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Re: [O] Do not export single newlines to latex

From: Alexander Baier
Subject: Re: [O] Do not export single newlines to latex
Date: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 13:13:29 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.130008 (Ma Gnus v0.8) Emacs/24.3 (gnu/linux)

On 2014-06-09 09:42 James Harkins wrote:
> Alexander Baier <alexander.baier <at> mailbox.org> writes:
>> I am writing a document for which my main export target is latex.  To
>> obtain reasonable diffs wrt version control systems, I use one line
>> per sentence in addition to =visual-line-mode= as was mentioned in this
>> post last November http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/78332.
>> The problem with this is that these newlines get translated to newlines
>> in latex aka "\\<newline>".
> I use the LaTeX exporter routinely, and I have never seen this behavior. For
> instance,
> ~~~ org input file
> * Headline
> The first sentence.
> The second sentence.
> ~~~
> ~~~ LaTeX export (minus preamble)
> \begin{document}
> \maketitle
> \tableofcontents
> \section{Headline}
> \label{sec-1}
> The first sentence.
> The second sentence.
> % Emacs 23.3.1 (Org mode 8.2.5f)
> \end{document}
> ~~~
> I also checked the customization variables in the org-export-latex group,
> and I didn't see anything immediately relevant to newline translation.
> So I can think of a couple of possibilities:
> - You might have some strange configuration lying around somewhere.
> (Additional evidence that you're seeing nonstandard behavior is that none of
> the .el files in the org distribution contain the string 'newline', let
> alone '<newline>'.)
> - Or you might be using a newer org than I'm using, in which case you might
> be seeing a regression bug. (As far as I know, a single line break in the
> input should definitely not translate into "\\<newline>"!!)
>> I want the export back end to ignore those
>> single newlines and only insert "\\<newline>" into the latex document
>> upon encountering two consecutive newlines in my org-mode file.
> Two consecutive line breaks in the input should be copied over directly into
> the .tex file. It's then up to LaTeX to interpret this -- per its own
> standards -- as a paragraph break. Again, "\\<newline>" would be quite
> exceptional.

You misunderstood me, maybe I didn't explain this very well. The
document doesn't literally contain "\\<newline>".  For me your
example results in the following output.

#+BEGIN_SRC latex

  The first sentence. \\
  The second sentence.
  % Emacs 24.3.1 (Org mode 8.2.6)

Note the "\\" after "The first sentence".  That is what I want to get
rid of.


While producing said output I glanced at the org file's header and saw
the following line:

#+OPTIONS: \n:t

After removing that line, everything works as expected.  I cannot
remember putting this option there and thus did not think of looking for
a cause in the header of my org file.

Thank you anyway for you response!

Kind regards,
Alexander Baier

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