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[emacs-humanities] Extending Emacs Bookmarks to Work with EWW

From: Oliver Taylor
Subject: [emacs-humanities] Extending Emacs Bookmarks to Work with EWW
Date: Tue, 2 Feb 2021 22:11:23 -0800


I have a draft of a note/article/post I want to eventually share with the 
“community”, and I wondered if those of you here would be interested in 
checking it for problems/errors, or if you had any ideas to expand it.

I use the EWW browser quite a bit (mostly via Elfeed) and recently learned 
about Emacs’s bookmarks. I was disappointed to discover that while one can 
bookmark files, directories, magit buffers, elfeed searches, there is no such 
support for EWW. My note demonstrates how extend Emacs to do that.


Let me know what you think!

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