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[Orgmode] Re: IRC Channel
From: |
J. David Boyd |
Subject: |
[Orgmode] Re: IRC Channel |
Date: |
Fri, 07 Mar 2008 15:39:15 -0500 |
User-agent: |
Gnus/5.1100000000000003 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.1 (cygwin) |
Here's the ChanServ help, that makes it all pretty clear:
ChanServ allows you to register and control various
aspects of channels. ChanServ can often prevent
malicious users from "taking over" channels by limiting
who is allowed channel operator priviliges. Any channel
which is not used for 120 days will be expired and may
be dropped. ChanServ's commands are listed below.
For more information on a specific command, type
/msg ChanServ help <command>.
REGISTER Register a channel
DROP Cancel the registration of a channel
IDENTIFY Identify yourself with your password
SET Set various channel options
ACCESS Modify the list of privileged users
AUTOREM Maintain the AutoRemove list
LEVEL Change the level required for functions
LIST Display list of channels matching a pattern
INFO Display information for a channel
GETKEY Retrieve the key (+k) to a channel
INVITE Invite yourself to a channel
OP Op yourself on a channel
VOICE Voice yourself on a channel
UNBAN Unban yourself on a channel
CLEAR Clear various channel modes
Syntax: REGISTER <channel> [password]
Registers <channel> in ChanServ's database. [password] is
used via ChanServ IDENTIFY to identify the channel contact
for some functions. If no password is specified, only
the channel contact nick can use ChanServ IDENTIFY.
Guidelines for running a freenode channel are found here:
http://freenode.net/channel_guidelines.shtml Pick someone
to register your project channel who is around frequently.
If your channel contact's nick expires,
ChanServ will drop their channel when NickServ drops
their nick. Consider setting an ALTERNATE (/msg
ChanServ HELP SET ALTERNATE) to avoid
this situation.
Give channel staffers the ability to maintain
your channel via the ACCESS command (/msg ChanServ
HELP ACCESS). Level '10' lets them gain ops,
voice and devoice users, etc. Try to ensure your
channel has 24-hour coverage. Staffers should
IDENTIFY to NickServ so that their nicks don't expire,
and so that ChanServ will recognize them.
If no one on a channel's ACCESS list enters the
channel within 120 days, the channel will be
considered expired and may be dropped.
Syntax: DROP <channel> [password]
Cancels the registration of <channel>. Only a
channel contact may DROP a channel. Also,
the contact must IDENTIFY before using this
command, or supply the correct channel password.
Syntax: IDENTIFY <channel> [password]
Identifies you as the channel contact for <channel>.
Some ChanServ commands require that you IDENTIFY before
using them.
If you are the contact (your master nick is equal to
the stored contact nick), you need not use the channel
password, otherwise you have to. If there is no channel
password, only the contact nick can use this command.
Syntax: SET <channel> <option> [parameters]
Allows the channel contact or level 25 to set various
channel options and other information. All options may
be abbreviated, such as:
/msg ChanServ set #channel CONT newcontact
to set the CONTACT nickname to "newcontact". For more
specific information on each option, type:
/msg ChanServ HELP SET <option>
Available options:
CONTACT Set the contact of a channel (contact)
ALTERNATE Set the alternate contact for the channel
PASSWORD Set the contact password (contact)
MLOCK Lock channel modes on or off
TOPICLOCK Restrict topic changes
PRIVATE Hide channel from ChanServ lists
SECUREOPS Stricter control of chanop status
SECURE Activate ChanServ security features
ENTRYMSG Send a message to users upon entry
EMAIL Set the channel email address
URL Set the channel url
GUARD Have ChanServ join your channel
SPLITOPS Let anyone keep ops from a netsplit
VERBOSE Notify chanops on access changes
Syntax: SET <channel> CONTACT <nickname>
Resets the contact nickname for <channel> to <nickname>.
Syntax: SET <channel> ALTERNATE <nickname|->
Sets the alternate channel contact to <nickname>. If the
contact's nickname ever expires, services will make the
alternate contact the new contact. If both the contact and
the alternate contact nicknames expire, the channel will be
The alternate contact needs to be on the access list as
To clear the alternate contact, use a "-" for the nickname.
