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Re: [O] Org Table Export to Markdown Table Question

From: Alan L Tyree
Subject: Re: [O] Org Table Export to Markdown Table Question
Date: Sat, 11 Jan 2014 11:16:16 +1100
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On 11/01/14 09:26, Aric wrote:
Alan L Tyree <alantyree <at> gmail.com> writes:

Org is so nice to use for authoring that I can't give it away. I have a
book manuscript due in May and currently all my citations are using the
[[cite: key]] format with ox-bibtex. It is far from satisfactory and I'm
sure that May will see me tearing my hair out (what little is left).
Yes, I hear you. I am trying to avoid this by using the address@hidden style for
markdown hoping that a final export to markdown for bibliography will not go
horribly wrong. But that is probably not a fair assumption.


Another approach: In the past I have used tex4ht to process a LaTeX book. At least on Linux, there is a script 'oolatex' that does a pretty good job. I'm using Debian and, for some reason, oolatex is not in the execution path but is located at /usr/share/tex4ht/oolatex. I had a LaTeX book length manuscript (about 700 pages) that converted reasonably well, but I haven't tried the Org -> LaTeX -> LibreOffice procedure yet.

Alan L Tyree                    http://www2.austlii.edu.au/~alan
Tel:  04 2748 6206              sip:address@hidden

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