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[nongnu] elpa/dracula-theme 54b5fc6 082/187: Rename all colors to someth

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/dracula-theme 54b5fc6 082/187: Rename all colors to something more readable
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2021 18:04:59 -0400 (EDT)

branch: elpa/dracula-theme
commit 54b5fc6b00df30b68115c74203d4942ef9fb6dda
Author: Étienne Deparis <etienne@depar.is>
Commit: Étienne Deparis <etienne@depar.is>

    Rename all colors to something more readable
 dracula-theme.el | 583 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------
 1 file changed, 286 insertions(+), 297 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dracula-theme.el b/dracula-theme.el
index 397a485..e281df6 100644
--- a/dracula-theme.el
+++ b/dracula-theme.el
@@ -17,119 +17,108 @@
 (require 'cl-lib)
 (deftheme dracula)
-(let ((colors '((fg1          "#f8f8f2")      ; Assigment form: VARIABLE COLOR 
-                (fg2          "#e2e2dc")
-                (fg3          "#ccccc7")
-                (fg4          "#b6b6b2")
-                (bg1          "#282a36" "#000000")
-                (bg2          "#373844")
-                (bg3          "#464752")
-                (bg4          "#565761")
-                (bg5          "#44475a")
-                (bg6          "#b45bcf")
-                (key2         "#0189cc")
-                (key3         "#ff79c6")
-                (builtin      "#ffb86c")
-                (keyword      "#ff79c6")
-                (const        "#8be9fd")
-                (comment      "#6272a4")
-                (func         "#50fa7b")
-                (str          "#f1fa8c")
-                (type         "#bd93f9")
-                (var          "#f8f8f2")
-                (warning      "#ffb86c")
-                (rainbow-1    "#f8f8f2")
-                (rainbow-2    "#8be9fd")
-                (rainbow-3    "#bd93f9")
-                (rainbow-4    "#ff79c6")
-                (rainbow-5    "#ffb86c")
-                (rainbow-6    "#50fa7b")
-                (rainbow-7    "#f1fa8c")
-                (rainbow-8    "#0189cc")
-                (rainbow-9    "#ff5555")
-                (rainbow-10   "#a0522d")
-                (eph-verbatim "#f1fa8c")
-                (eph-code     "#ff79c6")))
+;; Assigment form: VARIABLE COLOR [TTY-COLOR]
+(let ((colors '(;; Upstream theme color
+                (dracula-bg      "#282a36" "#000000") ; official background
+                (dracula-current "#44475a") ; official current-line/selection
+                (dracula-fg      "#f8f8f2") ; official foreground
+                (dracula-comment "#6272a4") ; official comment
+                (dracula-cyan    "#8be9fd") ; official cyan
+                (dracula-green   "#50fa7b") ; official green
+                (dracula-orange  "#ffb86c") ; official orange
+                (dracula-pink    "#ff79c6") ; official pink
+                (dracula-purple  "#bd93f9") ; official purple
+                (dracula-red     "#ff5555") ; official red
+                (dracula-yellow  "#f1fa8c") ; official yellow
+                ;; Other colors
+                (bg2             "#373844")
+                (bg3             "#464752")
+                (bg4             "#565761")
+                (fg2             "#e2e2dc")
+                (fg3             "#ccccc7")
+                (fg4             "#b6b6b2")
+                (other-violet    "#b45bcf")
+                (other-blue      "#0189cc")))
       (faces '(;; default
                (cursor :background ,fg3)
-               (default :background ,bg1 :foreground ,fg1)
+               (default :background ,dracula-bg :foreground ,dracula-fg)
                (default-italic :italic t)
                (ffap :foreground ,fg4)
-               (fringe :background ,bg1 :foreground ,fg4)
+               (fringe :background ,dracula-bg :foreground ,fg4)
                (highlight :foreground ,fg3 :background ,bg3)
-               (hl-line :background  ,bg5 :extend t)
-               (info-quoted-name :foreground ,builtin)
-               (info-string :foreground ,str)
+               (hl-line :background  ,dracula-current :extend t)
+               (info-quoted-name :foreground ,dracula-orange)
+               (info-string :foreground ,dracula-yellow)
                (lazy-highlight :foreground ,fg2 :background ,bg3)
-               (link :foreground ,const :underline t)
-               (linum :slant italic :foreground ,bg4 :background ,bg1)
-               (line-number :slant italic :foreground ,bg4 :background ,bg1)
-               (minibuffer-prompt :bold t :foreground ,keyword)
-               (region :background ,str :foreground ,bg1 :extend t)
-               (show-paren-match-face :background ,warning)
-               (trailing-whitespace :foreground nil :background ,warning)
+               (link :foreground ,dracula-cyan :underline t)
+               (linum :slant italic :foreground ,bg4 :background ,dracula-bg)
+               (line-number :slant italic :foreground ,bg4 :background 
+               (minibuffer-prompt :bold t :foreground ,dracula-pink)
+               (region :background ,dracula-yellow :foreground ,dracula-bg 
:extend t)
+               (show-paren-match-face :background ,dracula-orange)
+               (trailing-whitespace :foreground nil :background 
                (vertical-border :foreground ,bg2)
-               (warning :foreground ,warning)
+               (warning :foreground ,dracula-orange)
                (whitespace-trailing :inherit trailing-whitespace)
-               (header-line :background ,bg1)
+               (header-line :background ,dracula-bg)
                ;; syntax
-               (font-lock-builtin-face :foreground ,builtin)
-               (font-lock-comment-face :foreground ,comment)
