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Re: [Orgmode] Categories

From: Carsten Dominik
Subject: Re: [Orgmode] Categories
Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2007 19:07:14 +0200

On Oct 12, 2007, at 17:04, Richard G Riley wrote:
Yes. The concept of not having to worry about where things are in the
org file doesn't really work for me. I like things having a certain
category in that category section - otherwise there seems little point
in having lines like

| * Emacs
| :CATEGORY: Emacs
| :END:
Check out this message - it might contain what you are looking for.


This might seem like an incredibly naive question, but with the concept
of "general properties", where do TAGs fit in now?  Is a tag a special
kind of property? I am having difficulty seeing the best way to utilise
the tools and would appreciate some wise words of guidance here.
See my other message in a new thread.

- Carsten

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