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Re: [Emacs-orgmode] Attention XEmacs users

From: Carsten Dominik
Subject: Re: [Emacs-orgmode] Attention XEmacs users
Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2006 18:36:19 +0200

Maybe you are not trying to open the file in emacs?
Following a link picks an application to open the file, depending on the extension. Under windows, the default is to use "open" for files, which is just like double-clicking them. However, "open" may choke on an efs path.
You can force the link to open inside emacs with C-u C-c C-o.  Have you 
tried this?
- Carsten

On Jun 20, 2006, at 18:24, Tim O'Callaghan wrote:

On Tue, Jun 20, 2006 at 05:10:27PM +0200, Carsten Dominik wrote:
Yes, looks like this function does not do at all what I think it
should be doing.  I'll remove the call, thanks for tracking this

I've tracked it down to something in org-open file. It gets past the
"No such file: " clause. Efs seems to be functioning well enough up
until the point where the file actually gets opened.

- Carsten

On Jun 20, 2006, at 17:03, Tim O'Callaghan wrote:

On Tue, Jun 20, 2006 at 03:47:13PM +0200, Carsten Dominik wrote:
Hi Tim,

On Jun 20, 2006, at 14:09, Tim O'Callaghan wrote:
Also ":" needed to be added to org-link-escape-chars, as below:
(defconst org-link-escape-chars '((":" . ":") ("[" . "%5B") ("]" .
"%5D") (" " . "%20"))
"Association list of escapes for some characters problematic in
Is there a typo in this setting?  The above setting should lead to
infinite loop, because you keep replacing ":" with ":" when trying
escape the link characters.  And as far as I can see, org-mode
the file name right through to `find-file'.  Could anyone try to
reporduce this?

Sorry, it was a quick hack that seemed to work, and now for some
reason does not. The issue itself still exists though.

I've tracked it down to the convert-standard-filename call in
org-open-file. If i remove the convert-standard-filename, it does
recognize it as an efs type file.

Anyway convert-standard-filename is what mangles efs type file
links. My guess is that it may be related to the C:\\filename


Emacs-orgmode mailing list

Carsten Dominik
Sterrenkundig Instituut "Anton Pannekoek"
Universiteit van Amsterdam
Kruislaan 403
NL-1098SJ Amsterdam
phone: +31 20 525 7477


Carsten Dominik
Sterrenkundig Instituut "Anton Pannekoek"
Universiteit van Amsterdam
Kruislaan 403
NL-1098SJ Amsterdam
phone: +31 20 525 7477

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