Syntax: SET <channel> PASSWORD [password]
If [password] is specified, resets the channel contact
password for <channel> to [password]. If [password] is
not specified, removes the channel password, so only
the contact nick can use /msg ChanServ identify.
Syntax: SET <channel> MLOCK <modes>
Causes ChanServ to enforce <modes> for <channel>. Modes
following a "+" are locked ON, while modes following
a "-" are locked OFF.
SET #channel MLOCK -mi+sntl 6
Modes 'm' and 'i' are not allowed to be set,
while modes 's', 'n', and 't' are forced on.
The channel limit will also always be set to
SET #channel MLOCK +sk hello
Mode 's' is forced on, and the channel key
is forced to be "hello".
SET #channel MLOCK +
Removes all locks on modes, so any modes
are free to be on/off.
Syntax: SET <channel> TOPICLOCK {ON|OFF}
If TOPICLOCK is ON, ChanServ will not allow anyone
without an access level of TOPIC or higher to
change the topic on <channel>.
Alias: TLOCK
Syntax: SET <channel> PRIVATE {ON|OFF}
When PRIVATE is enabled, the channel will not show
up when someone does uses the ChanServ LIST command.
Syntax: SET <channel> SECUREOPS {ON|OFF}
When SECUREOPS is enabled, only users who have cmdop
status or higher on the channel will be allowed ops.
Syntax: SET <channel> SECURE {ON|OFF}
Enables or disables ChanServ's security features for a
channel. When SECURE is ON, only users who have
registered their nicknames with NickServ and IDENTIFY'd
with their password will be given access to the channel
as controlled by the ACCESS LIST.
Syntax: SET <channel> ENTRYMSG <message|->
Sets the entry message for <channel> to <message>. When
users enter the channel, ChanServ will send them the message.
To clear the entry message use a "-" as the message.
/msg ChanServ SET <channel> ENTRYMSG Welcome!
Sets the entry message to "Welcome" on <channel>
/msg ChanServ SET <channel> ENTRYMSG -
Clears the entry message on <channel>
Syntax: SET <channel> EMAIL <email address|->
Sets the channel email address to <email address>.
When users perform an INFO on the channel,
they will be informed of the channel's email address.
To clear the email address use a "-" as the parameter.
Alias: MAIL
/msg ChanServ SET <channel> EMAIL address@hidden
Sets the email address to "address@hidden" on
/msg ChanServ SET <channel> EMAIL -
Clears the email address on <channel>
Syntax: SET <channel> URL <url|->
Sets the channel url to <url>. When users perform an
INFO on the channel, they will be informed of the
channel's url. To clear the url use a "-" as the
/msg ChanServ SET <channel> URL http://channel.com!
Sets the url to "http://channel.com"; on
/msg ChanServ SET <channel> URL -
Clears the url on <channel>
Syntax: SET <channel> GUARD {ON|OFF}
When GUARD is enabled, ChanServ will join and sit in your channel.
One advantage to this is to keep your channel occupied when
the last user leaves.
Syntax: SET <channel> SPLITOPS {ON|OFF}
When the SPLITOPS setting is ON, any user who
gains ops from over a netsplit will be allowed
to keep thier ops. This can avoid mass-deops in
a channel where not everyone is on ChanServ
Syntax: SET <channel> VERBOSE {ON|OFF}
When the VERBOSE setting is ON, any change in
access list for <channel> will notify all
chanops on <channel>.
Syntax: ACCESS <channel> ADD <mask> <level>
ACCESS <channel> DEL <mask | index>
ACCESS <channel> LIST [mask]
Maintains the channel access list for <channel>.
Users matching a hostmask on the access list will
have access to various ChanServ commands depending on
what level they have (/msg ChanServ HELP LEVEL for
how to view and change the level required for each
command). Anyone not on the channel's access list
has a default access level of 0. You may type:
/msg ChanServ HELP ACCESS {ADD|DEL|LIST} for more
specific information on each command.
Syntax: ACCESS <channel> ADD <mask | nickname> <level>
The ACCESS ADD command adds the specified
hostmask or nickname to the access list with
the specified level. If the nickname or hostmask
already exists on the access list, the access level
is changed to the level specified in the command.