-               (font-lock-constant-face :foreground ,const)
-               (font-lock-doc-face :foreground ,comment)
-               (font-lock-function-name-face :foreground ,func :bold t)
-               (font-lock-keyword-face :bold t :foreground ,keyword)
-               (font-lock-negation-char-face :foreground ,const)
-               (font-lock-reference-face :foreground ,const)
-               (font-lock-string-face :foreground ,str)
-               (font-lock-type-face :foreground ,type )
-               (font-lock-variable-name-face :foreground ,var)
-               (font-lock-warning-face :foreground ,warning :background ,bg2)
+               (font-lock-builtin-face :foreground ,dracula-orange)
+               (font-lock-comment-face :foreground ,dracula-comment)
+               (font-lock-constant-face :foreground ,dracula-cyan)
+               (font-lock-doc-face :foreground ,dracula-comment)
+               (font-lock-function-name-face :foreground ,dracula-green :bold 
+               (font-lock-keyword-face :bold t :foreground ,dracula-pink)
+               (font-lock-negation-char-face :foreground ,dracula-cyan)
+               (font-lock-reference-face :foreground ,dracula-cyan)
+               (font-lock-string-face :foreground ,dracula-yellow)
+               (font-lock-type-face :foreground ,dracula-purple )
+               (font-lock-variable-name-face :foreground ,dracula-fg)
+               (font-lock-warning-face :foreground ,dracula-orange :background 
                ;; auto-complete
-               (ac-completion-face :underline t :foreground ,keyword)
+               (ac-completion-face :underline t :foreground ,dracula-pink)
                ;; company
-               (company-echo-common :foreground ,bg1 :background ,fg1)
-               (company-preview :background ,bg1 :foreground ,key2)
+               (company-echo-common :foreground ,dracula-bg :background 
+               (company-preview :background ,dracula-bg :foreground 
                (company-preview-common :foreground ,bg2 :foreground ,fg3)
-               (company-preview-search :foreground ,type :background ,bg1)
+               (company-preview-search :foreground ,dracula-purple :background 
                (company-scrollbar-bg :background ,bg3)
-               (company-scrollbar-fg :foreground ,keyword)
+               (company-scrollbar-fg :foreground ,dracula-pink)
                (company-template-field :inherit region)
-               (company-tooltip :foreground ,fg2 :background ,bg1 :bold t)
-               (company-tooltip-annotation :foreground ,const)
+               (company-tooltip :foreground ,fg2 :background ,dracula-bg :bold 
+               (company-tooltip-annotation :foreground ,dracula-cyan)
                (company-tooltip-common  :foreground ,fg3)
-               (company-tooltip-common-selection :foreground ,str)
+               (company-tooltip-common-selection :foreground ,dracula-yellow)
                (company-tooltip-mouse :inherit highlight)
                (company-tooltip-selection :background ,bg3 :foreground ,fg3)
                ;; diff-hl
-               (diff-hl-change :foreground ,rainbow-5 :background ,rainbow-5)
-               (diff-hl-delete :foreground ,rainbow-9 :background ,rainbow-9)
-               (diff-hl-insert :foreground ,rainbow-6 :background ,rainbow-6)
+               (diff-hl-change :foreground ,dracula-orange :background 
+               (diff-hl-delete :foreground ,dracula-red :background 
+               (diff-hl-insert :foreground ,dracula-green :background 
                ;; enh-ruby
-               (enh-ruby-heredoc-delimiter-face :foreground ,str)
-               (enh-ruby-op-face :foreground ,keyword)
-               (enh-ruby-regexp-delimiter-face :foreground ,str)
-               (enh-ruby-string-delimiter-face :foreground ,str)
+               (enh-ruby-heredoc-delimiter-face :foreground ,dracula-yellow)
+               (enh-ruby-op-face :foreground ,dracula-pink)
+               (enh-ruby-regexp-delimiter-face :foreground ,dracula-yellow)
+               (enh-ruby-string-delimiter-face :foreground ,dracula-yellow)
                ;; font-latex
-               (font-latex-bold-face :foreground ,type)
-               (font-latex-italic-face :foreground ,key3 :italic t)
-               (font-latex-match-reference-keywords :foreground ,const)
-               (font-latex-match-variable-keywords :foreground ,var)
-               (font-latex-string-face :foreground ,str)
+               (font-latex-bold-face :foreground ,dracula-purple)
+               (font-latex-italic-face :foreground ,dracula-pink :italic t)
+               (font-latex-match-reference-keywords :foreground ,dracula-cyan)
+               (font-latex-match-variable-keywords :foreground ,dracula-fg)
+               (font-latex-string-face :foreground ,dracula-yellow)
                ;; gnus-group
-               (gnus-group-mail-1 :foreground ,keyword :bold t)
+               (gnus-group-mail-1 :foreground ,dracula-pink :bold t)
                (gnus-group-mail-1-empty :inherit gnus-group-mail-1 :bold nil)
-               (gnus-group-mail-2 :foreground ,const :bold t)
+               (gnus-group-mail-2 :foreground ,dracula-cyan :bold t)
                (gnus-group-mail-2-empty :inherit gnus-group-mail-2 :bold nil)
-               (gnus-group-mail-3 :foreground ,comment :bold t)
+               (gnus-group-mail-3 :foreground ,dracula-comment :bold t)
                (gnus-group-mail-3-empty :inherit gnus-group-mail-3 :bold nil)
-               (gnus-group-mail-low :foreground ,bg5 :bold t)
+               (gnus-group-mail-low :foreground ,dracula-current :bold t)
                (gnus-group-mail-low-empty :inherit gnus-group-mail-low :bold 
-               (gnus-group-news-1 :foreground ,keyword :bold t)
