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[elpa] externals/ergoemacs-mode 78bd8cf 231/325: Remove component stuff

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [elpa] externals/ergoemacs-mode 78bd8cf 231/325: Remove component stuff
Date: Sat, 23 Oct 2021 18:49:00 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/ergoemacs-mode
commit 78bd8cf2b65c0ba4b3b09d1b764012b5b0d79410
Author: Walter Landry <wlandry@caltech.edu>
Commit: Walter Landry <wlandry@caltech.edu>

    Remove component stuff
 ergoemacs-component.el |  94 --------------------------------
 ergoemacs-macros.el    | 142 -------------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 236 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ergoemacs-component.el b/ergoemacs-component.el
index 1bd1d6f..b6cd7b6 100644
--- a/ergoemacs-component.el
+++ b/ergoemacs-component.el
@@ -139,100 +139,6 @@ It also passes ARGS if any are specified."
                      (cdr elt))
-(defun ergoemacs-component-struct--handle-bind-1 (kbd-str def keymap)
-  "Tell `ergoemacs-mode' to bind KBD-STR to DEF in KEYMAP."
-  (ergoemacs-component-struct--define-key keymap (read-kbd-macro kbd-str) def))
-(defun ergoemacs-component-struct--handle-bind (bind &optional keymap)
-  "Handle :bind and related properties.
-BIND is the property list from the component definition.
-KEYMAP is the symbol of a bound keymap.  If unspecified, the
-binding assumes KEYMAP is `global-map'."
-  (let ((keymap (or keymap 'global-map)))
-    (ergoemacs-component-struct--parse-list
-     bind #'ergoemacs-component-struct--handle-bind-1 keymap)))
-(defun ergoemacs-component-struct--create-component (plist body file)
-  "Create ergoemacs component.
-PLIST is the component properties
-BODY is the body of function.
-FILE is the file name where the component was created."
-  (ergoemacs-timing (intern (format "create-component-%s" (plist-get plist 
-    (unwind-protect
-        (progn
-          (setq ergoemacs-component-struct--define-key-current
-                (make-ergoemacs-component-struct
-                 :name (plist-get plist :name)
-                 :plist (plist-put plist :file file)
-                 :just-first-keys (or (plist-get plist :just-first-keys) nil)
-                 :variable-modifiers (or (plist-get plist :variable-modifiers) 
-                 :variable-prefixes (or (plist-get plist :variable-prefixes) 
'([apps] [menu] [27]))
-                 :package-name (plist-get plist :package-name)
-                 :layout (or (plist-get plist :layout) "us")
-                 :defer (plist-get plist :defer)))
-          (let* ((tmp (plist-get plist :bind-keymap))
-                 (package-name (plist-get plist :package-name))
-                 (demand (plist-get plist :demand))
-                 (defer (if demand nil (plist-get plist :defer)))
-                 (defer-present-p (or demand defer (memq :defer plist))))
-            ;; Handle :bind-keymap commands
-            (when (and tmp (not defer-present-p) (not defer))
-              (setq defer-present-p t defer t)
-              (setf (ergoemacs-component-struct-defer 
ergoemacs-component-struct--define-key-current) t))
-            (ergoemacs-component-struct--handle-bind tmp)
-            ;; Handle :bind-keymap* commands
-            (setq tmp (plist-get plist :bind-keymap*))
-            (when (and tmp (not defer-present-p) (not defer))
-              (setq defer-present-p t defer t)
-              (setf (ergoemacs-component-struct-defer 
ergoemacs-component-struct--define-key-current) t))
-            (ergoemacs-component-struct--handle-bind tmp 
-            ;; Handle :bind keys
-            (setq tmp (plist-get plist :bind))
-            (when (and tmp (not defer-present-p) (not defer))
-              (setq defer-present-p t defer t)
-              (setf (ergoemacs-component-struct-defer 
ergoemacs-component-struct--define-key-current) t))
-            (ergoemacs-component-struct--handle-bind tmp)
-            ;; Handle :bind* commands
-            (setq tmp (plist-get plist :bind*))
-            (when (and tmp (not defer-present-p) (not defer))
-              (setq defer-present-p t defer t)
-              (setf (ergoemacs-component-struct-defer 
ergoemacs-component-struct--define-key-current) t))
-            (ergoemacs-component-struct--handle-bind tmp 
-            ;; Handle :commands
-            (setq tmp (plist-get plist :commands))
-            (when (and tmp (not defer-present-p) (not defer))
-              (setq defer-present-p t defer t)
-              (setf (ergoemacs-component-struct-defer 
ergoemacs-component-struct--define-key-current) t))
-            (when package-name
-              (cond
-               ((and tmp (symbolp tmp))
-                (autoload tmp (format "%s" package-name) nil t)
-                (push (cons tmp package-name) 
-               ((consp tmp)
-                (dolist (f tmp)
-                  (when (and f (symbolp f))
-                    (autoload f (format "%s" package-name) nil t)
-                    (push (cons f package-name) 
-          (funcall body)
-          (setf (ergoemacs-component-struct-variables 
-                (reverse (ergoemacs-component-struct-variables 
-      (puthash (concat (ergoemacs-component-struct-name 
-                       (and (ergoemacs-component-struct-version 
-                            (concat "::" (ergoemacs-component-struct-version 
