It seems i'm flooding John's inbox trying to send back this message into the discussion. I'm deeply sorry for that.
I did what John suggested:
- git clone...
- cd to the repository
- make (which i think does two things, byte-compilation and generating org-loaddefs.el)
- add lisp dir to load-path
It did worked since M-x org-version shows the right path (and version), but i'm used to browse the Info manual quite regularly. Before switching to GNU/Linux I used to install the ELPA package on a freshly unpacked Emacs (trunk builds for Windows); it was a pretty straightforward process and it seems to take care of everything. I'm not going to do that again since the ELPA package comes from the maint branch.
Achim Gratz writes:
> The default install method installs into site-lisp, not into the Emacs
> install directory. The reason I keep advocating that method is that
> conveniently the buil-in load-path is already set up to do the right
> thing from the very beginning (you only need to remember to require
> org-loaddefs from your .emacs) and you can fall back easily to the
> built-in Org from Emacs itself if needed.
Thanks for your reply. Which one is the default install method? If it's 'make install', do i need to tweak because of the location of my Emacs installation (as explained here: In my system (Debian) Emacs is in /usr/local/.
And does this method allows to have the latest info manual without overriding the built-in org-mode installation?