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Re: [O] if both schedule and deadline, appear only once in agenda

From: Mike McLean
Subject: Re: [O] if both schedule and deadline, appear only once in agenda
Date: Tue, 5 Jun 2012 18:31:29 -0400

On Jun 1, 2012, at 4:09 AM, Eric S Fraga wrote:

SW <address@hidden> writes:
However, this is not what my question is about. My question relates to advance
warning that an item is scheduled in the future. I want to know on Friday that I
have scheduled a large project to start on Monday. That is, I would like to know
beforehand that I need to start working on a large project in a few days time.

One approach is to consider that "thinking about a large project about
to start" is itself a task so you could look at adding a task for the
Friday, when you first scheduled the large task for the Monday, to tell
you start thinking...

This might sound silly but it can actually be quite useful if you get
into the habit of thinking about such aspects when you schedule tasks.

I agree with this sentiment wholeheartedly. My default “project” org-capture template has a sub task for defining the project. You could setup your template in whatever way works for you. 

I used to use a version of the GTD Natural Planning model with bullets for Purpose, Principles, Vision, Outcome, etc. I have since simplified to a MadLibs user story format: http://www.mountaingoatsoftware.com/blog/advantages-of-the-as-a-user-i-want-user-story-template

If I know the broad outlines of project at the time of capture, I fill it all in with the capture template. If I do not yet have the project fully thought out, I add a TODO keyword to the “Project Definition” subheading. Depending on the project I add scheduled and/or deadline dates to the project itself and/or the Project Definition TODO. The relevant snippet from my org-capture is:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(setq org-capture-templates (quote (
("P" "project" entry (file "~/Documents/OrgMaster/org/refile.org") "* %?       :Project_Backlog: \n  %U\n** Project Definition\n- Summary\n  + As <personal role>, I want <goal> so <reason>\n- Completion Criteria (Don't do too much)\n  + \n" :clock-in t :clock-resume t)

Since I have clocking as part of my capture template, I also record the time I spend writing the project requirements against the project -- when I refile the project that time moves with the refile to be charged against the broader desired outcome. I get quite a bit of quantified self information this way :)

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