setq cur-behind t))
+                ((string= rel "in front of")
+                 (setq cur-x prev-x)
+                 (setq cur-y 9999)
+                 (setq cur-behind prev-behind)
+                 (setq cur-in-front t))
+                ((string= rel "above")
+                 (setq cur-x prev-x)
+                 (setq cur-y (- prev-y 1))
+                 (setq cur-behind prev-behind))
+                ((string= rel "below")
+                 (setq cur-x prev-x)
+                 (setq cur-y (+ 1 prev-y))
+                 (setq cur-behind prev-behind)
+                 (setq cur-in-front prev-in-front))
+                ((string= rel "to the left of")
+                 (setq cur-x (- prev-x 1))
+                 (setq cur-y prev-y)
+                 (setq cur-behind prev-behind)
+                 (setq cur-in-front prev-in-front))
+                ((string= rel "to the right of")
+                 (setq cur-x (+ 1 prev-x))
+                 (setq cur-y prev-y)
+                 (setq cur-behind prev-behind)
+                 (setq cur-in-front prev-in-front))))))
+    (if (and prev (member rel '("in" "on" "behind" "in front of")))
+        (progn
+          (oset box :parent prev)
+          (oset prev :children (org-real--add-to-list (with-slots (children) 
prev children) box))
+          (if containers
+              (org-real--make-instance-helper containers prev box)
+            (oset box :primary t)))
+      (oset box :parent parent)
+      (oset parent :children (org-real--add-to-list (with-slots (children) 
parent children) box))
+      (if containers
+          (org-real--make-instance-helper containers parent box)
+        (oset box :primary t)))))
+(cl-defmethod org-real--map-immediate (fn (box org-real-box))
+  "Map a function FN across all immediate relatives of BOX, including BOX.
+Any box with a :rel-box slot equivalent to BOX will be passed to
+  (progn
+    (funcall fn box)
+    (mapc
+     (lambda (box) (org-real--map-immediate fn box))
+     (org-real--next box t))))
+(cl-defmethod org-real--next ((box org-real-box) &optional exclude-children)
+  "Retrieve any boxes for which the :rel-box slot is BOX.
+If EXCLUDE-CHILDREN, only retrieve sibling boxes."
+  (let ((relatives (append (if exclude-children '() (org-real--get-all
+                                                     (with-slots (children) 
box children)))
+                           (if (slot-boundp box :parent)
+                               (org-real--get-all
+                                (with-slots
+                                    (children)
+                                    (with-slots (parent) box parent)
+                                  children))
+                             '()))))
+    (seq-filter
+     (lambda (relative)
+       (and (slot-boundp relative :rel-box)
+            (string= (with-slots
+                         (name)
+                         (with-slots (rel-box) relative rel-box)
+                       name)
+                     (with-slots (name) box name))))
+     relatives)))
+(cl-defmethod org-real--expand ((box org-real-box))
+  "Get a list of all boxes, including BOX, that are children of BOX."
+  (with-slots (children) box
+    (apply 'append (list box) (mapcar 'org-real--expand (org-real--get-all 
+(cl-defmethod org-real--merge-into ((from org-real-box) (to org-real-box))
+  "Merge FROM box into TO box."
+  (let ((from-boxes (reverse (org-real--expand from)))
+        (to-boxes (reverse (org-real--expand to))))
+    (unless (seq-some
+             (lambda (from-box)
+               (seq-some
+                (lambda (to-box)
+                  (when (and (slot-boundp from-box :name)
+                             (slot-boundp to-box :name)
+                             (string= (with-slots (name) from-box name)
+                                      (with-slots (name) to-box name)))
+                    (org-real--add-matching from-box to-box to)
+                    t))
+                to-boxes))
+             from-boxes)
+      (org-real--flex-add from to to))))
+(cl-defmethod org-real--add-matching ((box org-real-box)
+                                      (match org-real-box)
+                                      (world org-real-box))
+  "Add BOX to WORLD after finding a matching box MATCH already in WORLD.
+MATCH is used to set the :rel-box and :parent slots on children
+of BOX."
