Carsten Dominik <address@hidden> writes:
- Some People use TODO states more like tags. For them the
TODO keywords mark special states and they like to quickly
switch between states in arbitrary sequence. The standard
TODO interface is not perfect for this, because it assumes
that the states are reached in sequence. However, the fast
tag setting interface is in fact perfect for this. You can
now "misuse" the TAG selection interface to also set TODO
states. All you need to do is to assign keys to the TODO
states, just like you also do for tags.
#+TAGS: @HOME(h) @OFFICE(o) @SHOP(s)
Next time you try to set tags with C-c C-c, the todo states
will be offered as well, and the corresponding key will
switch the entry to that state.
This is a great idea... except the DONE(d) entry messes up the agenda
view => DONE tasks appear in the agenda again.