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[Orgmode] Fireforg: org-protocol mac workaround and BibTeX import using

From: Andreas Burtzlaff
Subject: [Orgmode] Fireforg: org-protocol mac workaround and BibTeX import using Zotero
Date: Sun, 16 Aug 2009 11:52:16 +0200

Fireforg is now capable of sending a BibTeX entry for every item
imported into Zotero to Org. For details see the doc at

I've added a workaround for the broken protocol registration in
Firefox, that keeps mac users from enjoying org-protocol:
- Set "Mac Workaround" in Fireforgs preferences.
- run pull.sh from

It works by writing the string to be passed to emacsclient to a
temporary file, whose content - if not empty - is passed to emacsclient
every second.

It will work for everything fireforg sends, but will of course not make
the bookmarks work.

I've tested it on linux, but be careful.


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