+               (gnus-group-news-1 :foreground ,dracula-pink :bold t)
                (gnus-group-news-1-empty :inherit gnus-group-news-1 :bold nil)
-               (gnus-group-news-2 :foreground ,const :bold t)
+               (gnus-group-news-2 :foreground ,dracula-cyan :bold t)
                (gnus-group-news-2-empty :inherit gnus-group-news-2 :bold nil)
-               (gnus-group-news-3 :foreground ,comment :bold t)
+               (gnus-group-news-3 :foreground ,dracula-comment :bold t)
                (gnus-group-news-3-empty :inherit gnus-group-news-3 :bold nil)
                (gnus-group-news-4 :inherit gnus-group-news-low)
                (gnus-group-news-4-empty :inherit gnus-group-news-low-empty)
@@ -137,295 +126,295 @@
                (gnus-group-news-5-empty :inherit gnus-group-news-low-empty)
                (gnus-group-news-6 :inherit gnus-group-news-low)
                (gnus-group-news-6-empty :inherit gnus-group-news-low-empty)
-               (gnus-group-news-low :foreground ,bg5 :bold t)
+               (gnus-group-news-low :foreground ,dracula-current :bold t)
                (gnus-group-news-low-empty :inherit gnus-group-news-low :bold 
-               (gnus-header-content :foreground ,keyword)
-               (gnus-header-from :foreground ,var)
-               (gnus-header-name :foreground ,type)
-               (gnus-header-subject :foreground ,func :bold t)
-               (gnus-summary-markup-face :foreground ,const)
-               (gnus-summary-high-unread :foreground ,keyword :weight bold)
+               (gnus-header-content :foreground ,dracula-pink)
+               (gnus-header-from :foreground ,dracula-fg)
+               (gnus-header-name :foreground ,dracula-purple)
+               (gnus-header-subject :foreground ,dracula-green :bold t)
+               (gnus-summary-markup-face :foreground ,dracula-cyan)
+               (gnus-summary-high-unread :foreground ,dracula-pink :weight 
                (gnus-summary-high-read :inherit gnus-summary-high-unread 
:weight normal)
                (gnus-summary-high-ancient :inherit gnus-summary-high-read)
                (gnus-summary-high-ticked :inherit gnus-summary-high-read 
:underline t)
-               (gnus-summary-normal-unread :foreground ,key2 :weight bold)
+               (gnus-summary-normal-unread :foreground ,other-blue :weight 
                (gnus-summary-normal-read :inherit gnus-summary-normal-unread 
:weight normal)
                (gnus-summary-normal-ancient :inherit gnus-summary-normal-read)
                (gnus-summary-normal-ticked :inherit gnus-summary-normal-read 
:underline t)
-               (gnus-summary-low-unread :foreground ,comment :weight bold)
+               (gnus-summary-low-unread :foreground ,dracula-comment :weight 
                (gnus-summary-low-read :inherit gnus-summary-low-unread :weight 
                (gnus-summary-low-ancient :inherit gnus-summary-low-read)
                (gnus-summary-low-ticked :inherit gnus-summary-low-read 
:underline t)
                (gnus-summary-selected :inverse-video t)
                ;; helm
-               (helm-bookmark-w3m :foreground ,type)
-               (helm-buffer-not-saved :foreground ,type :background ,bg1)
-               (helm-buffer-process :foreground ,builtin :background ,bg1)
-               (helm-buffer-saved-out :foreground ,fg1 :background ,bg1)
-               (helm-buffer-size :foreground ,fg1 :background ,bg1)
-               (helm-candidate-number :foreground ,bg1 :background ,fg1)
-               (helm-ff-directory :foreground ,func :background ,bg1 :weight 
-               (helm-ff-executable :foreground ,key2 :background ,bg1 :weight 
-               (helm-ff-file :foreground ,fg1 :background ,bg1 :weight normal)
-               (helm-ff-invalid-symlink :foreground ,key3 :background ,bg1 
:weight bold)
-               (helm-ff-prefix :foreground ,bg1 :background ,keyword :weight 
-               (helm-ff-symlink :foreground ,keyword :background ,bg1 :weight 
-               (helm-grep-cmd-line :foreground ,fg1 :background ,bg1)
-               (helm-grep-file :foreground ,fg1 :background ,bg1)
-               (helm-grep-finish :foreground ,fg2 :background ,bg1)
-               (helm-grep-lineno :foreground ,fg1 :background ,bg1)
+               (helm-bookmark-w3m :foreground ,dracula-purple)
+               (helm-buffer-not-saved :foreground ,dracula-purple :background 
+               (helm-buffer-process :foreground ,dracula-orange :background 
+               (helm-buffer-saved-out :foreground ,dracula-fg :background 
+               (helm-buffer-size :foreground ,dracula-fg :background 
+               (helm-candidate-number :foreground ,dracula-bg :background 
+               (helm-ff-directory :foreground ,dracula-green :background 
,dracula-bg :weight bold)
+               (helm-ff-executable :foreground ,other-blue :background 
,dracula-bg :weight normal)
+               (helm-ff-file :foreground ,dracula-fg :background ,dracula-bg 
:weight normal)
+               (helm-ff-invalid-symlink :foreground ,dracula-pink :background 
,dracula-bg :weight bold)
+               (helm-ff-prefix :foreground ,dracula-bg :background 
,dracula-pink :weight normal)
+               (helm-ff-symlink :foreground ,dracula-pink :background 
,dracula-bg :weight bold)
+               (helm-grep-cmd-line :foreground ,dracula-fg :background 
+               (helm-grep-file :foreground ,dracula-fg :background ,dracula-bg)
+               (helm-grep-finish :foreground ,fg2 :background ,dracula-bg)
+               (helm-grep-lineno :foreground ,dracula-fg :background 
                (helm-grep-match :foreground nil :background nil :inherit 
-               (helm-grep-running :foreground ,func :background ,bg1)
-               (helm-header :foreground ,fg2 :background ,bg1 :underline nil 
