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[nongnu] elpa/symbol-overlay c41a347a0c 138/152: add symbol-overlay-igno

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/symbol-overlay c41a347a0c 138/152: add symbol-overlay-ignore-function-clojure
Date: Thu, 7 Jul 2022 12:04:22 -0400 (EDT)

branch: elpa/symbol-overlay
commit c41a347a0c4a9ed4c0dbcf635adf77fcf7dfaf1f
Author: Max Penet <max.penet@exoscale.ch>
Commit: Max Penet <max.penet@exoscale.ch>

    add symbol-overlay-ignore-function-clojure
 symbol-overlay.el | 133 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 132 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/symbol-overlay.el b/symbol-overlay.el
index 28f7753364..7bff562adb 100644
--- a/symbol-overlay.el
+++ b/symbol-overlay.el
@@ -166,7 +166,8 @@
     (c++-mode . symbol-overlay-ignore-function-c++)
     (python-mode . symbol-overlay-ignore-function-python)
     (java-mode . symbol-overlay-ignore-function-java)
-    (go-mode . symbol-overlay-ignore-function-go))
+    (go-mode . symbol-overlay-ignore-function-go)
+    (clojure-mode . symbol-overlay-ignore-function-clojure))
   "Functions to determine whether a symbol should be ignored.
 This is an association list that maps a MAJOR-MODE symbol to a
@@ -537,6 +538,136 @@ BEG, END and LEN are the beginning, end and length of 
changed text."
      "class"    "finally"   "long"       "strictfp"  "volatile"
      "const*"   "float"     "native"     "super"     "while")))
+(defvar clojure-font-lock-extra-keywords)
+;; From : (map str (keys (ns-publics 'clojure.core)))
+(defun symbol-overlay-ignore-function-clojure (symbol)
+  "Determine whether SYMBOL should be ignored (clojure)."
+  (symbol-overlay-match-keyword-list
+   symbol
+   (append clojure-font-lock-extra-keywords
+           '("primitives-classnames" "+'" "decimal?" "restart-agent" "sort-by"
+             "macroexpand" "ensure" "chunk-first" "eduction" "tree-seq"
+             "unchecked-remainder-int" "seq" "reduce" "when-first" "find-ns"
+             "get-thread-bindings" "contains?" "every?" "proxy-mappings"
+             "keep-indexed" "cond->>" "subs" "ref-min-history" "set" 
+             "bit-set" "reader-conditional" "gen-class" "qualified-keyword?"
+             "while" "->Eduction" "butlast" "satisfies?" "line-seq"
+             "unchecked-subtract-int" "*print-namespace-maps*" "take-nth" 
+             "re-groups" "seq?" "dec'" "ns-unmap" "println-str" 
+             "inst-ms" "iterator-seq" "iterate" "slurp" "newline" "short-array"
+             "fn?" "doall" "prefers" "enumeration-seq" "dedupe" "dissoc" "atom"
+             "import" "bit-shift-right" "print-method" "peek" "aget" "pvalues"
+             "bound-fn" "vswap!" "last" "pr" "namespace" "push-thread-bindings"
+             "bases" "=" "read+string" "dosync" "remove-ns" "take" "vector?"
+             "thread-bound?" "send-via" "boolean" "bit-shift-left" "any?"
+             "find-var" "rand-int" "aclone" "PrintWriter-on" "vreset!" "chunk"
+             "dec" "future-call" "resultset-seq" "struct" "map" "juxt"
+             "ns-publics" "<" "*source-path*" "with-loading-context" "test" 
+             "ex-data" "compile" "isa?" "boolean?" ".." "munge" "delay"
+             "set-error-mode!" "re-seq" "char?" "make-hierarchy"
+             "set-agent-send-executor!" "swap-vals!" "keep" "char" "mapcat"
+             "unchecked-long" "aset-long" "some?" "unchecked-negate" 
+             "gen-interface" "*command-line-args*" "reverse" "inst?" "range"
+             "sort" "-cache-protocol-fn" "unchecked-inc-int" "map-indexed"
+             "with-bindings" "rand-nth" "comp" "await" "spit" "future-done?"