+  (with-slots
+      (parent
+       (match-y y-order)
+       (match-x x-order)
+       (match-behind behind)
+       (match-in-front in-front))
+      match
+    (let ((next-boxes (org-real--next box)))
+      (mapc
+       (lambda (next)
+         (with-slots
+             (rel
+              (next-y y-order)
+              (next-x x-order)
+              (next-behind behind)
+              (next-in-front in-front))
+             next
+           (cond
+            ((string= rel "above")
+             (setq next-y match-y)
+             (org-real--map-immediate
+              (lambda (child)
+                (with-slots ((child-y y-order)) child
+                  (when (>= child-y match-y)
+                    (setq child-y (+ 1 child-y)))))
+              match)
+             (setq next-x match-x)
+             (setq next-behind match-behind))
+            ((string= rel "below")
+             (setq next-y (+ 1 match-y))
+             (org-real--map-immediate
+              (lambda (child)
+                (with-slots ((child-y y-order)) child
+                  (when (> child-y match-y)
+                    (setq child-y (+ 1 child-y)))))
+              match)
+             (setq next-x match-x)
+             (setq next-behind match-behind))
+            ((string= rel "to the right of")
+             (setq next-x (+ 1 match-x))
+             (org-real--map-immediate
+              (lambda (child)
+                (with-slots ((child-x x-order)) child
+                  (when (> child-x match-x)
+                    (setq child-x (+ 1 child-x)))))
+              match)
+             (setq next-y match-y)
+             (setq next-behind match-behind)
+             (setq next-in-front match-in-front))
+            ((string= rel "to the left of")
+             (setq next-x match-x)
+             (org-real--map-immediate
+              (lambda (child)
+                (with-slots ((child-x x-order)) child
+                  (when (>= child-x match-x)
+                    (setq child-x (+ 1 child-x)))))
+              match)
+             (setq next-y match-y)
+             (setq next-behind match-behind)
+             (setq next-in-front match-in-front)))
+           (oset next :rel-box match)
+           (if (member rel '("in" "on" "behind" "in front of"))
+               (org-real--flex-add next match world)
+             (oset next :parent parent)
+             (oset parent :children (org-real--add-to-list
+                                     (with-slots (children) parent children)
+                                     next)))
+           (org-real--add-matching next next world)))
+      next-boxes))))
+(cl-defmethod org-real--flex-add ((box org-real-box)
+                                  (parent org-real-box)
+                                  (world org-real-box))
+  "Add BOX to a PARENT box already existing in WORLD.
+This function ignores the :rel slot and adds BOX in such a way
+that the width of WORLD is kept below 80 characters if possible."
+  (with-slots ((siblings children)) parent
+    (let* ((cur-width (org-real--get-width world))
+           (siblings (org-real--get-all siblings))
+           (last-sibling (and siblings (seq-reduce
+                                        (lambda (max sibling)
+                                          (with-slots
+                                              ((max-x x-order)
+                                               (max-y y-order))
+                                              max
+                                            (with-slots
+                                                ((sibling-x x-order)
+                                                 (sibling-y y-order))
+                                                sibling
+                                              (if (> sibling-y max-y)
+                                                  sibling
+                                                (if (and (= max-y sibling-y) 
(> sibling-x max-x))
+                                                    sibling
+                                                  max)))))
+                                        (seq-filter
+                                         (lambda (sibling)
+                                           (not (with-slots (in-front) sibling 
+                                         siblings)
+                                        (org-real-box :y-order -9999)))))
+      (oset box :parent parent)
+      (oset parent :children (org-real--add-to-list (with-slots (children) 
parent children) box))
+      (when (and last-sibling (not (with-slots (in-front) box in-front)))
+        (with-slots
+            ((last-sibling-y y-order)
+             (last-sibling-x x-order))
+            last-sibling
+          (oset box :y-order last-sibling-y)
+          (oset box :x-order (+ 1 last-sibling-x))
+          (let ((new-width (org-real--get-width world)))
+            (when (and (> new-width cur-width) (> new-width 80))
+              (oset box :y-order (+ 1 last-sibling-y))
+              (oset box :x-order 0))))))))
+;;;; General utility expressions
 (defun org-real--find-last-index (pred sequence)
   "Return the index of the last element for which (PRED element) is non-nil in 

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