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[nongnu] elpa/alect-themes e153ac0 001/269: Initial commit

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/alect-themes e153ac0 001/269: Initial commit
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2021 17:58:36 -0400 (EDT)

branch: elpa/alect-themes
commit e153ac08fca3b418437afd75caa99286b194d6b2
Author: Alex Kost <alezost@gmail.com>
Commit: Alex Kost <alezost@gmail.com>

    Initial commit
 README.md            |   61 +++
 alect-dark-theme.el  |    3 +
 alect-light-theme.el |    3 +
 alect-themes-pkg.el  |    4 +
 alect.el             | 1120 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 colors               |   44 ++
 6 files changed, 1235 insertions(+)

diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0545e0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+## About
+Alect is a package provides (rather low contrast but colourful enough)
+light and dark color themes for Emacs 24 or later.  I use it only with
+GUI; terminals are not supported.
+At first i had only a light theme -- it was just a set of customized
+faces.  Then i realized that at night it's better for eyes to use a
+dark theme (it was derived from zenburn-theme initially, but then the
+colors were modified a lot).  The idea of creating two themes with
+different colors and the same code base came from solarized-theme.
+The code of solarized and zenburn themes was used hardly.  Many thanks
+to their authors.
+## Installation
+### Manual
+Add this to your init file (`~/.emacs.d/init.el` or `~/.emacs`):
+(add-to-list 'load-path              "/path/to/alect-themes")
+(add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path "/path/to/alect-themes")
+### MELPA
+You can install `alect-themes` with [MELPA](http://melpa.milkbox.net).
+using `list-packages` or `package-install`:
+`M-x package-install alect-themes`
+As emacs package system loads the packages after processing the init
+file, loading a theme from `.emacs` (see below) will fail because the
+path to a theme is not known yet, so you have to add the following
+code to your init file before `(load-theme ...)`:
+(setq package-enable-at-startup nil)
+For further details see emacs info: `(info "(emacs) Package Installation")`.
+## Usage
+To activate a theme interactively use `customize-themes` or `load-theme`:
+`M-x load-theme RET alect-light`
+To load a theme on Emacs startup add this to your init file:
+(load-theme 'alect-light t)
+## Screenshots
+![alect-light](http://i.imgur.com/D0UASEQ.png "alect-light-theme screenshot")
+![alect-dark](http://i.imgur.com/GXnGuO0.png "alect-dark-theme screenshot")
diff --git a/alect-dark-theme.el b/alect-dark-theme.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c397d32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alect-dark-theme.el
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+(require 'alect)
+(alect-create-theme dark)
diff --git a/alect-light-theme.el b/alect-light-theme.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb61274
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alect-light-theme.el
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+(require 'alect)
+(alect-create-theme light)
diff --git a/alect-themes-pkg.el b/alect-themes-pkg.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb551c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alect-themes-pkg.el
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+  "alect-themes"
+  "0.1"
+  "2 color themes (light and dark) for Emacs 24")
diff --git a/alect.el b/alect.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4cccaa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alect.el
@@ -0,0 +1,1120 @@
+;;; alect.el --- 2 color themes for Emacs
+;; Copyright (C) 2013 Alex Kost
+;; Author: Alex Kost <alezost@gmail.com>
+;; URL: http://github.com/alezost/alect-theme
+;; Created: 2013-07-10
+;; Version: 0.1
+;; Last-Updated: 2013-10-04
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.0"))
+;; Keywords: color theme
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This package provides light and dark color-themes for GNU Emacs 24 or
+;; later.  These themes were intended to be used with a GUI.  Use those
+;; in terminal at your own risk :)
+;; You can modify a color palette for the themes by customizing
+;; `alect-colors' variable (you may use `alect-generate-colors' function
+;; for that -- see the code below).
+;; If you use one (or both) of these themes and want it to support a
+;; major mode the faces of which are not supported yet, you may send me
+;; a letter to add it.
+;;; History:
+;; At first i had only a light theme -- it was just a set of customized
+;; faces.  Then i realized that at night it's better for eyes to use a
+;; dark theme (it was derived from zenburn-theme initially, but then the
+;; colors were modified a lot).  The idea of creating two themes with
+;; different colors and same code base came from solarized-theme.  The
+;; code of solarized and zenburn themes was used hardly.  Many thanks to
+;; their authors.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'cl-macs)  ; for cl-flet
+(defun alect-put-colors (color-name theme-names color-vals var)
+  "Put theme colors into the variable VAR.
+THEME-NAMES is a list of symbols. Theme names should already
+exist in the variable.
+COLOR-VALS is a list of colors for the specified theme (theme
+names and color values should be in matching order)."
+  (when theme-names
+    (let ((theme (assoc (car theme-names) var))
+          (color-val (car color-vals)))
+      (setcdr theme (cons (cons color-name color-val) (cdr theme))))
+    (alect-put-colors color-name (cdr theme-names) (cdr color-vals) var)))
+(defun alect-generate-colors (theme-names colors)
+  "Return alist of themes suitable for the variable `alect-colors'.
+THEME-NAMES is a list of symbols.
+COLORS is a list of lists (COLOR-NAME COLOR-VAL...) where
+COLOR-VAL is a color for specified theme (theme names and color
+values should be in matching order)."
+  (let (cols)
+    (dolist (theme theme-names)
+      (add-to-list 'cols (list theme)))
+    (dolist (elem colors)
+      (alect-put-colors (car elem) theme-names (cdr elem) cols))
+    cols))
+(defgroup alect nil
+  "Options for alect color themes."
+  :group 'faces)
+(defcustom alect-colors
+  (alect-generate-colors
+   '(light dark)
+   '((cursor    "#1074cd" "#ffec8b")
+     (white     "#fafafa" "#e9e9e9")
+     (gray      "#808080" "#aaaaaa")
+     (black     "#070707" "#000000")
+     (fg-2      "#6c6c6c" "#8c826d")
+     (fg-1      "#505050" "#d0bf8f")
+     (fg        "#3f3f3f" "#f0dfaf")
+     (fg+1      "#262626" "#d5d2be")
+     (fg+2      "#101010" "#f6f0e1")
+     (bg-2      "#f6f0e1" "#222222")
+     (bg-1      "#ded6c5" "#3f3f3f")
+     (bg        "#d9ceb2" "#4f4f4f")
+     (bg+1      "#d7c89b" "#5f5f5f")
+     (bg+2      "#ccc19b" "#6f6f6f")
+     (red-2     "#fa5151" "#fa6a6e")
+     (red-1     "#e43838" "#fa5151")
+     (red       "#f71010" "#e43838")
+     (red+1     "#d81212" "#f21515")
+     (red+2     "#b22222" "#bc1417")
+     (yellow-2  "#f8ffc5" "#f8ffa0")
+     (yellow-1  "#ab9c3a" "#e8e815")
+     (yellow    "#ef8300" "#fe8b04")
+     (yellow+1  "#a0682d" "#e5c900")
+     (yellow+2  "#6a621b" "#abab3a")
+     (green-2   "#3cb368" "#8ce096")
+     (green-1   "#1c9e28" "#32cd32")
+     (green     "#028902" "#7fb07f")
+     (green+1   "#008b45" "#3cb370")
+     (green+2   "#077707" "#099709")
+     (cyan-2    "#1fb3b3" "#8cf1f1")
+     (cyan-1    "#409e9f" "#2fdbde")
+     (cyan      "#528d8d" "#1fb3b3")
+     (cyan+1    "#0d7b72" "#528d8d")
+     (cyan+2    "#286060" "#0d7b72")
+     (blue-2    "#0092ff" "#b2c3f8")
+     (blue-1    "#2c53ca" "#94bff3")
+     (blue      "#0000ff" "#62b6ea")
+     (blue+1    "#0505cc" "#00aff5")
+     (blue+2    "#00008b" "#2884c6")
+     (magenta-2 "#dc63dc" "#ebabde")
+     (magenta-1 "#ba55d3" "#dc8cc3")
+     (magenta   "#a020f0" "#e81ee7")
+     (magenta+1 "#9400d3" "#ba55d3")
+     (magenta+2 "#8b008b" "#a44bbb")))
+  "Alist of alect color themes.
