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Re: [Orgmode] Re: Clock report (R from the agenda)

From: Carsten Dominik
Subject: Re: [Orgmode] Re: Clock report (R from the agenda)
Date: Sat, 6 Nov 2010 15:58:24 -0400

On Nov 4, 2010, at 11:39 AM, Sébastien Vauban wrote:

Hi Carsten,

Carsten Dominik wrote:
you should now be able to use `C-u R' to achieve this.

The lighter in the mode line will then switch from "Clock" to "Clock{}",
A detail: I'd eventually would have written "Clock/" to remind the  
"/" used
for applying the filters.
I did use {} because the current filter is actually listed in the mode  
line, surrounded by {}.
Another: could we append, in the modeline, the tags (or their  
abbrev, such as
"w" for "work") used in the filtered view?
The filter *is* shown in the mode line.  Just not as part of the Clock  

and the current tags filtering should apply to the clock table in the

Please test this and report back.
Only minor thing: while the logged lines are correctly shown or made  
in the grid time, you need to refresh the table with "g" for it to  
display the
correct values.

Until that, what's above is not in sync' with what's in the table. Isn't there
a way to make this refresh happen automatically?
That would be possible.  However, the whole idea of filtering
is to be *very* fast, it works by hiding lines that are
already in the buffer.  Doing a refresh for
each change in filter would be time consuming.  So I'd say
having to refresh by hand if the clock is showing filtered
stuff is the smaller evil.


: | File             | L | Headline             | Time    |      |
: |------------------+---+----------------------+---------+------|
: |                  |   | *Total time*         | *10:15* |      |
: |------------------+---+----------------------+---------+------|
: | Clock-Report.org |   | *File time*          | *10:15* |      |
: | Clock-Report.org | 1 | Work                 | 8:09    |      |
: | Clock-Report.org | 2 | Client A             |         | 3:23 |
: | Clock-Report.org | 2 | Client B             |         | 4:46 |
: | Clock-Report.org | 1 | Personal             | 2:06    |      |
: | Clock-Report.org | 2 | DONE Lunch with Mary |         | 2:06 |
Nice new layout. Much clearer for the levels...
Yes, I think so to.  Try :compact t, that is also nice, I think.


- Carsten

| File             | Headline                 | Time    |      |
|                  | ALL *Total time*         | *10:15* |      |
| Clock-Report.org | *File time*              | *10:15* |      |
|                  | Work                     | 8:09    |      |
|                  | \__ Client A             |         | 3:23 |
|                  | \__ Client B             |         | 4:46 |
|                  | Personal                 | 2:06    |      |
|                  | \__ DONE Lunch with Mary |         | 2:06 |

Thanks *a lot* for your time!

Sébastien Vauban

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