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Re: [Orgmode] Link question

From: Carsten Dominik
Subject: Re: [Orgmode] Link question
Date: Thu, 22 May 2008 12:29:49 +0200

On May 22, 2008, at 10:14 AM, Shaun Johnson wrote:

Ok, I will add this to my todo list - I might find time to start on it
this weekend.
How do I start the process of signing papers for the FSF.
By filling in the attached form and sending it to address@hidden


- Carsten

Attachment: request-assign-future.txt
Description: Text document


Carsten Dominik wrote:
Hi Shaun,
I think this would indeed make sense.  I guess it should
use "/" as a separator, and it should ideally ignore TODO keywords,
priority cookies, and tags.
Please go ahead and give it a try - to include it into Org you would have
to sin the papers with the FSF.
Best wishes
- Carsten
On May 21, 2008, at 7:57 PM, Shaun Johnson wrote:
I'm a light user of Orgmode so the following might not be sensible or there might
be some existing way to achieve the same effect.

I have an Org file like:

* Glossary
** Address
* Implementation
** Address

What I would like is to have distinct links to the two 'Address' headlines. I can't see a way to this with the standard link types. A possible solution would be to introduce a 'path based' link type where the two 'Address' headlines have distinct paths through the outline tree of ("Glossary" "Address") and ("Implementation" "Address").
Does this make sense or am I gibbering?

If it does make sense then my Elisp skills are probably up to implementing this.
Thanks in advance,


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