+Each association is a cons cell of a theme name and alist of
+color names and values."
+  :group 'alect)
+(defun alect-get-color (theme-name color-name)
+  "Return the value of color for the specified theme."
+  (cdr (assoc color-name
+              (cdr (assoc theme-name alect-colors)))))
+(defun alect-get-faces (theme)
+  "Return a list for `custom-theme-set-faces' function."
+  (cl-flet ((gc (col) (alect-get-color theme col)))
+    `(;; basic colors
+      (default             ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg+1)
+                                :background ,(gc 'bg-1)))))
+      (cursor              ((t (:background ,(gc 'cursor)))))
+      (button              ((t (:inherit link))))
+      (link                ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'blue-1)
+                                :underline t :weight normal))))
+      (link-visited        ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'blue+2)
+                                :underline t :weight normal))))
+      (escape-glyph        ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'yellow) :bold t))))
+      (fringe              ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'gray)
+                                :background ,(gc 'bg-2)))))
+      (header-line         ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg+2)
+                                :height 1.13
+                                :box (:line-width 1
+                                      :color ,(gc 'fg+2)
+                                      :style nil)))))
+      (highlight           ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'black)
+                                :background ,(gc 'white)))))
+      (shadow              ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'gray)))))
+      (success             ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green) :weight bold))))
+      (warning             ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'yellow-1) :weight normal))))
+      (region              ((t (:background ,(gc 'bg+2)))))
+      (menu                ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg+1)
+                                :background ,(gc 'bg-1)))))
+      (minibuffer-prompt   ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'magenta-1) :weight bold))))
+      (secondary-selection ((t (:background ,(gc 'bg+1)))))
+      (trailing-whitespace ((t (:background ,(gc 'red)))))
+      (vertical-border     ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg+1)))))
+      ;; auxiliary faces to be inherited by org, gnus and other faces with 
+      (color-level-1 ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'blue+1)))))
+      (color-level-2 ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green)))))
+      (color-level-3 ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'red+1)))))
+      (color-level-4 ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'yellow+2)))))
+      (color-level-5 ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'cyan+1)))))
+      (color-level-6 ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'blue-1)))))
+      (color-level-7 ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'magenta-1)))))
+      (color-level-8 ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'yellow)))))
+      (color-level-9 ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green+2)))))
+      (color-level-10 ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'red-2)))))
+      (color-level-11 ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'cyan-2)))))
+      (color-level-12 ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'magenta+2)))))
+      ;; ace-jump
+      (ace-jump-face-background ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'bg+2)
+                                     :background ,(gc 'bg-1)
+                                     :inverse-video nil))))
+      (ace-jump-face-foreground ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green+2)
+                                     :background ,(gc 'bg-1)
+                                     :inverse-video nil))))
+      ;; ack
+      (ack-separator  ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg+1)))))
+      (ack-file       ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'blue)))))
+      (ack-line       ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'yellow)))))
+      (ack-match      ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg-2)
+                           :background ,(gc 'bg-2) :weight bold))))
+      ;; android mode
+      (android-mode-debug-face    ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green+1)))))
+      (android-mode-error-face    ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg-2) :weight bold))))
+      (android-mode-info-face     ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg+1)))))
+      (android-mode-verbose-face  ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green)))))
+      (android-mode-warning-face  ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'yellow)))))
+      ;; auctex
+      (font-latex-bold     ((t (:inherit bold))))
+      (font-latex-warning  ((t (:inherit font-lock-warning-face))))
+      (font-latex-sedate   ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'yellow) :weight bold ))))
+      (font-latex-title-4  ((t (:inherit variable-pitch :weight bold))))
+      ;; auto-complete
+      (ac-candidate-face                 ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'black)
+                                              :background ,(gc 'bg+2)))))
+      (ac-selection-face                 ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg+1)
+                                              :background ,(gc 'cyan+1) ))))
+      ;; bm
+      (bm-face                   ((t (:background ,(gc 'yellow-1)
+                                      :foreground ,(gc 'bg-1)))))
+      (bm-fringe-face            ((t (:background ,(gc 'yellow-1)
+                                      :foreground ,(gc 'bg-1)))))
+      (bm-fringe-persistent-face ((t (:background ,(gc 'green-1)
+                                      :foreground ,(gc 'bg-1)))))
+      (bm-persistent-face        ((t (:background ,(gc 'green-1)
+                                      :foreground ,(gc 'bg-1)))))
+      ;; clojure-test-mode
+      (clojure-test-failure-face ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg-2)
+                                      :weight bold :underline t))))
+      (clojure-test-error-face   ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'red)
+                                      :weight bold :underline t))))
+      (clojure-test-success-face ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green+1)
+                                      :weight bold :underline t))))
+      ;; comint
+      (comint-highlight-prompt ((t (:inherit minibuffer-prompt))))
+      (comint-highlight-input  ((t (:weight bold))))
+      ;; compilation
+      (compilation-column-face           ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'yellow)))))
+      (compilation-enter-directory-face  ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green)))))
+      (compilation-error-face            ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'red-1) :weight 
bold :underline t))))
+      (compilation-face                  ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg+1)))))
+      (compilation-info-face             ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'blue)))))
+      (compilation-info                  ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green-2) 
:underline t))))
+      (compilation-leave-directory-face  ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green)))))
+      (compilation-line-face             ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'yellow)))))
+      (compilation-line-number           ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'yellow)))))
+      (compilation-message-face          ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'blue)))))
+      (compilation-warning-face          ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg-2) :weight 
bold :underline t))))
+      (compilation-mode-line-exit        ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green+2) 
:weight bold))))
+      (compilation-mode-line-fail        ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'red) :weight 
+      (compilation-mode-line-run         ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'yellow) 
:weight bold))))
+      ;; ctable
+      (ctbl:face-cell-select  ((t (:background ,(gc 'blue)
+                                   :foreground ,(gc 'bg-1)))))
+      (ctbl:face-continue-bar ((t (:background ,(gc 'bg-2)
+                                   :foreground ,(gc 'bg-1)))))
+      (ctbl:face-row-select   ((t (:background ,(gc 'cyan)
+                                   :foreground ,(gc 'bg-1)))))
+      ;; customization
+      (custom-button                  ((t (:inherit custom-button-unraised
+                                           :box (:line-width 2
+                                                 :style released-button)))))
+      (custom-button-pressed          ((t (:inherit custom-button-unraised
+                                           :box (:line-width 2
+                                                 :style pressed-button)))))
+      (custom-button-mouse            ((t (:inherit custom-button-unraised 
