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Re: [Orgmode] Org Mode Latex Export Customization of org-export-latex-e
From: |
Gaurav Sharma |
Subject: |
Re: [Orgmode] Org Mode Latex Export Customization of org-export-latex-emphasis-alist |
Date: |
Tue, 29 Jun 2010 13:57:44 -0400 |
Dear Giovanni,
Thanks much for your response. I'm using Org-mode version 6.36. I'm
guessing (based on what I read up) that it will not show up in emacs
until you load org-latex.
I also found a useful thread on this topic at:
which also indicated that @ and ! interfere with some regexp. The
solutions suggested there were to either:
1) Add these through the Org->Customize interface
2) Place in .emacs before org is loaded.
Neither of these however seem to help in my case. I also learn't about
org-submit-bug-report, and am including the full bug report below, in
case that suggests something I am missing.
I also thought of using alternate special characters as as emphasis
delimiters but coudn't readily find ones that weren't taken - just as
you also point out. At the moment, I've given up on trying to resolve
this and am directly using \alert{} where I need it.
Thanks again.
____________ Bug report - including configuration _____
Emacs : GNU Emacs 22.3.1 (i386-mingw-nt5.2.3790)
of 2008-09-06 on SOFT-MJASON
Package: Org-mode version 6.36
current state:
org-export-latex-after-initial-vars-hook '(org-beamer-after-initial-vars)
org-after-todo-state-change-hook '(org-clock-out-if-current)
org-export-latex-format-toc-function 'org-export-latex-format-toc-default
org-export-preprocess-hook '(org-export-blocks-preprocess)
org-tab-first-hook '(org-hide-block-toggle-maybe)
org-src-mode-hook '(org-src-mode-configure-edit-buffer)
org-confirm-shell-link-function 'yes-or-no-p
org-export-first-hook '(org-beamer-initialize-open-trackers)
org-agenda-before-write-hook '(org-agenda-add-entry-text)
org-cycle-hook '(org-cycle-hide-archived-subtrees
org-cycle-hide-drawers org-cycle-show-empty-lines
org-export-latex-classes '(("beamer"
("article" "\\documentclass[11pt]{article}"
("\\section{%s}" .
"\\section*{%s}") ("\\subsection{%s}" . "\\subsection*{%s}")
("\\subsubsection{%s}" . "\\subsubsection*{%s}")
("\\paragraph{%s}" . "\\paragraph*{%s}") ("\\subparagraph{%s}" .
("report" "\\documentclass[11pt]{report}"
("\\part{%s}" .
"\\part*{%s}") ("\\chapter{%s}" . "\\chapter*{%s}")
("\\section{%s}" . "\\section*{%s}")
("\\subsection{%s}" .
"\\subsection*{%s}") ("\\subsubsection{%s}" . "\\subsubsection*{%s}"))
("book" "\\documentclass[11pt]{book}" ("\\part{%s}"
"\\part*{%s}") ("\\chapter{%s}" . "\\chapter*{%s}") ("\\section{%s}" .
