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Re: [Orgmode] Re: Bug: (REVISED) trouble with updated latex export [6.35

From: Robert Klein
Subject: Re: [Orgmode] Re: Bug: (REVISED) trouble with updated latex export [6.35 (release_6.35a.26.g78cc)]
Date: Wed, 07 Apr 2010 08:51:46 +0300
User-agent: Opera Mail/10.51 (Win32)

Am 07.04.2010, 09:35 Uhr, schrieb Carsten Dominik <address@hidden>:

Looks I am having a bad day.

Can you please pull and try again?  As soon as possible?

- Carsten
It works for me now.

Also, the double inclusion of packages as described in my other mail doesn't
happen anymore.

PS: I've currently got two \usepackage{textcomp}, this is from lisp/org.el

Thanks a lot

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