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Re: [O] Capturing to current file

From: Charles
Subject: Re: [O] Capturing to current file
Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2012 09:14:58 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:11.0) Gecko/20120327 Thunderbird/11.0.1

Correction to my 4/20

The Org Manual section I suggest for the additional documentation is 9.1.2, not 9.2.1
Charles Millar

On 4/20/2012 8:58 AM, Bastien wrote:
Hi Nick,

Nick Dokos<address@hidden>  writes:

Charles<address@hidden>  wrote:

I thought that the manual states to capture a TODO to the current file
use /C-0 (zero) then proceed with the capture. I use this frequently.

Am I missing something in the question?

Probably not - I just didn't know about this method. It's not quite a
capture (no indirect buffer, no finalize) but that hardly matters. And
perhaps it also does what Samuel Wales asked about, since the template
can be inserted anywhere at all.

BTW, I only found this with C-h f org-capture, not in the manual.
If there is a place in the manual that it should be documented, can
you please point at this place and suggest a change?


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