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Re: [Orgmode] Re: hitting tab on last number item in list hides next par

From: Carsten Dominik
Subject: Re: [Orgmode] Re: hitting tab on last number item in list hides next paragraph
Date: Fri, 15 Jan 2010 08:13:34 +0100

On Jan 13, 2010, at 4:33 PM, Sébastien Vauban wrote:

Hi Carsten,

Carsten Dominik wrote:
On Jan 13, 2010, at 3:11 PM, Sébastien Vauban wrote:
Eric S Fraga wrote:
Carsten Dominik wrote:
On Jan 12, 2010, at 3:20 PM, Eric S Fraga wrote:
with the attached file, if I position the cursor on the 3rd  
entry in the first list and hit tab, the following single  
paragraph is hidden. This seems somewhat non-intuitive to me or  
have I
misunderstood something. My impression was that indentation was  
used to
identify continuing elements in a list or paragraph. Even  
adding more
blank lines between that 3rd entry and the sentence doesn't  
make any

This is not critical by any means!  Just a curious behaviour.
Yes, this is a shortcoming of list cycling which I cannot fix.  
Folding a
list item will always fold to the next item and not recognize  
the end of
the item as given by indentation.

If you find it too confusing, turn off `org-cycle-include-plain-
I may just do that as I don't often want to hide list entries  
I'll do that as well, as I'm always caught when trying to indent  
a list item...

But, indeed, this is a very tiny detail.
Well, we could consider changing the defualt value for that  
I guess it could make sense, yes.

BTW, having updated that var for me (right now, in my `.emacs' file), it's OK for properly indenting the first list item, but the others don't move when
TABbing. Any reason?
Yes.  You might be sitting in a deeply indented list structure, and
changing the indentation of an item that has less indentation
than the item above it would change the structure.

Mind that this is inherently tricky, and it has to be heuristic.
I think there is no really good solution to this in the sense
that it would allow you to re-indent an entire buffer using
TAB just like with a programming language.  Indentation has
syntactic meaning in Org.

I myself am using promotion/demotion commands to change
the indentation of list items, and I have trained myself
to make list items as much as possible with M-RET.

Best wishes

- Carsten

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