+                                           :background ,(gc 'white)
+                                           :box (:line-width 2
+                                                 :style released-button)))))
+      (custom-button-unraised         ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'black)
+                                           :background ,(gc 'bg+2)))))
+      (custom-button-pressed-unraised ((t (:inherit custom-button-unraised 
:underline t))))
+      (custom-documentation           ((t (:inherit font-lock-doc-face))))
+      (custom-comment                 ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'gray)))))
+      (custom-tag                     ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'blue+2)))))
+      (custom-state                   ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green+1)))))
+      (custom-link                    ((t (:inherit link))))
+      (custom-group-subtitle          ((t (:weight bold))))
+      (custom-group-tag               ((t (:inherit outline-1))))
+      (custom-group-tag-1             ((t (:inherit outline-2))))
+      (custom-face-tag                ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'magenta+1) 
:weight bold))))
+      (custom-variable-tag            ((t (:inherit 
font-lock-variable-name-face :weight bold))))
+      (custom-variable-button         ((t (:weight bold :underline t))))
+      (custom-visibility              ((t (:inherit link :height 0.8))))
+      ;; diff
+      (diff-context           ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg-1)))))
+      (diff-added             ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green-1)))))
+      (diff-changed           ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'yellow-1)))))
+      (diff-removed           ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'red-1)))))
+      (diff-indicator-added   ((t (:inherit diff-added))))
+      (diff-indicator-changed ((t (:inherit diff-changed))))
+      (diff-indicator-removed ((t (:inherit diff-removed))))
+      (diff-refine-added      ((t (:inherit diff-added :weight bold))))
+      (diff-refine-change     ((t (:inherit diff-changed :weight bold))))
+      (diff-refine-removed    ((t (:inherit diff-removed :weight bold))))
+      (diff-header            ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'blue+2) :background ,(gc 
+      (diff-hunk-header       ((t (:inherit diff-header :foreground ,(gc 
+      (diff-file-header       ((t (:inherit diff-header :foreground ,(gc 
+      (diff-function          ((t (:inherit diff-header :foreground ,(gc 
+      (diff-index             ((t (:inherit diff-header :foreground ,(gc 
+      (diff-nonexistent       ((t (:inherit diff-header :foreground ,(gc 
+      ;; dired
+      (dired-directory  ((t (:inherit font-lock-function-name-face))))
+      (dired-flagged    ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'red)))))
+      (dired-header     ((t (:inherit header-line))))
+      (dired-ignored    ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'gray)))))
+      (dired-mark       ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'blue+1)))))
+      (dired-marked     ((t (:inherit warning))))
+      (dired-perm-write ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green-1)))))
+      (dired-symlink    ((t (:inherit font-lock-constant-face))))
+      (dired-warning    ((t (:inherit font-lock-warning-face
+                             :background ,(gc 'bg-2)))))
+      ;; egg
+      (egg-text-base        ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg+1)))))
+      (egg-help-header-1    ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'cyan+1)))))
+      (egg-help-header-2    ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'cyan-1)))))
+      (egg-branch           ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'yellow)))))
+      (egg-branch-mono      ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'yellow+1)))))
+      (egg-term             ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'blue)))))
+      (egg-diff-add         ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green-2)))))
+      (egg-diff-del         ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'red+1)))))
+      (egg-diff-file-header ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'yellow-2)))))
+      (egg-section-title    ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'red-1)))))
+      (egg-stash-mono       ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green)))))
+      ;; erc
+      (erc-header-line          ((t (:inherit header-line))))
+      (erc-bold-face            ((t (:weight bold))))
+      (erc-underline-face       ((t (:underline t))))
+      (erc-current-nick-face    ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'blue) :weight bold))))
+      (erc-dangerous-host-face  ((t (:inherit font-lock-warning-face))))
+      (erc-default-face         ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg+1)))))
+      (erc-direct-msg-face      ((t (:inherit erc-default-face :foreground 
,(gc 'red-2)))))
+      (erc-action-face          ((t (:inherit erc-bold-face))))
+      (erc-error-face           ((t (:inherit font-lock-warning-face))))
+      (erc-fool-face            ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'blue-2)))))
+      (erc-highlight-face       ((t (:inherit hover-highlight))))
+      (erc-input-face           ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'magenta)))))
+      (erc-keyword-face         ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green+1) :weight 
+      (erc-nick-default-face    ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'blue+1) :weight 
+      (erc-my-nick-face         ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'red) :weight normal))))
+      (erc-nick-msg-face        ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg+2)))))
+      (erc-notice-face          ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green)))))
+      (erc-palect-face          ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg-2) :weight normal))))
+      (erc-prompt-face          ((t (:inherit comint-highlight-prompt))))
+      (erc-timestamp-face       ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'yellow+1)))))
+      ;; epa
+      (epa-mark              ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'blue+1)))))
+      (epa-string            ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'cyan+2)))))
+      (epa-validity-disabled ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg-2)))))
+      (epa-validity-high     ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green-1)))))
+      (epa-validity-medium   ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'yellow-1)))))
+      (epa-validity-low      ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'red-1)))))
+      ;; ert
+      (ert-test-result-expected    ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green-2)
+                                        :background ,(gc 'bg-1)))))
+      (ert-test-result-unexpected  ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'red)
+                                        :background ,(gc 'bg-1)))))
+      ;; eshell
+      (eshell-prompt         ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg+2) :weight bold))))
+      (eshell-ls-archive     ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green)))))
+      (eshell-ls-backup      ((t (:inherit dired-ignored))))
+      (eshell-ls-clutter     ((t (:inherit font-lock-comment-face))))
+      (eshell-ls-directory   ((t (:inherit dired-directory))))
+      (eshell-ls-executable  ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'yellow)))))
+      (eshell-ls-unreadable  ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'red-2)))))
+      (eshell-ls-readonly    ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg-2)))))
+      (eshell-ls-missing     ((t (:inherit dired-warning))))
+      (eshell-ls-product     ((t (:inherit font-lock-doc-face))))
+      (eshell-ls-special     ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg+1) :weight bold))))
+      (eshell-ls-symlink     ((t (:inherit dired-symlink))))
+      ;; flycheck
+      (flycheck-error-face    ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'red-1) :weight bold 
:underline t))))
+      (flycheck-warning-face  ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg-2) :weight bold 
:underline t))))
+      ;; flymake
+      (flymake-errline        ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'red-1) :weight bold 
:underline t))))
+      (flymake-warnline       ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg-2) :weight bold 
:underline t))))
+      ;; flyspell
+      (flyspell-duplicate     ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg-2) :weight bold 
:underline t))))
+      (flyspell-incorrect     ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'red-1) :weight bold 
:underline t))))
+      ;; font lock
+      (font-lock-builtin-face           ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'magenta-1)))))
+      (font-lock-comment-face           ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green+1)))))
+      (font-lock-comment-delimiter-face ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green+1)))))
+      (font-lock-constant-face          ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'cyan-1)))))
+      (font-lock-doc-face               ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg-1) :slant 