Type: /msg ChanServ LEVEL <channel> LIST for a list
of available levels.
Syntax: ACCESS <channel> DEL <mask | index>
The ACCESS DEL command deletes <mask> from
the access list. If an index number is given,
the corresponding entry is deleted. You can
get a list of indices from the ACCESS LIST
command. (/msg ChanServ HELP ACCESS LIST)
Syntax: ACCESS <channel> LIST [FULL|mask]
The ACCESS LIST command displays the channel's
access list. If a mask is specified, only the
entries matching the mask are displayed. Users
with level 1 or higher can use the FULL
parameter to see when each entry was added.
Syntax: AUTOREM <channel> ADD <mask> [reason]
AUTOREM <channel> DEL <mask | index>
AUTOREM <channel> LIST [mask]
Maintains the channel autoremove list for <channel>.
If a user on the autoremove list attempts to join the
channel, ChanServ will ban/remove the user.
/msg ChanServ HELP AUTOREM {ADD|DEL|LIST} for more
specific information on each command.
Syntax: AUTOREM <channel> ADD <hostmask> [reason]
Adds <hostmask> to the autoremove list for <channel> with
[reason]. You may not add an autoremove entry that
matches an access level higher than your own on the
Syntax: AUTOREM <channel> DEL <mask | index>
The AUTOREM DEL command deletes all hostmasks
matching <mask> from the autoremove list. If an
index number is given instead of a hostmask, the
corresponding hostmask is deleted. You can get a
list of indices from the AUTOREM LIST command.
Syntax: AUTOREM <channel> LIST [mask]
The AUTOREM LIST command displays the channel's
autoremove list. If a mask is specified, only the
entries matching the mask are displayed.
Syntax: LEVEL <channel> SET <type|index> <level>
LEVEL <channel> RESET <type|index|ALL>
LEVEL <channel> LIST
Changes the access level required to be able to execute
certain commands. This allows the channel contact to be
able to customize the access level list to the needs of
the channel. For more specific help on each command,
type: /msg ChanServ HELP LEVEL {SET|RESET|LIST}
Syntax: LEVEL <channel> SET <type|index> <newlevel>
The LEVEL SET command changes the level required to
execute a function for a channel. If a user satisfies
the criteria set by this command (ie. the access level),
then they will be able to do the command or have the
privilage (depending what the LEVEL your setting is for).
To obtain a list of indices/types to use for the fourth
arguement, type /msg ChanServ LEVEL <channel> LIST
/msg ChanServ LEVEL #chan SET autoop 20
Changes the level required to be auto-opped
on #chan to 20
Syntax: LEVEL <channel> RESET <type|index>
The LEVEL RESET command will set the level specified
to the default one specified by services. To obtain a
list of types/indices to use for the fourth arguement,
type: /msg ChanServ LEVEL <channel> LIST.
/msg ChanServ LEVEL #chan RESET autovoice
Resets the level required for an autovoice
on #chan to the default level (5)
/msg ChanServ LEVEL #chan RESET all
Resets the entire access level list for
#chan to the default list.
Syntax: LEVEL <channel> LIST
The LEVEL LIST command displays the current levels,
along with their types/indices required for the
Syntax: LIST <pattern>
Lists all registered channels that match <pattern>.
Channels that have SET PRIVATE ON, will not be
Example: LIST #*bleh*
Lists all channels that contain bleh
Syntax: INFO <channel>
Displays information for <channel>, including channel
contact, time of registration, topic, and mode lock, if
Syntax: GETKEY <channel>
Returns the key to <channel>. Useful if the channel
is set +k.
Syntax: INVITE <channel>
Invites the sender to <channel>. Useful if SET MLOCK
is set to +i on the channel.
/msg ChanServ INVITE #channel
ChanServ will invite you to #channel.
Syntax: OP <channel | ALL> [nicknames]
Gives channel operator status to [nicknames]. If no
nicknames are specified, ChanServ will op the nick who gave
the command. Placing a - in front of a nick will
deop that nick. If SECUREOPS is ON, ChanServ will not
op nicks who do not have a level of CmdOp or higher.
/msg ChanServ OP #channel
Ops the nick who gave the command on #channel.
