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[emacs-humanities] How do you keep engaged with your writings?

From: Andrea
Subject: [emacs-humanities] How do you keep engaged with your writings?
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2021 00:10:33 +0100
User-agent: mu4e 1.2.0; emacs 27.1

Hi there,

Just wondering how you keep engaged with your writing through Emacs. I
have just published a little mode that keeps me focused on my writing
goals [0], and I remembered about the humanities community!

Do you use something similar to keep you going?

And what about corrections? I use a slightly enhanced version of
https://github.com/bnbeckwith/writegood-mode, but I am wondering if it
would be worth to look in things like Grammarly or so. Does anybody use

Thanks to setup and be involved in this community: it sounds very cool!


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