-               ergoemacs-component-struct--define-key-current 
-      (setq ergoemacs-component-struct--define-key-current nil))))
 (defun ergoemacs-component-struct--with-hook (when-condition plist body 
&optional object)
   "How the (when...) conditions in an ergoemacs-mode theme are handled.
 WHEN-CONDITION is the when condition that is defined in a theme.
diff --git a/ergoemacs-macros.el b/ergoemacs-macros.el
index 946c2db..c5a1996 100644
--- a/ergoemacs-macros.el
+++ b/ergoemacs-macros.el
@@ -253,148 +253,6 @@ distinguish from the ASCII equivalents:
   "List of ergoemacs-theme-component properties.")
-(defmacro ergoemacs-theme-component (&rest body-and-plist)
-  "A component of an ergoemacs-theme.
-This macro parses BODY-AND-PLIST to Emacs code to generate an
-`erogemacs-mode' theme component.
-This accepts the following keywords:
-:bind -- What keys to bind.  This is compatible with use-package
-    definitions.  That is it can take a command like:
-    :bind (\"C-.\" . ace-jump-mode)
-    or list of commands
-    :bind ((\"M-o l\" . highlight-lines-matching-regexp)
-           (\"M-o r\" . highlight-regexp)
-           (\"M-o w\" . highlight-phrase))
-    This list of commands can just be a list without the extra
-    parentheses for each command:
-    :bind (\"M-o l\" . highlight-lines-matching-regexp
-           \"M-o r\" . highlight-regexp
-           \"M-o w\" . highlight-phrase)
-    Note that these keys may change based on keyboard layouts,
-    and also these keys can accept special ergoemacs-commands and
-    keymaps (unlike use-package).
-    When package-name is non-nil, create autoloads for undefined commands.
-    Default: nil
-:bind-keymap -- A keymap to bind.  Similar to :bind but used for
-    keymaps.  This is processed before :bind keywords.  While
-    this is necessary for use-package, it is not necessary for
-    `ergoemacs-mode'.  However, this keyword is provided for convenience. 
-    Default: nil
-:bind* -- Keys to bind above minor modes (in
-  `ergoemacs-override-keymap').
-   Default: nil
-:bind-keymap* -- Keymap to bind above minor modes (in
-   `ergoemacs-override-keymap').
-    Default: nil
-:commands -- List of commands to create autoloads for.  This can
-    take a command like:
-    :commands ace-jump-mode
-    Or
-    :commands (isearch-moccur isearch-all)
-    When :package-name is non-nil, this will create autoloads for
-    the commands.
-:defer -- Should this package's loading be deferred?
-    When using :commands :bind :bind* :bind-keymap :bind-keymap*
-   or :interperter, defer is implied.  When :package-name
-   is nil, this dosen't do anything.
-:demand -- Prevent deferred loading in all cases
-Borrowed from `use-package'.
-:package-name -- Name of package to load.  When non-nil any key
-defition to a single command will create an autoload for that
-Default: nil
-:no-load / :no-require -- Don't load/require the package-name.
-:ergoemacs-require -- when non-nil, this ergoemacs-component is
-required with `ergoemacs-require'. By default this is disabled
-:just-first-keys -- Keys where a fixed amount of the key is based
-on variable keyboard placement, then the rest of the key is
-based on letter.  For example with the apps component, the
-just first keys are defined to be [apps ?h], which means the
-[apps h] will be defined based on finger placement, but the
-keys afterward would be based on letter.
-By default this is defined as nil, meaning no special keys
-like this occur.
-:just-first-keys (list [apps ?h] [menu ?h])
-Defaults to nil
-:variable-modifiers -- Modifiers that are considierd variable.
-These modifiers have keys change among various keyboard
-layouts.  That is keys are bound based on finger placement
-among various keyboard layouts.
-Defaults to '(meta)
-:variable-prefixes -- Keyboard prefixes that are considiered
-variable.  After these keys are pressed, the keyboard layout
-dictates the keys.  That is, keys are bound based on finger
-placement among various keyboard layouts.
-Defaults to '([apps] [menu] [27])
-:layout -- Layout that the key bindings are based on.
-Defaults to us (QWERTY)
-Please do not use the following tags, since they are parsed based
-on the definition:
-:name -- Component Name
-:description -- Component Description
-:file -- File where the component was defined."
-  (declare (doc-string 2)
-           (indent 2))
-  (let ((kb (make-symbol "body-and-plist")))
-    (setq kb (ergoemacs-theme-component--parse body-and-plist))
-    `(let ((plist ',(nth 0 kb))
-           (fun '(lambda () ,@(nth 1 kb))))
-       (unless (boundp 'ergoemacs-component-hash)
-         (defvar ergoemacs-component-hash (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
-           "Hash of ergoemacs theme components"))
-       (defvar ergoemacs-mode-reset)
-       (setq ergoemacs-mode-reset t)
-       (puthash ,(plist-get (nth 0 kb) :name)
-                `(lambda() ,(plist-get plist :description)
-                  (ergoemacs-component-struct--create-component
-                   ',plist ',fun ,(or load-file-name buffer-file-name)))
-                ergoemacs-component-hash)
-       ,(when (plist-get (nth 0 kb) :ergoemacs-require)
-          `(ergoemacs-require ',(intern (plist-get (nth 0 kb) :name)))))))
 (defvar ergoemacs-theme-components--modified-plist nil
   "Modified plist.")

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