+             "*read-eval*" "dorun" "simple-symbol?" "disj" "*2" "eval" "cons"
+             "refer" "print-dup" "-reset-methods" "floats" "pos?" "fnil"
+             "merge-with" "nthrest" "load" "if-not" "*verbose-defrecords*"
+             "sequential?" "*print-level*" "shuffle" "boolean-array" "find"
+             "alength" "bit-xor" "deliver" "doseq" "unsigned-bit-shift-right"
+             "neg?" "var-set" "unchecked-float" "pmap" "error-mode" "num"
+             "reduced?" "disj!" "float?" "aset-float" "deftype" "bean"
+             "booleans" "ns-unalias" "when-let" "int-array" "set?" "inc'" "cat"
+             "StackTraceElement->vec" "*suppress-read*" "flush" "take-while"
+             "vary-meta" "<=" "alter" "-'" "if-some" "conj!" "repeatedly"
+             "zipmap" "reset-vals!" "alter-var-root" "biginteger" "remove" "*"
+             "re-pattern" "min" "pop!" "chunk-append" "prn-str" 
+             "format" "reversible?" "shutdown-agents" "conj" "bound?"
+             "transduce" "lazy-seq" "*print-length*" "*file*" 
+             "*use-context-classloader*" "await1" "let" "ref-set"
+             "pop-thread-bindings" "interleave" "printf" "map?" "->" 
+             "*err*" "get" "doto" "identity" "into" "areduce" "long" "double"
+             "volatile?" "definline" "nfirst" "meta" "find-protocol-impl"
+             "bit-and-not" "*default-data-reader-fn*" "var?" "method-sig"
+             "unchecked-add-int" "unquote-splicing" "hash-ordered-coll" 
+             "reset-meta!" "cycle" "fn" "seque" "empty?" "short" "definterface"
+             "add-tap" "filterv" "hash" "quot" "ns-aliases" "read"
+             "unchecked-double" "key" "longs" "not=" "string?" "uri?"
+             "aset-double" "unchecked-multiply-int" "chunk-rest" "pcalls"
+             "*allow-unresolved-vars*" "remove-all-methods" "ns-resolve" "as->"
+             "aset-boolean" "trampoline" "double?" "when-not" "*1" "vec"
+             "*print-meta*" "when" "int" "map-entry?" "ns-refers" "rand" 
+             "vector-of" "hash-combine" ">" "replace" "int?" "associative?"
+             "unchecked-int" "set-error-handler!" "inst-ms*" "keyword?" "force"
+             "bound-fn*" "namespace-munge" "group-by" "prn" "extend"
+             "unchecked-multiply" "some->>" "default-data-readers" "->VecSeq"
+             "even?" "unchecked-dec" "Inst" "tagged-literal?" "double-array"
+             "in-ns" "create-ns" "re-matcher" "defn" "ref" "bigint" "extends?"
+             "promise" "aset-char" "rseq" "ex-cause" "construct-proxy"
+             "agent-errors" "*compile-files*" "ex-message" "*math-context*"
+             "float" "pr-str" "concat" "aset-short" 
+             "ns" "symbol" "to-array-2d" "mod" "amap" "pop" "use" "unquote"
+             "declare" "dissoc!" "reductions" "aset-byte" "indexed?"
+             "ref-history-count" "-" "assoc!" "hash-set" "reduce-kv" "or" 
+             "reset!" "name" "ffirst" "sorted-set" "counted?" "byte-array"
+             "tagged-literal" "println" "extend-type" "macroexpand-1" 
+             "char-name-string" "bit-test" "defmethod" "requiring-resolve"
+             "EMPTY-NODE" "time" "memoize" "alter-meta!" "future?" "zero?"
+             "simple-keyword?" "require" "unchecked-dec-int" "persistent!"