:box nil)
-               (helm-moccur-buffer :foreground ,func :background ,bg1)
+               (helm-grep-running :foreground ,dracula-green :background 
+               (helm-header :foreground ,fg2 :background ,dracula-bg 
:underline nil :box nil)
+               (helm-moccur-buffer :foreground ,dracula-green :background 
                (helm-selection :background ,bg2 :underline nil)
                (helm-selection-line :background ,bg2)
-               (helm-separator :foreground ,type :background ,bg1)
-               (helm-source-go-package-godoc-description :foreground ,str)
-               (helm-source-header :foreground ,keyword :background ,bg1 
:underline nil :weight bold)
-               (helm-time-zone-current :foreground ,builtin :background ,bg1)
-               (helm-time-zone-home :foreground ,type :background ,bg1)
-               (helm-visible-mark :foreground ,bg1 :background ,bg3)
+               (helm-separator :foreground ,dracula-purple :background 
+               (helm-source-go-package-godoc-description :foreground 
+               (helm-source-header :foreground ,dracula-pink :background 
,dracula-bg :underline nil :weight bold)
+               (helm-time-zone-current :foreground ,dracula-orange :background 
+               (helm-time-zone-home :foreground ,dracula-purple :background 
+               (helm-visible-mark :foreground ,dracula-bg :background ,bg3)
                ;; highlight-indentation minor mode
                (highlight-indentation-face :background ,bg2)
                ;; icomplete
-               (icompletep-determined :foreground ,builtin)
+               (icompletep-determined :foreground ,dracula-orange)
                ;; ido
-               (ido-first-match :foreground ,keyword :bold t)
-               (ido-only-match :foreground ,warning)
-               (ido-subdir :foreground ,builtin)
+               (ido-first-match :foreground ,dracula-pink :bold t)
+               (ido-only-match :foreground ,dracula-orange)
+               (ido-subdir :foreground ,dracula-orange)
                ;; isearch
-               (isearch :bold t :foreground ,warning :background ,bg3)
-               (isearch-fail :foreground ,bg1 :background ,warning)
+               (isearch :bold t :foreground ,dracula-orange :background ,bg3)
+               (isearch-fail :foreground ,dracula-bg :background 
                ;; jde-java
-               (jde-java-font-lock-constant-face :foreground ,const)
-               (jde-java-font-lock-modifier-face :foreground ,key3)
-               (jde-java-font-lock-number-face :foreground ,var)
-               (jde-java-font-lock-package-face :foreground ,var)
-               (jde-java-font-lock-private-face :foreground ,keyword)
-               (jde-java-font-lock-public-face :foreground ,keyword)
+               (jde-java-font-lock-constant-face :foreground ,dracula-cyan)
+               (jde-java-font-lock-modifier-face :foreground ,dracula-pink)
+               (jde-java-font-lock-number-face :foreground ,dracula-fg)
+               (jde-java-font-lock-package-face :foreground ,dracula-fg)
+               (jde-java-font-lock-private-face :foreground ,dracula-pink)
+               (jde-java-font-lock-public-face :foreground ,dracula-pink)
                ;; js2-mode
-               (js2-external-variable :foreground ,type  )
-               (js2-function-param :foreground ,const)
-               (js2-jsdoc-html-tag-delimiter :foreground ,str)
-               (js2-jsdoc-html-tag-name :foreground ,key2)
-               (js2-jsdoc-value :foreground ,str)
-               (js2-private-function-call :foreground ,const)
+               (js2-external-variable :foreground ,dracula-purple  )
+               (js2-function-param :foreground ,dracula-cyan)
+               (js2-jsdoc-html-tag-delimiter :foreground ,dracula-yellow)
+               (js2-jsdoc-html-tag-name :foreground ,other-blue)
+               (js2-jsdoc-value :foreground ,dracula-yellow)
+               (js2-private-function-call :foreground ,dracula-cyan)
                (js2-private-member :foreground ,fg3)
                ;; js3-mode
-               (js3-error-face :underline ,warning)
-               (js3-external-variable-face :foreground ,var)
-               (js3-function-param-face :foreground ,key3)
-               (js3-instance-member-face :foreground ,const)
-               (js3-jsdoc-tag-face :foreground ,keyword)
-               (js3-warning-face :underline ,keyword)
+               (js3-error-face :underline ,dracula-orange)
+               (js3-external-variable-face :foreground ,dracula-fg)
+               (js3-function-param-face :foreground ,dracula-pink)
+               (js3-instance-member-face :foreground ,dracula-cyan)
+               (js3-jsdoc-tag-face :foreground ,dracula-pink)
+               (js3-warning-face :underline ,dracula-pink)
                ;; magit
-               (magit-branch :foreground ,const :weight bold)
+               (magit-branch :foreground ,dracula-cyan :weight bold)
                (magit-diff-context-highlight :background ,bg3 :foreground ,fg3)
                (magit-diff-file-header :foreground ,fg2 :background ,bg3)
-               (magit-diffstat-added :foreground ,type)
-               (magit-diffstat-removed :foreground ,var)
+               (magit-diffstat-added :foreground ,dracula-purple)
+               (magit-diffstat-removed :foreground ,dracula-fg)
                (magit-hash :foreground ,fg2)
                (magit-hunk-heading :background ,bg3)
                (magit-hunk-heading-highlight :background ,bg3)
                (magit-item-highlight :background ,bg3)
                (magit-log-author :foreground ,fg3)
-               (magit-process-ng :foreground ,warning :weight bold)
-               (magit-process-ok :foreground ,func :weight bold)