/msg ChanServ OP #channel nick1 -nick2 nick3
Ops nick1 and nick3, but deops nick2 on #channel.
/msg ChanServ OP ALL
Ops you in all channels you are currently in, if
you have CMDOP access.
Syntax: VOICE <channel> [nicknames]
Gives voice status to [nicknames]. If no nicknames
are specified, ChanServ will voice the nick who gave the
command. Placing a - in front of a nick will
devoice that nick.
ChanServ will refuse to voice an user who is on the access
list as autodevoiced. To disable this, prefix the nick
with a +.
/msg ChanServ VOICE #channel
Voices the nick who gave the command on #channel.
/msg ChanServ VOICE #channel nick1 -nick2 +nick3
Voices nick1, nick3 even if autodevoiced,
but devoices nick2 on #channel.
Syntax: UNBAN <channel> [ALL]
Unbans every ban matching your address@hidden or address@hidden and
every gecos ban matching your ircname on <channel>. If
you specify ALL, every ban and gecos ban on <channel>
will be cleared. You must have CMDCLEAR access to
<channel> to use the ALL option.
/msg ChanServ UNBAN #channel
Clears every ban on #channel matching you
/msg ChanServ UNBAN #channel ALL
Clears every ban on #channel.
Syntax: CLEAR <channel> <option>
ChanServ will clear certain channel modes depending on
OPS - Deops every channel op
VOICES - Devoices every voiced user
MODES - Clears all channel modes
BANS - Removes all channel bans
GECOSBANS - Remove all channel gecos bans
USERS - Removes all users from channel
ALL - Combination of OPS, VOICES, MODES,
and BANS (does not remove users)
"Hugo Schmitt" <address@hidden> writes:
> I thought it was just "/msg chanserv register #org-mode password" and be done
> with it.
> On Fri, Mar 7, 2008 at 10:59 AM, Bastien Guerry <address@hidden> wrote:
> Phil Jackson <address@hidden> writes:
> > Bastien <address@hidden> writes:
> >
> >> Being the owner of the channel doesn't require anything special from
> >> you, except responsability (and glory):
> >>
> >> ,----[ http://freenode.net/policy.shtml ]
> >> | Channels on freenode are owned and operated by the groups which
> register
> >> | them. No minimum level of activity or moderation is expected or
> required
> >> | of channel owners.
> >> `----
> >>
> >> I think it is a good idea to go for #org-mode.
> >
> > Am I right in thinking that http://freenode.net/group_registration.shtml
> > is what we're after? Seems very formal...
> Which makes me realize that we don't *need* to register #org-mode. It
> is just something that we can do, if we want to protect this name or if
> we want specific services from freenode. I don't think it's necessary,
> but maybe other do.
> --
> Bastien
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> _______________________________________________
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> Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.
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- Re: [Orgmode] Re: IRC Channel, (continued)
- Re: [Orgmode] Re: IRC Channel, Phil Jackson, 2008/03/07
- Re: [Orgmode] Re: IRC Channel, Bastien, 2008/03/07
- Re: [Orgmode] Re: IRC Channel, Hugo Schmitt, 2008/03/07
- Re: [Orgmode] Re: IRC Channel, Bastien, 2008/03/07
- Re: [Orgmode] Re: IRC Channel, Bastien, 2008/03/07
- Re: [Orgmode] Re: IRC Channel, Carsten Dominik, 2008/03/07
- Re: [Orgmode] Re: IRC Channel, Bastien, 2008/03/07
- Re: [Orgmode] Re: IRC Channel, Phil Jackson, 2008/03/07
- Re: [Orgmode] Re: IRC Channel, Bastien Guerry, 2008/03/07
- Re: [Orgmode] Re: IRC Channel, Hugo Schmitt, 2008/03/07
- [Orgmode] Re: IRC Channel,
J. David Boyd <=
- Re: [Orgmode] Re: IRC Channel, Phil Jackson, 2008/03/07
- [Orgmode] Re: IRC Channel, J. David Boyd, 2008/03/10
- [Orgmode] Re: IRC Channel, Bernt Hansen, 2008/03/10
- [Orgmode] Re: IRC Channel, J. David Boyd, 2008/03/10