("\\subsection{%s}" . "\\subsection*{%s}")
("\\subsubsection{%s}" . "\\subsubsection*{%s}"))
("beamer" "\\documentclass{beamer}"
org-mode-hook '((lambda nil (setq org-mouse-context-menu-function
(quote org-mouse-context-menu))
(when (memq (quote context-menu) org-mouse-features)
org-mouse-map [mouse-3] nil)
(org-defkey org-mode-map [mouse-3] (quote
(org-defkey org-mode-map [down-mouse-1] (quote
(when (memq (quote context-menu) org-mouse-features)
org-mouse-map [C-drag-mouse-1] (quote org-mouse-move-tree))
(org-defkey org-mouse-map [C-down-mouse-1] (quote
(when (memq (quote yank-link) org-mouse-features) (org-defkey
org-mode-map [S-mouse-2] (quote org-mouse-yank-link))
(org-defkey org-mode-map [drag-mouse-3] (quote
(when (memq (quote move-tree) org-mouse-features) (org-defkey
org-mouse-map [drag-mouse-3] (quote org-mouse-move-tree))
(org-defkey org-mouse-map [down-mouse-3] (quote
(when (memq (quote activate-stars) org-mouse-features)
(font-lock-add-keywords nil (\` (((\, outline-regexp) 0 (\`
org-link mouse-face highlight keymap (\, org-mouse-map))) (quote
prepend)))) t))
(when (memq (quote activate-bullets) org-mouse-features)
(font-lock-add-keywords nil
(\` (("^[ ]*\\([-+*]\\|[0-9]+[.)]\\) +" (1 (\` (face
keymap (\, org-mouse-map) mouse-face highlight)) (quote prepend)))))
(when (memq (quote activate-checkboxes) org-mouse-features)
(font-lock-add-keywords nil
(\` (("^[ ]*\\([-+*]\\|[0-9]+[.)]\\) +\\(\\[[ X]\\]\\)"
(2 (\`
(face bold keymap (\, org-mouse-map) mouse-face highlight)) t)))) t)
(defadvice org-open-at-point (around org-mouse-open-at-point
(let ((context (org-context)))
(cond ((assq :headline-stars context) (org-cycle)) ((assq
:checkbox context) (org-toggle-checkbox))
((assq :item-bullet context) (let
((org-cycle-include-plain-lists t)) (org-cycle))) (t ad-do-it))
#[nil "\300\301\302\303\304$\207" [org-add-hook
change-major-mode-hook org-show-block-all append local] 5])
org-export-latex-emphasis-alist '(("*" "\\textbf{%s}" nil) ("/"
"\\emph{%s}" nil) ("_" "\\underline{%s}" nil) ("+" "\\st{%s}" nil)
("=" "\\verb" t) ("~" "\\verb" t)
("@" "\\alert{%s}" nil))
org-confirm-elisp-link-function 'yes-or-no-p
org-agenda-mode-hook '((lambda nil (setq
org-mouse-context-menu-function (quote org-mouse-agenda-context-menu))
(org-defkey org-agenda-mode-map [mouse-3] (quote
(org-defkey org-agenda-mode-map [down-mouse-3] (quote
(org-defkey org-agenda-mode-map [C-mouse-4] (quote
org-agenda-earlier)) (org-defkey org-agenda-mode-map [C-mouse-5]
(quote org-agenda-later))
(org-defkey org-agenda-mode-map [drag-mouse-3]
(quote (lambda (event) (interactive "e") (case
(org-mouse-get-gesture event) (:left (org-agenda-earlier 1)) (:right
(org-agenda-later 1))))))
org-occur-hook '(org-first-headline-recenter)
org-from-is-user-regexp nil
org-export-latex-final-hook '(org-beamer-amend-header
org-beamer-fix-toc org-beamer-auto-fragile-frames
On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 7:11 AM, Giovanni Ridolfi
<address@hidden> wrote:
> Gaurav Sharma <address@hidden> writes:
>> customize the
>> org-export-latex-emphasis-alist by using the following in my .emacs
>> (setq org-export-latex-emphasis-alist
> I -[Org 6.36 trans]- don't have this variable. ?-).
> which org-version do you use? you can see with:
> M-x org-version
>> (quote (("*" "\\textbf{%s}" nil)
>> ("/" "\\emph{%s}" nil) ("_" "\\alert{%s}" nil) ("+" "\\st{%s}" nil)
>> ("=" "\\verb" t) ("@" "\\alert{%s}" nil) ("!" "\\note{%s}" nil) ("~"
>> "\\verb" t))))
>> However, the definitions of "@" and "!" do not seem to take effect at
>> all.
> Could you please change the characters avoiding "@" "!" ?
> (I know there is not much choice of characters that can be used as
> "emphasis delimiters" )
> But I think that "@" "!" does interfere with some regexp:
> e.g. "@" is used in the HTML export.
> cheers,
> Giovanni
Gaurav Sharma Ph (585)-275-7313(Office)
Assoc Professor, ECE Department Fax. (585)-273-4919
Director, Center for Emerging and Innovative Sciences (CEIS)
Hopeman 417, RCBox 270126, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627-0126