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Re: [O] Option for minimalist html file

From: Nick Dokos
Subject: Re: [O] Option for minimalist html file
Date: Tue, 22 May 2012 17:32:21 -0400

Endak A <address@hidden> wrote:

> Can there be an option like
> #+OPTIONS: html-minimal:t
> which does not have
> <script type="text/javascript">
> ...
> </script>
> <div id="preamble">
> ...
> </div>
> <div id="postamble">
> ...
> </div>
> or any of the meta tags except :
> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
> or <div id="content"> and the accompanying </div> but obviously the stuff 
> in-between.
> If I want to, I can insert any of the html code that is missing from the 
> minimalist version that I want using #+HTML: or #+STYLE:

This is the second time you asked this question and Ian Barton has
already provided an answer the first time. Did you see that?

Be that as it may, I have a question to the list re. Ian's response:
afaik, there is no ``bodyonly'' option (at least not in the way that the
OP would have liked it). The only way I know of restricting the output
to body-only is to call the export routine explicitly and pass a t for
the body-only arg, e.g.

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
; define a wrapper function
(defun my-org-export-as-html-body-only ()
  (org-export-as-html nil nil nil nil t nil))

; ... and bind it to some key
(define-key <some-keymap> <some-key> (function my-org-export-as-html-body-only))
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

Am I missing an easier way to do this?


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