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Re: [Orgmode] list indentation

From: Carsten Dominik
Subject: Re: [Orgmode] list indentation
Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2008 10:24:39 +0100

On Feb 7, 2008, at 7:58 PM, cezar wrote:


 I am using org-mode version 5.17a and I sometimes need to write some
details on a task like:

** TODO something to be done
  notes about this task
  come here and they include a list
  - blah
  - blah
    And another list
    - foo
    - foo
      And one more list
      - bar
      - bar

 Now, this is not what it should look like !
 The lists need to be aligned properly.

Hi Cezar,

Org-mode tries its best to guess what you mean and then
do it.  However, it is not a true mind reader, and it cannot know
how you intend your lists to be structured.  This structure you
show is valid and might just as well be what you mean.

However, Org-mode helps you to create the lists either way.
What you probably did is (I am guessing here):

    - type "And another list"
    - press RET to get a new line
    - press TAB to indent, Org assumes that you want to continue
      text as *part* of he current item.
    - type "-" to make a new item
    - press TAB in the hope that the line would be outdented
      to match your intended structure.  Bummer.  Org keeps
      the structure because it assumes by setting the indentation,
      this is what you mean.

What you could have done
    - type "And another list"
    - press RET to get a new line
    - type "-" to make a new item
    - press TAB to indent, now org-mode matches up the "-"
      with the previous ones, because before indenting the line
      you told it that you intended it to be an item in time.

What you really should have done
    - type "And another list"
    - M-RET to create the next item.

Hope this helps

- Carsten

 Am I making any sense ?


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