-               (magit-section-heading :foreground ,keyword :weight bold)
+               (magit-process-ng :foreground ,dracula-orange :weight bold)
+               (magit-process-ok :foreground ,dracula-green :weight bold)
+               (magit-section-heading :foreground ,dracula-pink :weight bold)
                (magit-section-highlight :background ,bg2)
                ;; mode-line
-               (mode-line :foreground nil :background ,bg5 :box ,bg5)
-               (mode-line-inactive :foreground ,fg1 :background ,bg2 :box ,bg2)
+               (mode-line :foreground nil :background ,dracula-current :box 
+               (mode-line-inactive :foreground ,dracula-fg :background ,bg2 
:box ,bg2)
                ;; mu4e
                (mu4e-cited-1-face :foreground ,fg2)
                (mu4e-cited-7-face :foreground ,fg3)
-               (mu4e-header-marks-face :foreground ,type)
-               (mu4e-view-url-number-face :foreground ,type)
+               (mu4e-header-marks-face :foreground ,dracula-purple)
+               (mu4e-view-url-number-face :foreground ,dracula-purple)
                ;; org
-               (org-agenda-date :foreground ,rainbow-2 :underline nil)
-               (org-agenda-dimmed-todo-face :foreground ,comment)
-               (org-agenda-done :foreground ,rainbow-6)
-               (org-agenda-structure :foreground ,rainbow-3)
-               (org-block :foreground ,rainbow-5)
-               (org-code :foreground ,rainbow-7)
+               (org-agenda-date :foreground ,dracula-cyan :underline nil)
+               (org-agenda-dimmed-todo-face :foreground ,dracula-comment)
+               (org-agenda-done :foreground ,dracula-green)
+               (org-agenda-structure :foreground ,dracula-purple)
+               (org-block :foreground ,dracula-orange)
+               (org-code :foreground ,dracula-yellow)
                (org-column :background ,bg4)
                (org-column-title :inherit org-column :weight bold :underline t)
-               (org-date :foreground ,rainbow-2 :underline t)
-               (org-document-info :foreground ,rainbow-8)
-               (org-document-info-keyword :foreground ,comment)
-               (org-document-title :weight bold :foreground ,rainbow-5 :height 
-               (org-done :foreground ,rainbow-6)
-               (org-ellipsis :foreground ,comment)
-               (org-footnote :foreground ,rainbow-8)
-               (org-formula :foreground ,rainbow-4)
-               (org-headline-done :foreground ,comment :bold nil 
:strike-through t)
-               (org-hide :foreground ,bg1 :background ,bg1)
-               (org-level-1 :inherit bold :foreground ,rainbow-4 :height 1.3)
-               (org-level-2 :inherit bold :foreground ,rainbow-3 :height 1.1)
-               (org-level-3 :bold nil :foreground ,rainbow-6 :height 1.0)
-               (org-level-4 :bold nil :foreground ,rainbow-7)
-               (org-level-5 :bold nil :foreground ,rainbow-2)
-               (org-level-6 :bold nil :foreground ,rainbow-5)
-               (org-level-7 :bold nil :foreground ,rainbow-8)
-               (org-level-8 :bold nil :foreground ,rainbow-1)
-               (org-link :foreground ,rainbow-2 :underline t)
-               (org-priority :foreground ,rainbow-2)
-               (org-scheduled :foreground ,rainbow-6)
-               (org-scheduled-previously :foreground ,rainbow-7)
-               (org-scheduled-today :foreground ,rainbow-6)
+               (org-date :foreground ,dracula-cyan :underline t)
+               (org-document-info :foreground ,other-blue)
+               (org-document-info-keyword :foreground ,dracula-comment)
+               (org-document-title :weight bold :foreground ,dracula-orange 
:height 1.44)
+               (org-done :foreground ,dracula-green)
+               (org-ellipsis :foreground ,dracula-comment)
+               (org-footnote :foreground ,other-blue)
+               (org-formula :foreground ,dracula-pink)
+               (org-headline-done :foreground ,dracula-comment :bold nil 
:strike-through t)
+               (org-hide :foreground ,dracula-bg :background ,dracula-bg)
+               (org-level-1 :inherit bold :foreground ,dracula-pink :height 
+               (org-level-2 :inherit bold :foreground ,dracula-purple :height 
+               (org-level-3 :bold nil :foreground ,dracula-green :height 1.0)
+               (org-level-4 :bold nil :foreground ,dracula-yellow)
+               (org-level-5 :bold nil :foreground ,dracula-cyan)
+               (org-level-6 :bold nil :foreground ,dracula-orange)
+               (org-level-7 :bold nil :foreground ,other-blue)
+               (org-level-8 :bold nil :foreground ,dracula-fg)
+               (org-link :foreground ,dracula-cyan :underline t)
+               (org-priority :foreground ,dracula-cyan)
+               (org-scheduled :foreground ,dracula-green)
+               (org-scheduled-previously :foreground ,dracula-yellow)
+               (org-scheduled-today :foreground ,dracula-green)
                (org-sexp-date :foreground ,fg4)
-               (org-special-keyword :foreground ,rainbow-7)
-               (org-table :foreground ,rainbow-3)
-               (org-tag :foreground ,rainbow-4 :bold t :background ,bg2)
-               (org-todo :foreground ,rainbow-5 :bold t :background ,bg2)
-               (org-upcoming-deadline :foreground ,rainbow-7)
-               (org-warning :weight bold :foreground ,rainbow-4)
+               (org-special-keyword :foreground ,dracula-yellow)
+               (org-table :foreground ,dracula-purple)
+               (org-tag :foreground ,dracula-pink :bold t :background ,bg2)
+               (org-todo :foreground ,dracula-orange :bold t :background ,bg2)
+               (org-upcoming-deadline :foreground ,dracula-yellow)