+      (font-lock-doc-string-face        ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'cyan+2)))))
+      (font-lock-function-name-face     ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'blue-1)))))
+      (font-lock-keyword-face           ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'blue+1) :weight 
+      (font-lock-negation-char-face     ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg+1)))))
+      (font-lock-preprocessor-face      ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green-1)))))
+      (font-lock-string-face            ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'red-2)))))
+      (font-lock-type-face              ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'magenta+2)))))
+      (font-lock-variable-name-face     ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'yellow+2)))))
+      (font-lock-warning-face           ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'red+1) :weight 
+      ;; git-gutter
+      (git-gutter:added       ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green) :weight bold 
:inverse-video t))))
+      (git-gutter:deleted     ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'red) :weight bold 
:inverse-video t))))
+      (git-gutter:modified    ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'magenta) :weight bold 
:inverse-video t))))
+      (git-gutter:unchanged   ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg+1) :weight bold 
:inverse-video t))))
+      (git-gutter-fr:added    ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green)  :weight bold))))
+      (git-gutter-fr:deleted  ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'red) :weight bold))))
+      (git-gutter-fr:modified ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'magenta) :weight bold))))
+      ;; gnus
+      (gnus-group-news-1-empty      ((t (:inherit color-level-1))))
+      (gnus-group-news-2-empty      ((t (:inherit color-level-2))))
+      (gnus-group-news-3-empty      ((t (:inherit color-level-3))))
+      (gnus-group-news-4-empty      ((t (:inherit color-level-4))))
+      (gnus-group-news-5-empty      ((t (:inherit color-level-5))))
+      (gnus-group-news-6-empty      ((t (:inherit color-level-6))))
+      (gnus-group-news-low-empty    ((t (:inherit color-level-7))))
+      (gnus-group-news-1            ((t (:inherit gnus-group-news-1-empty 
:weight bold))))
+      (gnus-group-news-2            ((t (:inherit gnus-group-news-2-empty 
:weight bold))))
+      (gnus-group-news-3            ((t (:inherit gnus-group-news-3-empty 
:weight bold))))
+      (gnus-group-news-4            ((t (:inherit gnus-group-news-4-empty 
:weight bold))))
+      (gnus-group-news-5            ((t (:inherit gnus-group-news-5-empty 
:weight bold))))
+      (gnus-group-news-6            ((t (:inherit gnus-group-news-6-empty 
:weight bold))))
+      (gnus-group-news-low          ((t (:inherit gnus-group-news-low-empty 
:weight bold))))
+      (gnus-group-mail-1-empty      ((t (:inherit gnus-group-news-1-empty 
:slant italic))))
+      (gnus-group-mail-2-empty      ((t (:inherit gnus-group-news-2-empty 
:slant italic))))
+      (gnus-group-mail-3-empty      ((t (:inherit gnus-group-news-3-empty 
:slant italic))))
+      (gnus-group-mail-low-empty    ((t (:inherit gnus-group-news-low-empty 
:slant italic))))
+      (gnus-group-mail-1            ((t (:inherit gnus-group-news-1 :slant 
+      (gnus-group-mail-2            ((t (:inherit gnus-group-news-2 :slant 
+      (gnus-group-mail-3            ((t (:inherit gnus-group-news-3 :slant 
+      (gnus-group-mail-low          ((t (:inherit gnus-group-news-low :slant 
+      (gnus-header-content          ((t (:inherit message-header-other))))
+      (gnus-header-from             ((t (:inherit message-header-from))))
+      (gnus-header-name             ((t (:inherit message-header-name))))
+      (gnus-header-newsgroups       ((t (:inherit message-header-newsgroups))))
+      (gnus-header-subject          ((t (:inherit message-header-subject))))
+      (gnus-summary-cancelled       ((t (:background ,(gc 'fg-1)
+                                         :foreground ,(gc 'bg-2)))))
+      (gnus-summary-low-ancient     ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'blue-2)))))
+      (gnus-summary-low-read        ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green-2)))))
+      (gnus-summary-low-ticked      ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'red-2)))))
+      (gnus-summary-low-unread      ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg-1)))))
+      (gnus-summary-normal-ancient  ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'blue)))))
+      (gnus-summary-normal-read     ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green)))))
+      (gnus-summary-normal-ticked   ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'red)))))
+      (gnus-summary-normal-unread   ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg+1)))))
+      (gnus-summary-high-ancient    ((t (:inherit gnus-summary-normal-ancient 
:weight bold))))
+      (gnus-summary-high-read       ((t (:inherit gnus-summary-normal-read    
:weight bold))))
+      (gnus-summary-high-ticked     ((t (:inherit gnus-summary-normal-ticked  
:weight bold))))
+      (gnus-summary-high-unread     ((t (:inherit gnus-summary-normal-unread  
:weight bold))))
+      (gnus-summary-selected        ((t (:background ,(gc 'green)
+                                         :foreground ,(gc 'white)))))
+      (gnus-cite-1                  ((t (:inherit color-level-1))))
+      (gnus-cite-2                  ((t (:inherit color-level-2))))
+      (gnus-cite-3                  ((t (:inherit color-level-3))))
+      (gnus-cite-4                  ((t (:inherit color-level-4))))
+      (gnus-cite-5                  ((t (:inherit color-level-5))))
+      (gnus-cite-6                  ((t (:inherit color-level-6))))
+      (gnus-cite-7                  ((t (:inherit color-level-7))))
+      (gnus-cite-8                  ((t (:inherit color-level-8))))
+      (gnus-cite-9                  ((t (:inherit color-level-9))))
+      (gnus-cite-10                 ((t (:inherit color-level-10))))
+      (gnus-cite-11                 ((t (:inherit color-level-11))))
+      (gnus-signature               ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'cyan+1)))))
+      (gnus-x                       ((t (:background ,(gc 'fg+1)
+                                         :foreground ,(gc 'bg-1)))))
+      ;; grep
+      (grep-context-face  ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg+1)))))
+      (grep-error-face    ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'red-1) :weight bold 
:underline t))))
+      (grep-hit-face      ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'blue)))))
+      (grep-match-face    ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg-2) :weight bold))))
+      (match              ((t (:background ,(gc 'green+1)
+                               :foreground ,(gc 'yellow-2) :weight normal))))
+      ;; guide-key
+      (guide-key/highlight-command-face ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'blue)))))
+      (guide-key/key-face ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green)))))
+      (guide-key/prefix-command-face ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green+1)))))
+      ;; helm
+      (helm-header           ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green)
+                                  :background ,(gc 'bg-1)
+                                  :underline nil
+                                  :box nil))))
+      (helm-source-header    ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'yellow)
+                                  :background ,(gc 'bg-2)
+                                  :underline nil
+                                  :weight bold
+                                  :box (:line-width -1 :style 
+      (helm-selection        ((t (:background ,(gc 'bg) :underline nil))))
+      (helm-selection-line   ((t (:background ,(gc 'bg)))))
+      (helm-visible-mark     ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'bg-1) :background ,(gc 
+      (helm-candidate-number ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green-2) :background ,(gc 
+      (helm-ff-directory     ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'magenta)))))
+      ;; hl-line-mode
+      (hl-line       ((t (:background ,(gc 'bg)))))
+      ;; ido-mode
+      (ido-first-match ((t (:weight bold))))
+      (ido-only-match  ((t (:inherit ido-first-match :foreground ,(gc 
+      (ido-subdir      ((t (:inherit dired-directory))))
+      (ido-virtual     ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'red-2)))))
+      ;; isearch
+      (isearch-fail         ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg+1)
+                                 :background ,(gc 'red-2)))))
+      (isearch              ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'bg+1)
+                                 :background ,(gc 'fg+2)))))
+      (lazy-highlight       ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'bg-2)
+                                 :background ,(gc 'fg-2)))))
+      ;; js2-mode
+      (js2-warning-face           ((t (:foreground,(gc 'fg-2)))))
+      (js2-error-face             ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'red) :weight bold))))
+      (js2-jsdoc-tag-face         ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green-1)))))
