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Re: [Orgmode] Re: Org-Mode in Windows

From: Bailey
Subject: Re: [Orgmode] Re: Org-Mode in Windows
Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2009 23:56:02 +0800
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20081209)

Hi Manish,

I tried putting in the configuration from John Wigley on the link you gave:


and then use M-x load-file...

Unfortunately, I got the following messages:
Loading c:/emacs/.emacs...
eval-buffer: Cannot open load file: remember

Seems like my copy of emacs have a lot of missing things. I did a file search and there's no remember... and also no diff
Do you think emacs 22.3.1 version that I downloaded is the problem?



Manager Leader wrote:
Hi Manish,

Thanks for the tip on loading the .emacs using M-x load-file (ENTER), after that I type "c:/emacs/.emacs" and the agenda command worked.
With regards to the environmental settings - we're doing it the same 
place - see attached screenshot.
With regards to my .emacs, its very empty - I attached it as well... I 
just created the .emacs file myself. Is there supposed to be something 
inside .emacs by default?
How do you think I should make the .emacs load by itself?



Manish wrote:
On Sun, Jan 25, 2009 at 8:32 PM, Manager Leader wrote:
Hi Manish,

Thank you for your reply.

I tried what you said:
(add-to-list 'load-path "C:/path/to/org-mode/lisp")
(require 'org-install)
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.org$" . org-mode))
(global-set-key "\C-ca" 'org-agenda)

But I had to create a .emacs file (.emacs filename and no extension - not sure if this is right). I placed 2 copies - 1 where runemacs.exe is located (c:/emacs/bin) and another in c:/emacs - but it seems like there's no effect on the behaviour of org-mode... So I think there's a problem with reading
the .emacs..

I have already set the path: C:\emacs\bin\ and Added environmental variables
HOME = c:\emacs\
How are you setting up the environment variable?  I set it up a user
variable under:

1. Windows Explorer
2. My Computer
3. (right click)
4. Properties
5. Advanced Tab
6. Environment Variables

Do restart Emacs for this to take effect.

You can load .emacs using "M-x laod-file <RET>" and navigating to the
file as well while you resolve the issue.


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