+               (org-warning :weight bold :foreground ,dracula-pink)
                ;; outline
-               (outline-1 :foreground ,rainbow-6)
-               (outline-2 :foreground ,rainbow-3)
-               (outline-3 :foreground ,rainbow-2)
-               (outline-4 :foreground ,rainbow-5)
-               (outline-5 :foreground ,rainbow-5)
-               (outline-6 :foreground ,rainbow-8)
+               (outline-1 :foreground ,dracula-green)
+               (outline-2 :foreground ,dracula-purple)
+               (outline-3 :foreground ,dracula-cyan)
+               (outline-4 :foreground ,dracula-orange)
+               (outline-5 :foreground ,dracula-orange)
+               (outline-6 :foreground ,other-blue)
                ;; powerline
                (powerline-evil-base-face :foreground ,bg2)
-               (powerline-evil-emacs-face :inherit powerline-evil-base-face 
:background ,rainbow-7)
-               (powerline-evil-insert-face :inherit powerline-evil-base-face 
:background ,rainbow-2)
-               (powerline-evil-motion-face :inherit powerline-evil-base-face 
:background ,rainbow-3)
-               (powerline-evil-normal-face :inherit powerline-evil-base-face 
:background ,rainbow-6)
-               (powerline-evil-operator-face :inherit powerline-evil-base-face 
:background ,rainbow-4)
-               (powerline-evil-replace-face :inherit powerline-evil-base-face 
:background ,rainbow-9)
-               (powerline-evil-visual-face :inherit powerline-evil-base-face 
:background ,rainbow-5)
-               (powerline-active1 :background ,bg6 :foreground ,fg1)
-               (powerline-active2 :background ,bg6 :foreground ,fg1)
-               (powerline-inactive2 :background ,bg3 :foreground ,fg1)
-               (powerline-inactive2 :background ,bg3 :foreground ,fg1)
+               (powerline-evil-emacs-face :inherit powerline-evil-base-face 
:background ,dracula-yellow)
+               (powerline-evil-insert-face :inherit powerline-evil-base-face 
:background ,dracula-cyan)
+               (powerline-evil-motion-face :inherit powerline-evil-base-face 
:background ,dracula-purple)
+               (powerline-evil-normal-face :inherit powerline-evil-base-face 
:background ,dracula-green)
+               (powerline-evil-operator-face :inherit powerline-evil-base-face 
:background ,dracula-pink)
+               (powerline-evil-replace-face :inherit powerline-evil-base-face 
:background ,dracula-red)
+               (powerline-evil-visual-face :inherit powerline-evil-base-face 
:background ,dracula-orange)
+               (powerline-active1 :background ,other-violet :foreground 
+               (powerline-active2 :background ,other-violet :foreground 
+               (powerline-inactive2 :background ,bg3 :foreground ,dracula-fg)
+               (powerline-inactive2 :background ,bg3 :foreground ,dracula-fg)
                ;; rainbow-delimiters
-               (rainbow-delimiters-depth-1-face :foreground ,rainbow-1)
-               (rainbow-delimiters-depth-2-face :foreground ,rainbow-2)
-               (rainbow-delimiters-depth-3-face :foreground ,rainbow-3)
-               (rainbow-delimiters-depth-4-face :foreground ,rainbow-4)
-               (rainbow-delimiters-depth-5-face :foreground ,rainbow-5)
-               (rainbow-delimiters-depth-6-face :foreground ,rainbow-6)
-               (rainbow-delimiters-depth-7-face :foreground ,rainbow-7)
-               (rainbow-delimiters-depth-8-face :foreground ,rainbow-8)
-               (rainbow-delimiters-unmatched-face :foreground ,warning)
+               (rainbow-delimiters-depth-1-face :foreground ,dracula-fg)
+               (rainbow-delimiters-depth-2-face :foreground ,dracula-cyan)
+               (rainbow-delimiters-depth-3-face :foreground ,dracula-purple)
+               (rainbow-delimiters-depth-4-face :foreground ,dracula-pink)
+               (rainbow-delimiters-depth-5-face :foreground ,dracula-orange)
+               (rainbow-delimiters-depth-6-face :foreground ,dracula-green)
+               (rainbow-delimiters-depth-7-face :foreground ,dracula-yellow)
+               (rainbow-delimiters-depth-8-face :foreground ,other-blue)
+               (rainbow-delimiters-unmatched-face :foreground ,dracula-orange)
                ;; rpm-spec
-               (rpm-spec-dir-face :foreground ,rainbow-6)
-               (rpm-spec-doc-face :foreground ,rainbow-4)
-               (rpm-spec-ghost-face :foreground ,rainbow-3)
-               (rpm-spec-macro-face :foreground ,rainbow-7)
+               (rpm-spec-dir-face :foreground ,dracula-green)
+               (rpm-spec-doc-face :foreground ,dracula-pink)
+               (rpm-spec-ghost-face :foreground ,dracula-purple)
+               (rpm-spec-macro-face :foreground ,dracula-yellow)
                (rpm-spec-obsolete-tag-face :inherit font-lock-warning-face)
-               (rpm-spec-package-face :foreground ,rainbow-3)
-               (rpm-spec-section-face :foreground ,rainbow-7)
-               (rpm-spec-tag-face :foreground ,rainbow-2)
-               (rpm-spec-var-face :foreground ,rainbow-10)
+               (rpm-spec-package-face :foreground ,dracula-purple)
+               (rpm-spec-section-face :foreground ,dracula-yellow)
+               (rpm-spec-tag-face :foreground ,dracula-cyan)
+               (rpm-spec-var-face :foreground ,dracula-orange)
                ;; slime
-               (slime-repl-inputed-output-face :foreground ,type)
+               (slime-repl-inputed-output-face :foreground ,dracula-purple)
                ;; spam
-               (spam :inherit gnus-summary-normal-read :foreground ,warning 
:strike-through t :slant oblique)
+               (spam :inherit gnus-summary-normal-read :foreground 
,dracula-orange :strike-through t :slant oblique)
                ;; term
-               (term :foreground ,fg1 :background ,bg1)