+      (js2-jsdoc-type-face        ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green+2)))))
+      (js2-jsdoc-value-face       ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'cyan-1)))))
+      (js2-function-param-face    ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'cyan-1)))))
+      (js2-external-variable-face ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg-2)))))
+      ;; jabber-mode
+      (jabber-roster-user-away       ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green+2)))))
+      (jabber-roster-user-online     ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'blue-1)))))
+      (jabber-roster-user-dnd        ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'red+1)))))
+      (jabber-rare-time-face         ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green+1)))))
+      (jabber-chat-prompt-local      ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'blue-1)))))
+      (jabber-chat-prompt-foreign    ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'red+1)))))
+      (jabber-activity-face          ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'red+1)))))
+      (jabber-activity-personal-face ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'blue+1)))))
+      (jabber-title-small            ((t (:height 1.1 :weight bold))))
+      (jabber-title-medium           ((t (:height 1.2 :weight bold))))
+      (jabber-title-large            ((t (:height 1.3 :weight bold))))
+      ;; linum-mode
+      (linum ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg-2)))))
+      ;; magit
+      (magit-section-title ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'yellow) :weight bold))))
+      (magit-branch ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg-2) :weight bold))))
+      (magit-item-highlight ((t (:background ,(gc 'bg)))))
+      ;; markdown mode
+      (markdown-header-face           ((t (:inherit outline-1))))
+      (markdown-header-face-1         ((t (:inherit outline-1))))
+      (markdown-header-face-2         ((t (:inherit outline-2))))
+      (markdown-header-face-3         ((t (:inherit outline-3))))
+      (markdown-header-face-4         ((t (:inherit outline-4))))
+      (markdown-header-face-5         ((t (:inherit outline-5))))
+      (markdown-header-face-6         ((t (:inherit outline-6))))
+      (markdown-header-rule-face      ((t (:inherit markdown-header-face 
:foreground ,(gc 'fg)))))
+      (markdown-header-delimiter-face ((t (:inherit markdown-header-face 
:foreground ,(gc 'fg+2)))))
+      (markdown-footnote-face         ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'blue+2)))))
+      (markdown-inline-code-face      ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'cyan+1)))))
+      (markdown-comment-face          ((t (:inherit font-lock-comment-face))))
+      (markdown-blockquote-face       ((t (:inherit font-lock-doc-face))))
+      (markdown-bold-face             ((t (:inherit bold))))
+      (markdown-italic-face           ((t (:inherit italic))))
+      (markdown-missing-link-face     ((t (:inherit font-lock-warning-face))))
+      (markdown-link-face             ((t (:inherit link))))
+      (markdown-link-title-face       ((t (:inherit font-lock-string-face))))
+      (markdown-url-face              ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green+2)))))
+      (markdown-language-keyword-face ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'magenta+2)))))
+      (markdown-line-break-face       ((t (:inherit underline))))
+      (markdown-list-face             ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'yellow)))))
+      (markdown-metadata-key-face     ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'blue-2)))))
+      (markdown-metadata-value-face   ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'red-1)))))
+      (markdown-pre-face              ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'yellow+2)))))
+      (markdown-reference-face        ((t (:inherit link))))
+      ;; message-mode
+      (message-cited-text        ((t (:inherit font-lock-comment-face))))
+      (message-separator         ((t (:inherit font-lock-comment-face))))
+      (message-header-name       ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'yellow+1) :weight 
+      (message-header-other      ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green)))))
+      (message-header-to         ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'blue)))))
+      (message-header-from       ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'red)))))
+      (message-header-cc         ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'blue-1)))))
+      (message-header-newsgroups ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'yellow+2)))))
+      (message-header-subject    ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'red+2)))))
+      (message-header-xheader    ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green-1)))))
+      (message-mml               ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'cyan-2) :weight 
+      ;; mew
+      (mew-face-header-subject    ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg-2)))))
+      (mew-face-header-from       ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'yellow)))))
+      (mew-face-header-date       ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green)))))
+      (mew-face-header-to         ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'red)))))
+      (mew-face-header-key        ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green)))))
+      (mew-face-header-private    ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green)))))
+      (mew-face-header-important  ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'blue)))))
+      (mew-face-header-marginal   ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg+1) :weight bold))))
+      (mew-face-header-warning    ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'red)))))
+      (mew-face-header-xmew       ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green)))))
+      (mew-face-header-xmew-bad   ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'red)))))
+      (mew-face-body-url          ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg-2)))))
+      (mew-face-body-comment      ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg+1) :slant 
+      (mew-face-body-cite1        ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green)))))
+      (mew-face-body-cite2        ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'blue)))))
+      (mew-face-body-cite3        ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg-2)))))
+      (mew-face-body-cite4        ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'yellow)))))
+      (mew-face-body-cite5        ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'red)))))
+      (mew-face-mark-review       ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'blue)))))
+      (mew-face-mark-escape       ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green)))))
+      (mew-face-mark-delete       ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'red)))))
+      (mew-face-mark-unlink       ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'yellow)))))
+      (mew-face-mark-refile       ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green)))))
+      (mew-face-mark-unread       ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'yellow+2)))))
+      (mew-face-eof-message       ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green)))))
+      (mew-face-eof-part          ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'yellow)))))
+      ;; mic-paren
+      (paren-face-match    ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'cyan)
+                                :background ,(gc 'bg-1)
+                                :weight bold))))
+      (paren-face-mismatch ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'bg-1)
+                                :background ,(gc 'magenta)
+                                :weight bold))))
+      (paren-face-no-match ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'bg-1)
+                                :background ,(gc 'red)
+                                :weight bold))))
+      ;; mingus
+      (mingus-directory-face ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'blue)))))
+      (mingus-pausing-face ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'magenta)))))
+      (mingus-playing-face ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'cyan)))))
+      (mingus-playlist-face ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'cyan) ))))
+      (mingus-song-file-face ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'yellow)))))
+      (mingus-stopped-face ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'red)))))
+      ;; i don't know what it is, but this face can often be met in mails
+      (mm-uu-extract ((t (:background ,(gc 'bg)
+                          :foreground ,(gc 'fg+1)))))
+      ;; mode-line
+      (mode-line-buffer-id  ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'blue-1) :weight bold))))
+      (mode-line            ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg+1)
+                                 :background ,(gc 'bg-2)
+                                 :box (:line-width 2
+                                       :style released-button)))
+                             (t :inverse-video t)))
