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Re: [Orgmode] capture initial "level" and refile of capture buffer

From: Carsten Dominik
Subject: Re: [Orgmode] capture initial "level" and refile of capture buffer
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2010 13:34:35 +0200

Hi Noorul,

could you please make a more detailed test case of this but, with an example files (capture target and refile target files) and step by step instructions. I am not sure I understand what exactly you are doing.

- Carsten

On Oct 23, 2010, at 10:42 AM, Noorul Islam wrote:

On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 5:13 PM, Richard Riley <address@hidden> wrote:
What determines the level of a new capture element? e.g I just  
one and it started at "****".

feature request : when I added some sub elements to a capture buffer e.g
* my new capture

** sub point

*** sub sub point 1
*** sub sub point 2

and hit C-c C-w to refile, it only refiled the sub element (where cursor
was) and then lost the rest. I would like to suggest that refile from
the capture buffer should refile the entire buffer and not only the
"current nested org item". Or am I missing something in my setup?
On my box I have this observation.

If I have something like this in my capture buffer

* TODO Test

* my new capture

** sub point

*** sub sub point 1
*** sub sub point 2

and if I press C-c C-w at the last line (*** sub sub point 2) and
refile it to refile.org then what I get in refile.org is this

* TODO Test

* my new capture

** sub point

*** sub sub point 1
* sub sub point 2

The last one's level got changed.
I have latest pull from git repo.

Org-mode version 7.01trans (release_7.01h.833.g21ad0)
GNU Emacs 23.2.2 (i686-pc-linux-gnu)
of 2010-06-08 on sajida

Thanks and Regards

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- Carsten

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