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Re: [Orgmode] Where to get org v6.00-pre5?

From: Carsten Dominik
Subject: Re: [Orgmode] Where to get org v6.00-pre5?
Date: Sat, 12 Apr 2008 00:19:58 +0200

On Apr 11, 2008, at 3:49 PM, Tim O'Callaghan wrote:


Like the new look for the orgmode.org site, but there is a problem
with the distribution links. The site proclaims the current version as
6.00-pre5, but the link to download points to 5.23a.
Hi Tim,

the website is not completely finished, and the link leads to the last release, 5.23a. The 6.00 pre releases are actually on the site, and you can get one by typing into the browser:

Note that these are pre-releases, and the fact that the website claims it to be the latest release is only a sign that my website updating code is half-working. A few more days, and we will have the full 6.01 release, with hopefully a correct website. Sorry for the trouble.
- Carsten


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