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[elpa] externals/phps-mode 2ac480a 47/96: Started on automatic generatio

From: Christian Johansson
Subject: [elpa] externals/phps-mode 2ac480a 47/96: Started on automatic generation of terminals, non-terminals and start as well
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2021 11:14:44 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/phps-mode
commit 2ac480a65ec812d74fa840359cbde675f632e65f
Author: Christian Johansson <christian@cvj.se>
Commit: Christian Johansson <christian@cvj.se>

    Started on automatic generation of terminals, non-terminals and start as 
 phps-mode-automation-parser-generator.el | 317 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 317 insertions(+)

diff --git a/phps-mode-automation-parser-generator.el 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92df4ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phps-mode-automation-parser-generator.el
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+;;; phps-mode-automation-parser-generator --- Generate a parser for PHP YACC 
grammar -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Copyright (C) 2018-2021  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at
+;; your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;;; Code:
+(defun phps-mode-automation-parser-generator--ensure-yacc-grammar-is-available 
+  "If grammar is not available, download it."
+  (let ((php-yacc-url
+        (php-yacc-file
+         (expand-file-name "zend_language_parser.y")))
+    ;; Download YACC if not available
+    (unless (file-exists-p php-yacc-file)
+      (message
+       "Downloading PHP 8.0 YACC grammar..")
+      (url-copy-file
+       php-yacc-url php-yacc-file
+       t
+       t)
+      (message
+       "Download of PHP 8.0 YACC grammar completed"))
+    (unless (file-exists-p php-yacc-file)
+      (error "Missing PHP YACC grammar at %s!" php-yacc-file))))
+(defun phps-mode-automation-parser-generator--grammar ()
+  "Generate productions here."
+  (require 'parser-generator-lr)
+  (phps-mode-automation-parser-generator--ensure-yacc-grammar-is-available)
+  (parser-generator-set-look-ahead-number
+   1)
+  (setq
+   parser-generator--e-identifier
+   nil)
+  (setq
+   parser-generator--global-attributes
+   nil)
+  (setq
+   parser-generator-lr--global-precedence-attributes
+   nil)
+  (setq
+   parser-generator-lr--context-sensitive-precedence-attribute
+   nil)
+  (setq
+   parser-generator--global-declaration
+   nil)
+  (parser-generator-set-grammar
+   '(
+     (Start Productions-Block Productions-Delimiter Productions Productions 
Production Production-End LHS RHSS RHS RHS-Symbol RHS-Symbols Comment Logic 
+     (productions-delimiter ":" "|" ";" comment logic symbol literal)
+     (
+      (Start
+       Productions-Block)
+      (Productions-Block
+       (Productions-Delimiter Productions Productions-Delimiter
+                              (lambda(args) (format "'(\n\n%s\n\n)" (nth 1 
+       )
+      (Productions-Delimiter
+       (productions-delimiter
+        (lambda(args) ""))
+       )
+      (Productions
+       (Production
+        (lambda(args) (format "%s" args)))
+       (Productions Production
+                    (lambda(args) (format "%s\n\n%s" (nth 0 args) (nth 1 
+       )
+      (Production
+       (Comment Production
+                (lambda(args) (format "%s" (nth 1 args))))
+       (LHS ":" RHSS Production-End
+            (lambda(args) (format " (%s\n  %s\n )" (nth 0 args) (nth 2 args))))
+       )
+      (Production-End
+       ";"
+       (";" ";"))
+      (LHS
+       (Symbol
+        (lambda(args) (format "%s" args)))
+       )
+      (RHSS
+       (RHS
+        (lambda(args) (format "%s" args)))
+       (RHSS "|" RHS
+             (lambda(args) (format "%s\n  %s" (nth 0 args) (nth 2 args))))
+       )
+      (RHS
+       (RHS-Symbol
+        (lambda(args) (format "%s" args)))
+       (RHS-Symbols
+        (lambda(args)
+          (if (string-match-p " " args)
+              (format "(%s)" args)
+            (format "%s" args))))
+       )
+      (RHS-Symbols
+       (RHS-Symbol
+        RHS-Symbols
+        (lambda (args)
+          (if (string= (nth 1 args) "")
+              (format "%s" (nth 0 args))
+            (format "%s %s" (nth 0 args) (nth 1 args)))))
+       (RHS-Symbol
+        RHS-Symbol
+        (lambda (args)
+          (if (string= (nth 1 args) "")
+              (format "%s" (nth 0 args))
+            (format "%s %s" (nth 0 args) (nth 1 args)))))
+       )
+      (RHS-Symbol
+       Comment
+       Logic
+       Symbol)
+      (Comment
+       (comment
+        (lambda(args) "")))
+      (Logic
+       (logic
+        (lambda(args) ""))
+       )
+      (Symbol
+       (symbol
+        (lambda(args) (format "%s" args)))
+       (literal
+        (lambda(args) (format "%S" (substring args 1 2))))
+       )
+      )
+     Start))
+  (setq
+   parser-generator-lex-analyzer--function
+   (lambda (index)
+     (with-current-buffer "*buffer*"
+       (let ((token))
+         (when
+             (<
+              index
+              (point-max))
+           (goto-char
+            index)
+           ;; Skip white-space(s)
+           (when (looking-at-p "[\t\n ]+")
