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Re: [emacs-humanities] Mailing list for Fountain Mode

From: Jean-Christophe Helary
Subject: Re: [emacs-humanities] Mailing list for Fountain Mode
Date: Sun, 25 Dec 2022 12:29:35 +0900

> On Dec 25, 2022, at 12:15, Paul W. Rankin <hello@paulwrankin.com> wrote:
> Hello JC! Glad you get some use out of Olivetti.
> Regarding Binder, thanks for checking it out and reporting your difficulties. 
> It is a failure on the part of the tutorial that it doesn't make clear how to 
> start a new project.

The github readme page would be the perfect place to write the 3-4 lines of 
instruction people need to get started.

> For your example of a directory of DocBook files simply toggling the sidebar 
> either within the directory or a file in the top-level of that directory 
> should give a y/n prompt to change the project directory to the current one 
> and create a .binder.el file there. If there is no active project (i.e. 
> option binder-project-directory is nil, likely your case) there won't be a 
> y/n prompt and you'll just receive a message that a .binder.el file was 
> created.

I don't remember seeing that message. I'll try again.

> From the sidebar you can type <a> to add a file or <A> to add all files to 
> the project (which will populate the .binder.el file). I think only 
> non-hidden files are added.

I always forget those mode specific shortcuts. Thank you.

> You should never need to write any code or edit the .binder.el file. 
> Everything should be usable without knowing Elisp.


> Regarding one project at a time, I should make the wording more clear. I just 
> mean there's only one project *active* at at time. This is because all the 
> commands are global.


> If you navigate to another directory with a .binder.el file and call a binder 
> command (e.g. show the sidebar, navigate project files, etc.) it will prompt 
> if you want to switch to that project instead. You can also switch projects 
> with <C> in the sidebar.


> Let me know if any of that is unclear or you have any other issues. Binder is 
> still a bit experimental and given Emacs already has project.el I should 
> probably investigate the overlap and whether things can be more integrated.

I was interested in Binder because it takes its inspiration from Scrivener, and 
looked simple enough I could wrap my mind around it. I really try to keep away 
from project.el because it is way too big :-)


> On 2022-12-24 21:28, Jean-Christophe Helary wrote:
>> Paul,
>> I just subscribed, even though I am not a script writer... :-) And I took 
>> the time to check your GH repositories and found olivetti, which I use all 
>> the time! Thank you!
>> I checked Binder and tried to use it, but even after doing the tutorial I'm 
>> not clear how to actually start.
>> Do I have to create a binder.el file in the directory I want to use (I'm 
>> thinking of a set of DocBook files). What is the content of that file? Or it 
>> is the mode code itself?
>> Also, you say that one can only use one project at a time, but your example 
>> shows 2 directories with a binder.el in each. Does that mean that Emacs 
>> automatically recognizes that we have changed of project?
>> JC
>>> On Dec 24, 2022, at 19:34, Paul W. Rankin via Emacs-humanities 
>>> <emacs-humanities@gnu.org> wrote:
>>> Hello!
>>> Founder of the emacs-humanities@ list here. This list has survived much 
>>> longer than I anticipated, by my count a bit over two years. I'm quite glad 
>>> to see I underestimated the vitality of the intersection between the 
>>> Arts/Humanities and Emacs users.
>>> With that in mind I thought it would be worthwhile if there existed a 
>>> mailing list for Fountain Mode, an Emacs screenwriting package that I 
>>> maintain, and that this list functioned not only as an avenue for support 
>>> and bug reports, but also provided a space for discussion among the small 
>>> intersection of Emacs users/screenwriters. And so:
>>>   https://lists.sr.ht/~pwr/fountain-mode
>>> Post comments, bug reports, feature requests and patches, and feel free to 
>>> also discuss screenwriting on Emacs in general. This list is also where 
>>> announcements will be posted.
>>> Thanks!

Jean-Christophe Helary @jchelary@emacs.ch

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