+      (mode-line-inactive   ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg-2)
+                                 :background ,(gc 'bg-1)
+                                 :box (:line-width 2
+                                       :color ,(gc 'bg-2)
+                                       :style nil)))))
+      ;; mu4e
+      (mu4e-cited-1-face ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'blue)    :slant italic))))
+      (mu4e-cited-2-face ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green+2) :slant italic))))
+      (mu4e-cited-3-face ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'cyan-2)  :slant italic))))
+      (mu4e-cited-4-face ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green)   :slant italic))))
+      (mu4e-cited-5-face ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'cyan+1)  :slant italic))))
+      (mu4e-cited-6-face ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green-1) :slant italic))))
+      (mu4e-cited-7-face ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'blue)    :slant italic))))
+      (mu4e-replied-face ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'bg+2)))))
+      (mu4e-trashed-face ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'bg+2) :strike-through t))))
+      ;; mumamo
+      (mumamo-background-chunk-major    ((t (:background nil))))
+      (mumamo-background-chunk-submode1 ((t (:background ,(gc 'bg-2)))))
+      (mumamo-background-chunk-submode2 ((t (:background ,(gc 'bg+1)))))
+      (mumamo-background-chunk-submode3 ((t (:background ,(gc 'bg+2)))))
+      (mumamo-background-chunk-submode4 ((t (:background ,(gc 'bg)))))
+      ;; nav
+      (nav-face-heading     ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'yellow)))))
+      (nav-face-button-num  ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'cyan)))))
+      (nav-face-dir         ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green)))))
+      (nav-face-hdir        ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'red)))))
+      (nav-face-file        ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg+1)))))
+      (nav-face-hfile       ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'red-2)))))
+      ;; nethack-el
+      (nethack-dark-gray-face          ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg-1)))))
+      (nethack-message-highlight-face  ((t (:background ,(gc 'bg)
+                                            :foreground ,(gc 'red+2)))))
+      (nethack-yellow-face             ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'yellow)))))
+      ;; newsticker
+      (newsticker-date-face                ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg+1)))))
+      (newsticker-default-face             ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg+1)))))
+      (newsticker-enclosure-face           ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'cyan-1)))))
+      (newsticker-extra-face               ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'bg+1) 
:height 0.8))))
+      (newsticker-feed-face                ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg+1)))))
+      (newsticker-immortal-item-face       ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green)))))
+      (newsticker-new-item-face            ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'blue)))))
+      (newsticker-obsolete-item-face       ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'red)))))
+      (newsticker-old-item-face            ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'bg+2)))))
+      (newsticker-statistics-face          ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg+1)))))
+      (newsticker-treeview-face            ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg+1)))))
+      (newsticker-treeview-immortal-face   ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green)))))
+      (newsticker-treeview-listwindow-face ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg+1)))))
+      (newsticker-treeview-new-face        ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'blue) 
:weight bold))))
+      (newsticker-treeview-obsolete-face   ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'red)))))
+      (newsticker-treeview-old-face        ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'bg+2)))))
+      (newsticker-treeview-selection-face  ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'yellow)))))
+      ;; org-mode
+      (org-agenda-date-today     ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'white)
+                                      :slant italic :weight bold))) t)
+      (org-agenda-structure      ((t (:inherit font-lock-comment-face))))
+      (org-archived              ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg+1) :weight bold))))
+      (org-checkbox              ((t (:background ,(gc 'bg+1)
+                                      :foreground ,(gc 'white)
+                                      :box (:line-width 1 :style 
+      (org-date                  ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'cyan-2) :underline 
+      (org-date-selected         ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'white) :background 
,(gc 'red+1)))))
+      (org-deadline-announce     ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'red-1)))))
+      (org-done                  ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'cyan-1) :weight 
+      (org-formula               ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'yellow-2)))))
+      (org-headline-done         ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'cyan-1)))))
+      (org-hide                  ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'bg-2)))))
+      (org-level-1               ((t (:inherit outline-1))))
+      (org-level-2               ((t (:inherit outline-2))))
+      (org-level-3               ((t (:inherit outline-3))))
+      (org-level-4               ((t (:inherit outline-4))))
+      (org-level-5               ((t (:inherit outline-5))))
+      (org-level-6               ((t (:inherit outline-6))))
+      (org-level-7               ((t (:inherit outline-7))))
+      (org-level-8               ((t (:inherit outline-8))))
+      (org-link                  ((t (:inherit link))))
+      (org-scheduled             ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green-2)))))
+      (org-scheduled-previously  ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'red-2)))))
+      (org-scheduled-today       ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'blue+1)))))
+      (org-special-keyword       ((t (:inherit font-lock-doc-face))))
+      (org-table                 ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg-1)))))
+      (org-tag                   ((t (:slant italic))))
+      (org-time-grid             ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg-2)))))
+      (org-todo                  ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'red) :weight bold))))
+      (org-upcoming-deadline     ((t (:inherit font-lock-keyword-face))))
+      (org-warning               ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'red) :weight bold 
:underline nil))))
+      (org-column                ((t (:background ,(gc 'bg-2)))))
+      (org-column-title          ((t (:background ,(gc 'bg-2) :underline t 
:weight bold))))
+      ;; outline
+      (outline-1 ((t (:inherit color-level-1 :weight bold :height 1.12))))
+      (outline-2 ((t (:inherit color-level-2 :weight bold :height 1.12))))
+      (outline-3 ((t (:inherit color-level-3 :weight bold :height 1.12))))
+      (outline-4 ((t (:inherit color-level-4 :weight bold :height 1.12))))
+      (outline-5 ((t (:inherit color-level-5 :weight bold :height 1.12))))
+      (outline-6 ((t (:inherit color-level-6 :weight bold :height 1.12))))
+      (outline-7 ((t (:inherit color-level-7 :weight bold :height 1.12))))
+      (outline-8 ((t (:inherit color-level-8 :weight bold :height 1.12))))
+      ;; popup
+      (popup-tip-face                    ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'black)
+                                              :background ,(gc 'yellow-2)))))
+      (popup-scroll-bar-foreground-face  ((t (:background ,(gc 'cyan+2)))))
+      (popup-scroll-bar-background-face  ((t (:background ,(gc 'bg-2)))))
+      (popup-isearch-match               ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg+1)
+                                              :background ,(gc 'bg-1) ))))
+      ;; rainbow-delimiters
+      (rainbow-delimiters-depth-1-face   ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg+1)))))
+      (rainbow-delimiters-depth-2-face   ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green+2)))))
+      (rainbow-delimiters-depth-3-face   ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'yellow-2)))))
+      (rainbow-delimiters-depth-4-face   ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'cyan)))))
+      (rainbow-delimiters-depth-5-face   ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green-1)))))
+      (rainbow-delimiters-depth-6-face   ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'blue+1)))))
+      (rainbow-delimiters-depth-7-face   ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'yellow-1)))))
+      (rainbow-delimiters-depth-8-face   ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green+1)))))
+      (rainbow-delimiters-depth-9-face   ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'cyan-2)))))