+             (when
+                 (search-forward-regexp "[^\t\n ]" nil t)
+               (forward-char -1)
+               (setq-local
+                parser-generator-lex-analyzer--move-to-index-flag
+                (point))))
+           (cond
+            ((looking-at "\\(/\\*\\)")
+             (let ((comment-start (match-beginning 0))
+                   (comment-end
+                    (search-forward-regexp "\\(\\*/\\)" nil t)))
+               (unless comment-end
+                 (error
+                  "Failed to find end of comment started at %S (1)"
+                  comment-start))
+               (setq
+                token
+                `(comment ,comment-start . ,comment-end))))
+            ((looking-at "\\({\\)")
+             (let ((nesting-stack 1)
+                   (logic-start (match-beginning 0))
+                   (logic-end)
+                   (continue t))
+               (forward-char 1)
+               (while (and
+                       continue
+                       (> nesting-stack 0)
+                       (< (point) (point-max)))
+                 (let ((next-stop (search-forward-regexp "\\({\\|}\\|/\\*\\)" 
nil t)))
+                   (let ((match (buffer-substring-no-properties 
(match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))))
+                     (cond
+                      ((not next-stop)
+                       (setq
+                        continue
+                        nil))
+                      ((string= match "{")
+                       (setq
+                        nesting-stack
+                        (1+ nesting-stack)))
+                      ((string= match "}")
+                       (setq
+                        nesting-stack
+                        (1- nesting-stack))
+                       (when
+                           (= nesting-stack 0)
+                         (setq
+                          logic-end
+                          (point))))
+                      ((string= match "/*")
+                       (let (
+                             (comment-start (match-beginning 0))
+                             (comment-end
+                              (search-forward-regexp "\\*/" nil t)))
+                         (unless comment-end
+                           (error
+                            "Failed to find end of comment started at %S (2))"
+                            comment-start))))
+                      ))))
+               (unless logic-end
+                 (error
+                  "Failed to find end of logic started at %S"
+                  logic-start))
+               (setq
+                token
+                `(logic ,logic-start . ,logic-end))))
+            ((looking-at "\\(:\\|;\\||\\)")
+             (setq
+              token
+              `(
+                ,(buffer-substring-no-properties
+                  (match-beginning 0)
+                  (match-end 0))
+                ,(match-beginning 0)
+                . ,(match-end 0))))
+            ((looking-at "\\(%%\\)")
+             (setq
+              token
+              `(productions-delimiter ,(match-beginning 0) . ,(match-end 0))))
+            ((looking-at "\\([%a-zA-Z_]+\\)")
+             (setq
+              token
+              `(symbol ,(match-beginning 0) . ,(match-end 0))))
+            ((looking-at "\\('.'\\)")
+             (setq
+              token
+              `(literal ,(match-beginning 0) . ,(match-end 0))))
+            ))
+         (when token
+           (let ((token-data
+                  (buffer-substring-no-properties
+                   (car (cdr token))
+                   (cdr (cdr token)))))))
+         token))))
+  (setq
+   parser-generator-lex-analyzer--get-function
+   (lambda (token)
+     (with-current-buffer "*buffer*"
+       (let ((start (car (cdr token)))
+             (end (cdr (cdr token))))
+         (when (<= end (point-max))
+           (let ((symbol
+                  (buffer-substring-no-properties start end)))
+             (when
+                 (string-match-p "^\\([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\|[0-9]+\\)$" symbol)
+               (setq
+                symbol
+                (string-to-number symbol)))
+             symbol))))))
+  (parser-generator-process-grammar)
+  (parser-generator-lr-generate-parser-tables)
+  (let ((buffer (generate-new-buffer "*buffer*")))
+    (switch-to-buffer buffer)
+    (insert-file (expand-file-name "zend_language_parser.y"))
+    (goto-char (point-min))
+    (let ((delimiter-start (search-forward "%%")))
+      (setq
+       delimiter-start
+       (- delimiter-start 2))
+      (kill-region (point-min) delimiter-start))
+    (let ((delimiter-start (search-forward "%%")))
+      (kill-region delimiter-start (point-max)))
+    (goto-char (point-min))
+    (let ((productions (eval (car (read-from-string 
+      ;; TODO Generate non-terminals here
+      ;; TODO Generate terminals here
+      ;; TODO Generate start here
+      (list
+       non-terminals
+       terminals
+       productions
+       start))))
+(provide 'phps-mode-automation-parser-generator)
+;;; phps-mode-automation-parser-generator.el ends here

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