+               (term :foreground ,dracula-fg :background ,dracula-bg)
                (term-color-black :foreground ,bg3 :background ,bg3)
-               (term-color-blue :foreground ,type :background ,type)
-               (term-color-cyan :foreground ,const :background ,const)
-               (term-color-green :foreground ,func :background ,func)
-               (term-color-magenta :foreground ,keyword :background ,keyword)
-               (term-color-red :foreground ,rainbow-9 :background ,rainbow-9)
+               (term-color-blue :foreground ,dracula-purple :background 
+               (term-color-cyan :foreground ,dracula-cyan :background 
+               (term-color-green :foreground ,dracula-green :background 
+               (term-color-magenta :foreground ,dracula-pink :background 
+               (term-color-red :foreground ,dracula-red :background 
                (term-color-white :foreground ,fg2 :background ,fg2)
-               (term-color-yellow :foreground ,str :background ,str)
+               (term-color-yellow :foreground ,dracula-yellow :background 
                ;; undo-tree
-               (undo-tree-visualizer-current-face :foreground ,builtin)
+               (undo-tree-visualizer-current-face :foreground ,dracula-orange)
                (undo-tree-visualizer-default-face :foreground ,fg2)
-               (undo-tree-visualizer-register-face :foreground ,type)
-               (undo-tree-visualizer-unmodified-face :foreground ,var)
+               (undo-tree-visualizer-register-face :foreground ,dracula-purple)
+               (undo-tree-visualizer-unmodified-face :foreground ,dracula-fg)
                ;; web-mode
                (web-mode-builtin-face :inherit ,font-lock-builtin-face)
                (web-mode-comment-face :inherit ,font-lock-comment-face)
                (web-mode-constant-face :inherit ,font-lock-constant-face)
                (web-mode-doctype-face :inherit ,font-lock-comment-face)
                (web-mode-function-name-face :inherit 
-               (web-mode-html-attr-name-face :foreground ,type)
-               (web-mode-html-attr-value-face :foreground ,func)
-               (web-mode-html-tag-face :foreground ,keyword :bold t)
-               (web-mode-keyword-face :foreground ,keyword)
-               (web-mode-string-face :foreground ,str)
+               (web-mode-html-attr-name-face :foreground ,dracula-purple)
+               (web-mode-html-attr-value-face :foreground ,dracula-green)
+               (web-mode-html-tag-face :foreground ,dracula-pink :bold t)
+               (web-mode-keyword-face :foreground ,dracula-pink)
+               (web-mode-string-face :foreground ,dracula-yellow)
                (web-mode-type-face :inherit ,font-lock-type-face)
                (web-mode-warning-face :inherit ,font-lock-warning-face)
                ;; which-func
                (which-func :inherit ,font-lock-function-name-face)
-               (dired-directory :foreground ,func :weight normal)
-               (dired-flagged :foreground ,keyword)
-               (dired-header :foreground ,fg3 :background ,bg1)
+               (dired-directory :foreground ,dracula-green :weight normal)
+               (dired-flagged :foreground ,dracula-pink)
+               (dired-header :foreground ,fg3 :background ,dracula-bg)
                (dired-ignored :inherit shadow)
-               (dired-mark :foreground ,var :weight bold)
-               (dired-marked :foreground ,builtin :weight bold)
+               (dired-mark :foreground ,dracula-fg :weight bold)
+               (dired-marked :foreground ,dracula-orange :weight bold)
                (dired-perm-write :foreground ,fg3 :underline t)
-               (dired-symlink :foreground ,str :weight normal :slant italic)
-               (dired-warning :foreground ,warning :underline t)
+               (dired-symlink :foreground ,dracula-yellow :weight normal 
:slant italic)
+               (dired-warning :foreground ,dracula-orange :underline t)
                (diredp-compressed-file-name :foreground ,fg3)
                (diredp-compressed-file-suffix :foreground ,fg4)
-               (diredp-date-time :foreground ,var)
-               (diredp-deletion-file-name :foreground ,keyword :background 
-               (diredp-deletion :foreground ,keyword :weight bold)
+               (diredp-date-time :foreground ,dracula-fg)
+               (diredp-deletion-file-name :foreground ,dracula-pink 
:background ,dracula-current)
+               (diredp-deletion :foreground ,dracula-pink :weight bold)
                (diredp-dir-heading :foreground ,fg2 :background ,bg4)
                (diredp-dir-name :inherit dired-directory)
                (diredp-dir-priv :inherit dired-directory)
-               (diredp-executable-tag :foreground ,builtin)
-               (diredp-file-name :foreground ,fg1)
+               (diredp-executable-tag :foreground ,dracula-orange)
+               (diredp-file-name :foreground ,dracula-fg)
                (diredp-file-suffix :foreground ,fg4)
-               (diredp-flag-mark-line :foreground ,fg2 :slant italic 
:background ,bg5)
-               (diredp-flag-mark :foreground ,fg2 :weight bold :background 
-               (diredp-ignored-file-name :foreground ,fg1)
-               (diredp-mode-line-flagged :foreground ,warning)
-               (diredp-mode-line-marked :foreground ,warning)
-               (diredp-no-priv :foreground ,fg1)
-               (diredp-number :foreground ,const)
-               (diredp-other-priv :foreground ,builtin)
-               (diredp-rare-priv :foreground ,builtin)
-               (diredp-read-priv :foreground ,type)
-               (diredp-write-priv :foreground ,keyword)
-               (diredp-exec-priv :foreground ,str)
-               (diredp-symlink :foreground ,warning)