+      (rainbow-delimiters-depth-10-face  ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg-2)))))
+      (rainbow-delimiters-depth-11-face  ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green)))))
+      (rainbow-delimiters-depth-12-face  ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'cyan+2)))))
+      ;; rcirc
+      (rcirc-my-nick                   ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'blue)))))
+      (rcirc-other-nick                ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg-2)))))
+      (rcirc-bright-nick               ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'blue+1)))))
+      (rcirc-dim-nick                  ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'cyan-2)))))
+      (rcirc-server                    ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green)))))
+      (rcirc-server-prefix             ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green+1)))))
+      (rcirc-timestamp                 ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green+2)))))
+      (rcirc-nick-in-message           ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'yellow)))))
+      (rcirc-nick-in-message-full-line ((t (:bold t))))
+      (rcirc-prompt                    ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'yellow) :bold 
+      (rcirc-track-nick                ((t (:inverse-video t))))
+      (rcirc-track-keyword             ((t (:bold t))))
+      (rcirc-url                       ((t (:bold t))))
+      (rcirc-keyword                   ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'yellow) :bold 
+      ;; rpm-mode
+      (rpm-spec-dir-face           ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green)))))
+      (rpm-spec-doc-face           ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green)))))
+      (rpm-spec-ghost-face         ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'red)))))
+      (rpm-spec-macro-face         ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'yellow)))))
+      (rpm-spec-obsolete-tag-face  ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'red)))))
+      (rpm-spec-package-face       ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'red)))))
+      (rpm-spec-section-face       ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'yellow)))))
+      (rpm-spec-tag-face           ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'blue)))))
+      (rpm-spec-var-face           ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'red)))))
+      ;; rst-mode
+      (rst-level-1-face ((t (:inherit color-level-1))))
+      (rst-level-2-face ((t (:inherit color-level-2))))
+      (rst-level-3-face ((t (:inherit color-level-3))))
+      (rst-level-4-face ((t (:inherit color-level-4))))
+      (rst-level-5-face ((t (:inherit color-level-5))))
+      (rst-level-6-face ((t (:inherit color-level-6))))
+      ;; show-paren
+      (show-paren-mismatch  ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'white)
+                                 :background ,(gc 'red)))))
+      (show-paren-match     ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'white)
+                                 :background ,(gc 'green+1)))))
+      ;; SLIME
+      (slime-error-face                 ((t (:inherit 
+      (slime-repl-input-face            ((t (:inherit 
+      (slime-repl-output-face           ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green-1)))))
+      (slime-repl-inputed-output-face   ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'red)))))
+      (slime-repl-output-mouseover-face ((t (:inherit highlight))))
+      (slime-repl-prompt-face           ((t (:inherit 
+      (slime-repl-result-face           ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'blue+2)))))
+      ;; sml-mode-line
+      (sml-modeline-end-face ((t :inherit default :width condensed)))
+      ;; sunrise-commander
+      (sr-active-path-face       ((t (:inherit dired-header))))
+      (sr-passive-path-face      ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg-2)
+                                      :height 1.13
+                                      :box (:line-width 1
+                                            :color ,(gc 'fg-2)
+                                            :style nil)))))
+      (sr-directory-face         ((t (:inherit dired-directory))))
+      (sr-marked-file-face       ((t (:inherit dired-marked))))
+      (sr-marked-dir-face        ((t (:inherit sr-alt-marked-file-face :weight 
+      (sr-alt-marked-file-face   ((t (:inherit sr-marked-file-face :slant 
+      (sr-alt-marked-dir-face    ((t (:inherit sr-marked-dir-face :slant 
+      (sr-symlink-face           ((t (:inherit dired-symlink))))
+      (sr-symlink-directory-face ((t (:inherit sr-symlink-face :weight bold))))
+      (sr-broken-link-face       ((t (:inherit dired-warning))))
+      (sr-highlight-path-face    ((t (:inherit highlight))))
+      (sr-editing-path-face      ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'bg-1)
+                                      :background ,(gc 'blue-1)))))
+      (sr-clex-hotchar-face      ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'red)))))
+      (sr-encrypted-face         ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'yellow)))))
+      (sr-compressed-face        ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'magenta-1)))))
+      (sr-packaged-face          ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'magenta+1)))))
+      (sr-log-face               ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green-1)))))
+      (sr-xml-face               ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green+2)))))
+      (sr-html-face              ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'cyan+2)))))
+      ;; tabbar
+      (tabbar-button     ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg+1)
+                              :background ,(gc 'bg-1)))))
+      (tabbar-selected   ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg+1)
+                              :background ,(gc 'bg-1)
+                              :box (:line-width -1 :style pressed-button)))))
+      (tabbar-unselected ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg+1)
+                              :background ,(gc 'bg)
+                              :box (:line-width -1 :style released-button)))))
+      ;; term
+      (term-color-black       ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'bg-1)
+                                   :background ,(gc 'bg-2)))))
+      (term-color-red         ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'yellow+2)
+                                   :background ,(gc 'red-2)))))
+      (term-color-green       ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green)
+                                   :background ,(gc 'green+2)))))
+      (term-color-yellow      ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg-2)
+                                   :background ,(gc 'yellow)))))
+      (term-color-blue        ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'blue-1)
+                                   :background ,(gc 'cyan+1)))))
+      (term-color-magenta     ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'magenta)
+                                   :background ,(gc 'red)))))
+      (term-color-cyan        ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'cyan)
+                                   :background ,(gc 'blue)))))
+      (term-color-white       ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg+1)
+                                   :background ,(gc 'bg+2)))))
+      (term-default-fg-color  ((t (:inherit term-color-white))))
+      (term-default-bg-color  ((t (:inherit term-color-black))))
+      ;; volatile-highlights
+      (vhl/default-face ((t (:background ,(gc 'bg-2)))))
+      ;; emacs-w3m
+      (w3m-anchor                       ((t (:inherit link))))
+      (w3m-arrived-anchor               ((t (:inherit link-visited))))
+      (w3m-form                         ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'red-1) 
:underline t))))
+      (w3m-form-button                  ((t (:inherit custom-button))))
+      (w3m-form-button-pressed          ((t (:inherit custom-button-pressed))))
+      (w3m-form-button-mouse            ((t (:inherit custom-button-mouse))))
+      (w3m-tab-background               ((t (:inherit default))))
+      (w3m-tab-selected                 ((t (:inherit custom-button
+                                             :foreground ,(gc 'fg+2)))))
+      (w3m-tab-selected-retrieving      ((t (:inherit custom-button
+                                             :foreground ,(gc 'red)))))
+      (w3m-tab-selected-background      ((t (:background ,(gc 'bg)))))
+      (w3m-tab-unselected               ((t (:inherit custom-button
+                                             :foreground ,(gc 'fg-1)))))
+      (w3m-tab-unselected-retrieving    ((t (:inherit custom-button
+                                             :foreground ,(gc 'red+2)))))
+      (w3m-tab-unselected-unseen        ((t (:inherit custom-button
+                                             :backround ,(gc 'gray)))))
+      (w3m-tab-mouse                    ((t (:inherit custom-button-mouse))))
+      (w3m-header-line-location-title   ((t (:inherit header-line))))
+      (w3m-header-line-location-content ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'yellow+2)
+                                             :inherit header-line))))
