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[Orgmode] Alt-rightArrow misses space

From: Scott Otterson
Subject: [Orgmode] Alt-rightArrow misses space
Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2007 20:05:49 -0700
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20060719)

Just reporting  a small bug in org-mode 5.02...

In the outline between the dotted lines below, if I:

* put the cursor at the end of "TODO confidence overlaps:"
* hit M-ret
* hit M-rightArrow

A new subheadline under "TODO confidence overlaps:" is created, as
expected.  The problem is that the usual space after the right most
leading '*' is missing.   In other cases, the space is created correctly
but, for some reason, not this one.


* [[ASRU]] Paper (due 7/16/07)
*** TODO confidence and overlaps:
***** remove

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