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Re: [O] [BUG] [babel] in :eval never with :session

From: Rainer M Krug
Subject: Re: [O] [BUG] [babel] in :eval never with :session
Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2014 15:27:26 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.3 (darwin)

Eric Schulte <address@hidden> writes:

> Rainer M Krug <address@hidden> writes:
>> Charles Berry <address@hidden> writes:
>>> Eric Schulte <schulte.eric <at> gmail.com> writes:
>>>> Rainer M Krug <Rainer <at> krugs.de> writes:
>>>> > The error is back:
>>>> >
>>>> You say "back", was this error not present recently?  If so could you
>>>> isolate the commit at which this error appeared?
>>> The bug seems to be in the use of
>>>     (org-link-search heading) 
>>> in org-babel-exp-in-export-file which is called in 
>>> org-babel-exp-process-buffer. 
>>> That search will find the first heading that is a match after 
>>> (point-min). So it will mess up other header args, too.
>>> It was there back in 8.0.7 and recent commits did not touch it AFAICS.
>> Org-mode version 7.9.3f (release_7.9.3f-17-g7524ef @
>> /usr/local/Cellar/emacs-mac/emacs-24.3-mac-4.6/share/emacs/24.3/lisp/org/)
>> as well. I don't think it makes sense to go further back. 
>> So no regression, but bug.
> Thanks Charles for pointing out the use of `org-link-search' in
> `org-babel-exp-in-export-file' as the source of the problem.  I'm not
> sure there's a clear solution here.  Given that there may be a different
> outline structure between the original and exported file (e.g., some
> headlines may be present in the former and absent from the later), in
> the presence of multiple headings with the same name there is no obvious
> (to me) way to find a given heading from the exported file in the
> original file.
> I've just pushed up a change, so that when headings have IDs these will
> be used instead of the heading text to find related heading in the
> original buffer.  This should provide a workaround when multiple
> headings with the same text are desired---just add IDs to all such
> headings.

Sounds great - thanks. This leaves just one question: is there a way of
automatically creating IDs for new headers?



> Best,
>> Cheers,
>> Rainer
>>> HTH,
>>> Chuck
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Eric
>>>> >
>>>> > When one header in a subtree which has the header argument
>>>> > :eval never
>>>> > has the same name as in a following subtree which should be evaluated on
>>>> > export, the second subtree is not exported. When the name of the header
>>>> > is changed, the subtree is exported as expected.
>>>> >
>>>> > --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
>>>> > #+PROPERTY: exports both
>>>> > #+PROPERTY: session *tmp_R*
>>>> >
>>>> > * Some non-evaluated code
>>>> > :eval:      never
>>>> > :END:
>>>> > ** This is the same header
>>>> > #+BEGIN_SRC R
>>>> > cat("\ntwo\n")
>>>> > #+END_SRC
>>>> >
>>>> > * Data Assessment Results
>>>> > ** This is the same header
>>>> > If the name of the header is changed, the subtree is evaluated on export.
>>>> > #+begin_src R
>>>> > cat("\nhere it is  <at>  <at>  <at>  <at>  <at>  <at>  <at>  <at>  <at>
>>>  <at>  <at>  <at>  <at>  <at>  <at>  <at>  <at>  <at>  <at>  <at>  <at> 
>>> <at>  <at>  <at>  <at>  <at>  <at>  <at>  <at>  <at>  <at>  <at>  <at>  <at>
>>>  <at>  <at>  <at>  <at>  <at>  <at> \n")
>>>> > #+end_src
>>>> > --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
>>>> >  
>>>> > Org-mode version 8.2.6 (release_8.2.6-920-gc6d698  <at> 
>>> /Users/rainerkrug/.emacs.d/org-mode/lisp/)
>>>> > GNU Emacs 24.3.1 (x86_64-apple-darwin13.0.0, Carbon Version 1.6.0 AppKit
>>> 1265) of 2014-02-13 on Rainers-MacBook-Pro-2.local
>>>> >
>>>> > Cheers,
>>>> >
>>>> > Rainer

Rainer M. Krug, PhD (Conservation Ecology, SUN), MSc (Conservation Biology, 
UCT), Dipl. Phys. (Germany)

Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology
Stellenbosch University
South Africa

Tel :       +33 - (0)9 53 10 27 44
Cell:       +33 - (0)6 85 62 59 98
Fax :       +33 - (0)9 58 10 27 44

Fax (D):    +49 - (0)3 21 21 25 22 44

email:      address@hidden

Skype:      RMkrug

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