+      (w3m-history-current-url          ((t (:inherit match))))
+      (w3m-lnum                         ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green+2)
+                                             :background ,(gc 'bg-1)))))
+      (w3m-lnum-match                   ((t (:background ,(gc 'bg-2)
+                                             :foreground ,(gc 'fg-2)
+                                             :weight bold))))
+      (w3m-lnum-minibuffer-prompt       ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'blue-1)))))
+      (w3m-image-anchor                 ((t (:background ,(gc 'bg+1)))))
+      ;; wanderlust
+      (wl-highlight-folder-few-face                     ((t (:foreground ,(gc 
+      (wl-highlight-folder-many-face                    ((t (:foreground ,(gc 
+      (wl-highlight-folder-path-face                    ((t (:foreground ,(gc 
+      (wl-highlight-folder-unread-face                  ((t (:foreground ,(gc 
+      (wl-highlight-folder-zero-face                    ((t (:foreground ,(gc 
+      (wl-highlight-folder-unknown-face                 ((t (:foreground ,(gc 
+      (wl-highlight-message-citation-header             ((t (:foreground ,(gc 
+      (wl-highlight-message-cited-text-1                ((t (:foreground ,(gc 
+      (wl-highlight-message-cited-text-2                ((t (:foreground ,(gc 
+      (wl-highlight-message-cited-text-3                ((t (:foreground ,(gc 
+      (wl-highlight-message-cited-text-4                ((t (:foreground ,(gc 
+      (wl-highlight-message-header-contents-face        ((t (:foreground ,(gc 
+      (wl-highlight-message-headers-face                ((t (:foreground ,(gc 
+      (wl-highlight-message-important-header-contents   ((t (:foreground ,(gc 
+      (wl-highlight-message-header-contents             ((t (:foreground ,(gc 
+      (wl-highlight-message-important-header-contents2  ((t (:foreground ,(gc 
+      (wl-highlight-message-signature                   ((t (:foreground ,(gc 
+      (wl-highlight-message-unimportant-header-contents ((t (:foreground ,(gc 
+      (wl-highlight-summary-answered-face               ((t (:foreground ,(gc 
+      (wl-highlight-summary-disposed-face               ((t (:foreground ,(gc 
+                                                             :slant italic))))
+      (wl-highlight-summary-new-face                    ((t (:foreground ,(gc 
+      (wl-highlight-summary-normal-face                 ((t (:foreground ,(gc 
+      (wl-highlight-summary-thread-top-face             ((t (:foreground ,(gc 
+      (wl-highlight-thread-indent-face                  ((t (:foreground ,(gc 
+      (wl-highlight-summary-refiled-face                ((t (:foreground ,(gc 
+      (wl-highlight-summary-displaying-face             ((t (:underline t 
:weight bold))))
+      ;; which-func-mode
+      (which-func ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green-2)))))
+      ;; whitespace-mode
+      (whitespace-space             ((t (:background ,(gc 'bg)
+                                         :foreground ,(gc 'blue-2)))))
+      (whitespace-hspace            ((t (:background ,(gc 'bg)
+                                         :foreground ,(gc 'gray)))))
+      (whitespace-tab               ((t (:background ,(gc 'fg-2)
+                                         :foreground ,(gc 'blue-2)))))
+      (whitespace-newline           ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'blue-2)))))
+      (whitespace-trailing          ((t (:background ,(gc 'red)))))
+      (whitespace-line              ((t (:background ,(gc 'gray)
+                                         :foreground ,(gc 'white)))))
+      (whitespace-space-before-tab  ((t (:background ,(gc 'fg-2)
+                                         :foreground ,(gc 'fg-2)))))
+      (whitespace-indentation       ((t (:background ,(gc 'yellow-2)
+                                         :foreground ,(gc 'red-2)))))
+      (whitespace-empty             ((t (:background ,(gc 'yellow)))))
+      (whitespace-space-after-tab   ((t (:background ,(gc 'yellow-2)
+                                         :foreground ,(gc 'red-2)))))
+      ;; widget
+      (widget-field             ((t (:background ,(gc 'bg)
+                                     :box (:line-width -1
+                                           :color ,(gc 'fg-2)
+                                           :style nil)))))
+      (widget-button            ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'blue-1) :weight bold))))
+      (widget-button-pressed    ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'blue+2) :inherit 
+      (widget-documentation     ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'green-1)))))
+      (widget-inactive          ((t (:inherit shadow))))
+      (widget-single-line-field ((t (:foreground ,(gc 'fg)
+                                     :inherit widget-field))))
+      ;; yascroll
+      (yascroll:thumb-text-area ((t (:background ,(gc 'bg-2)))))
+      (yascroll:thumb-fringe    ((t (:background ,(gc 'bg-2)
+                                     :foreground ,(gc 'fg-2))))))))
+(defun alect-get-vars (theme)
+  "Return a list for `custom-theme-set-variables' function."
+  (cl-flet ((gc (col) (alect-get-color theme col)))
+    `((ansi-color-names-vector
+       [,(gc 'bg-1)
+        ,(gc 'red)
+        ,(gc 'green)
+        ,(gc 'yellow)
+        ,(gc 'blue)
+        ,(gc 'magenta)
+        ,(gc 'cyan)
+        ,(gc 'fg+1)])
+      ;; emms icon at mode line (is taken from emms source)
+      (emms-mode-line-icon-image-cache
+       '(image :type xpm :ascent center :data ,(concat "/* XPM */
+static char *note[] = {
+/* width height num_colors chars_per_pixel */
+\"    10   11        2            1\",
+/* colors */
+\". c " (gc 'green+1)  "\",
+\"# c None s None\",
+/* pixels */
+\"#######..#\" };"))
+       t)
+      ;; gnus icon at mode line (is taken from gnus source)
+      (gnus-mode-line-image-cache
+       '(image :type xpm :ascent center :data ,(concat "/* XPM */
+static char *gnus-pointer[] = {
+/* width height num_colors chars_per_pixel */
+\"    18    13        2            1\",
+/* colors */
+\". c " (gc 'blue-1) "\",
+\"# c None s None\",
+/* pixels */
+\"###########.######\" };"))
+       t)
+      ;; fill-column-indicator
+      (fci-rule-color ,(gc 'bg-2))
+      ;; vc-annotate
+      (vc-annotate-color-map
+       '(( 20 . ,(gc 'red-1))
+         ( 40 . ,(gc 'red))
+         ( 60 . ,(gc 'yellow-2))
+         ( 80 . ,(gc 'yellow-1))
+         (100 . ,(gc 'yellow))
+         (120 . ,(gc 'yellow+1))
+         (140 . ,(gc 'green-1))
+         (160 . ,(gc 'green-2))
+         (180 . ,(gc 'green))
+         (200 . ,(gc 'green+1))
+         (220 . ,(gc 'green+2))
+         (240 . ,(gc 'cyan-1))
+         (260 . ,(gc 'cyan))
+         (280 . ,(gc 'cyan-2))
+         (300 . ,(gc 'blue-1))
+         (320 . ,(gc 'blue))
+         (340 . ,(gc 'blue+1))
+         (360 . ,(gc 'magenta))))
+      (vc-annotate-very-old-color ,(gc 'magenta))
+      (vc-annotate-background ,(gc 'bg-2))
+      )))
+(defmacro alect-create-theme (theme)
+  (let ((theme-name  (intern (concat "alect-" (symbol-name theme))))
+        (theme-vars  (alect-get-vars theme))
+        (theme-faces (alect-get-faces theme)))
+    ;; FIXME is there a way to avoid this?: variables are not set with
+    ;; `custom-theme-set-variables' if they have not been defined yet
+    (defvar emms-mode-line-icon-image-cache nil)
+    (defvar gnus-mode-line-image-cache nil)
+    `(progn
+       (deftheme ,theme-name ,(format "Just another %s color theme." theme))
+       (apply 'custom-theme-set-variables ',theme-name ',theme-vars)
+       (apply 'custom-theme-set-faces     ',theme-name ',theme-faces)
+       (provide-theme ',theme-name))))
+(and load-file-name
+     (boundp 'custom-theme-load-path)
+     (add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path
+                  (file-name-as-directory
+                   (file-name-directory load-file-name))))
+(provide 'alect)
+;; Local Variables:
+;; fill-column: 72
+;; eval: (and (fboundp 'rainbow-mode) (rainbow-mode))
+;; End:
+;;; alect.el ends here
diff --git a/colors b/colors
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cabdeb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colors
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+Content-Type: text/enriched
+Text-Width: 70
+Colors used in light and dark themes
+LIGHT   -2      -1      0       +1      +2
+fg      <x-color><param>#6c6c6c</param>#6c6c6c</x-color> 
+bg      <x-color><param>#f6f0e1</param>#f6f0e1</x-color> 
+red     <x-color><param>#fa5151</param>#fa5151</x-color> 
+yellow  <x-color><param>#f8ffc5</param>#f8ffc5</x-color> 
+green   <x-color><param>#3cb368</param>#3cb368</x-color> 
+cyan    <x-color><param>#1fb3b3</param>#1fb3b3</x-color> 
+blue    <x-color><param>#0092ff</param>#0092ff</x-color> 
+magenta <x-color><param>#dc63dc</param>#dc63dc</x-color> 
+DARK    -2      -1      0       +1      +2
+fg      <x-color><param>#8c826d</param>#8c826d</x-color> 
+bg      <x-color><param>#2b2b2b</param>#2b2b2b</x-color> 
+red     <x-color><param>#fa6a6e</param>#fa6a6e</x-color> 
+yellow  <x-color><param>#f8ffa0</param>#f8ffa0</x-color> 
+green   <x-color><param>#8ce096</param>#8ce096</x-color> 
+cyan    <x-color><param>#8cf1f1</param>#8cf1f1</x-color> 
+blue    <x-color><param>#b2c3f8</param>#b2c3f8</x-color> 
+magenta <x-color><param>#ebabde</param>#ebabde</x-color> 

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