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[O] Minimal example... Is this intended ?

From: Allen S. Rout
Subject: [O] Minimal example... Is this intended ?
Date: Wed, 29 Feb 2012 16:08:47 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:10.0) Gecko/20120128 Thunderbird/10.0

I've attached 'minimal.org', which demonstrates (for me) an odd behavior in current git head (I encountered this just after doing a git pull).
There are two ls listings in this file, one after the 'foo' block, and 
prefixed by a results: tag.   The other is before the block, and not so 
The trailing, prefixed block was generated when I had no space after the 
string 'foo' in the NAME: line.   If I add one space, then the results 
block which comes before is generated.
I can't think this is a deliberate feature;  can anyone else duplicate 
these results?
- Allen S. Rout

Attachment: minimal.org
Description: Text document

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