-               (diredp-link-priv :foreground ,warning)
-               (diredp-autofile-name :foreground ,str)
-               (diredp-tagged-autofile-name :foreground ,str)
-               (icicle-whitespace-highlight :background ,var)
+               (diredp-flag-mark-line :foreground ,fg2 :slant italic 
:background ,dracula-current)
+               (diredp-flag-mark :foreground ,fg2 :weight bold :background 
+               (diredp-ignored-file-name :foreground ,dracula-fg)
+               (diredp-mode-line-flagged :foreground ,dracula-orange)
+               (diredp-mode-line-marked :foreground ,dracula-orange)
+               (diredp-no-priv :foreground ,dracula-fg)
+               (diredp-number :foreground ,dracula-cyan)
+               (diredp-other-priv :foreground ,dracula-orange)
+               (diredp-rare-priv :foreground ,dracula-orange)
+               (diredp-read-priv :foreground ,dracula-purple)
+               (diredp-write-priv :foreground ,dracula-pink)
+               (diredp-exec-priv :foreground ,dracula-yellow)
+               (diredp-symlink :foreground ,dracula-orange)
+               (diredp-link-priv :foreground ,dracula-orange)
+               (diredp-autofile-name :foreground ,dracula-yellow)
+               (diredp-tagged-autofile-name :foreground ,dracula-yellow)
+               (icicle-whitespace-highlight :background ,dracula-fg)
                (icicle-special-candidate :foreground ,fg2)
                (icicle-extra-candidate :foreground ,fg2)
-               (icicle-search-main-regexp-others :foreground ,var)
-               (icicle-search-current-input :foreground ,keyword)
-               (icicle-search-context-level-8 :foreground ,warning)
-               (icicle-search-context-level-7 :foreground ,warning)
-               (icicle-search-context-level-6 :foreground ,warning)
-               (icicle-search-context-level-5 :foreground ,warning)
-               (icicle-search-context-level-4 :foreground ,warning)
-               (icicle-search-context-level-3 :foreground ,warning)
-               (icicle-search-context-level-2 :foreground ,warning)
-               (icicle-search-context-level-1 :foreground ,warning)
-               (icicle-search-main-regexp-current :foreground ,fg1)
-               (icicle-saved-candidate :foreground ,fg1)
-               (icicle-proxy-candidate :foreground ,fg1)
-               (icicle-mustmatch-completion :foreground ,type)
+               (icicle-search-main-regexp-others :foreground ,dracula-fg)
+               (icicle-search-current-input :foreground ,dracula-pink)
+               (icicle-search-context-level-8 :foreground ,dracula-orange)
+               (icicle-search-context-level-7 :foreground ,dracula-orange)
+               (icicle-search-context-level-6 :foreground ,dracula-orange)
+               (icicle-search-context-level-5 :foreground ,dracula-orange)
+               (icicle-search-context-level-4 :foreground ,dracula-orange)
+               (icicle-search-context-level-3 :foreground ,dracula-orange)
+               (icicle-search-context-level-2 :foreground ,dracula-orange)
+               (icicle-search-context-level-1 :foreground ,dracula-orange)
+               (icicle-search-main-regexp-current :foreground ,dracula-fg)
+               (icicle-saved-candidate :foreground ,dracula-fg)
+               (icicle-proxy-candidate :foreground ,dracula-fg)
+               (icicle-mustmatch-completion :foreground ,dracula-purple)
                (icicle-multi-command-completion :foreground ,fg2 :background 
-               (icicle-msg-emphasis :foreground ,func)
+               (icicle-msg-emphasis :foreground ,dracula-green)
                (icicle-mode-line-help :foreground ,fg4)
-               (icicle-match-highlight-minibuffer :foreground ,builtin)
-               (icicle-match-highlight-Completions :foreground ,func)
-               (icicle-key-complete-menu-local :foreground ,fg1)
-               (icicle-key-complete-menu :foreground ,fg1)
-               (icicle-input-completion-fail-lax :foreground ,keyword)
-               (icicle-input-completion-fail :foreground ,keyword)
-               (icicle-historical-candidate-other :foreground ,fg1)
-               (icicle-historical-candidate :foreground ,fg1)
-               (icicle-current-candidate-highlight :foreground ,warning 
:background ,bg3)
+               (icicle-match-highlight-minibuffer :foreground ,dracula-orange)
+               (icicle-match-highlight-Completions :foreground ,dracula-green)
+               (icicle-key-complete-menu-local :foreground ,dracula-fg)
+               (icicle-key-complete-menu :foreground ,dracula-fg)
+               (icicle-input-completion-fail-lax :foreground ,dracula-pink)
+               (icicle-input-completion-fail :foreground ,dracula-pink)
+               (icicle-historical-candidate-other :foreground ,dracula-fg)
+               (icicle-historical-candidate :foreground ,dracula-fg)
+               (icicle-current-candidate-highlight :foreground ,dracula-orange 
:background ,bg3)
                (icicle-Completions-instruction-2 :foreground ,fg4)
                (icicle-Completions-instruction-1 :foreground ,fg4)
-               (icicle-completion :foreground ,var)
-               (icicle-complete-input :foreground ,builtin)
-               (icicle-common-match-highlight-Completions :foreground ,type)
-               (icicle-candidate-part :foreground ,var)
+               (icicle-completion :foreground ,dracula-fg)
+               (icicle-complete-input :foreground ,dracula-orange)
+               (icicle-common-match-highlight-Completions :foreground 
+               (icicle-candidate-part :foreground ,dracula-fg)
                (icicle-annotation :foreground ,fg4))))
   (apply #'custom-theme-set-faces

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