+             "nnext" "add-watch" "not-every?" "class?" "rem" "agent-error"
+             "some" "future-cancelled?" "memfn" "neg-int?" "struct-map" "drop"
+             "*data-readers*" "nth" "sorted?" "nil?" "extend-protocol"
+             "split-at" "*e" "load-reader" "random-sample" "cond->" "dotimes"
+             "select-keys" "bit-and" "bounded-count" "update" "list*" "reify"
+             "update-in" "prefer-method" "aset-int" "*clojure-version*"
+             "ensure-reduced" "*'" "instance?" "with-open" 
+             "re-find" "run!" "val" "defonce" "unchecked-add" "loaded-libs"
+             "->Vec" "bytes?" "not" "with-meta" "unreduced" "the-ns" "record?"
+             "type" "identical?" "unchecked-divide-int" "ns-name" "max-key"
+             "*unchecked-math*" "defn-" "*out*" "file-seq" "agent" "ns-map"
+             "set-validator!" "ident?" "defprotocol" "swap!" "vals"
+             "unchecked-subtract" "tap>" "*warn-on-reflection*" "sorted-set-by"
+             "sync" "qualified-ident?" "assert" "*compile-path*" "true?"
+             "release-pending-sends" "print" "empty" "remove-method" "*in*"
+             "print-ctor" "letfn" "volatile!" "/" "read-line"
+             "reader-conditional?" "bit-or" "clear-agent-errors" "vector"
+             "proxy-super" ">=" "drop-last" "not-empty" "distinct" "partition"
+             "loop" "add-classpath" "bit-flip" "long-array" "descendants" 
+             "accessor" "integer?" "mapv" "partition-all" "partition-by"
+             "numerator" "object-array" "with-out-str" "condp" "derive"
+             "load-string" "special-symbol?" "ancestors" "subseq" 
+             "gensym" "cond" "ratio?" "delay?" "intern" "print-simple" 
+             "doubles" "halt-when" "with-in-str" "remove-watch" "ex-info" 
+             "some->" "nat-int?" "proxy-name" "ns-interns" "all-ns"
+             "find-protocol-method" "subvec" "for" "binding" "partial"
+             "chunked-seq?" "find-keyword" "replicate" "min-key" "reduced"
+             "char-escape-string" "re-matches" "array-map" "unchecked-byte"
+             "with-local-vars" "ns-imports" "send-off" "defmacro" "every-pred"
+             "keys" "rationalize" "load-file" "distinct?" "pos-int?" 
+             "unchecked-short" "methods" "odd?" "->ArrayChunk" "float-array" 
+             "alias" "frequencies" "read-string" "proxy" "rsubseq" "inc"
+             "get-method" "with-redefs" "uuid?" "bit-clear" "filter" "locking"
+             "list" "+" "split-with" "aset" "->VecNode" "keyword" "*ns*"
+             "destructure" "*assert*" "defmulti" "chars" "str" "next" 
+             "if-let" "underive" "ref-max-history" "Throwable->map" "false?"
+             "*print-readably*" "ints" "class" "some-fn" "case"
+             "*flush-on-newline*" "to-array" "bigdec" "list?" "simple-ident?"
+             "bit-not" "io!" "xml-seq" "byte" "max" "==" "*agent*" "lazy-cat"
+             "comment" "parents" "count" "supers" "*fn-loader*" "sorted-map-by"
+             "apply" "interpose" "deref" "assoc" "rational?" "transient"
+             "clojure-version" "chunk-cons" "comparator" "sorted-map" "send"
+             "drop-while" "proxy-call-with-super" "realized?" "char-array"
+             "resolve" "compare" "complement" "*compiler-options*" 
+             "defrecord" "with-redefs-fn" "sequence" "constantly"
+             "get-proxy-class" "make-array" "shorts" "completing" 
+             "unchecked-negate-int" "hash-unordered-coll" "repeat" 
+             "*reader-resolver*" "nthnext" "and" "create-struct" 
+             "number?" "await-for" "chunk-next" "print-str" "not-any?"
+             "into-array" "qualified-symbol?" "init-proxy" "chunk-buffer"
+             "seqable?" "symbol?" "when-some" "unchecked-char" "->>"
+             "future-cancel" "var-get" "commute" "coll?" "get-in" "fnext"
+             "denominator" "bytes" "refer-clojure"))))
 ;;; Commands

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