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[O] Exporting citations come out as citep instead of APA + bibliography

From: Paul Harper
Subject: [O] Exporting citations come out as citep instead of APA + bibliography not printing
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 08:57:39 +0700

I am using Emacs (Org mode 8.2.7b) I am not getting the bibliography or references I need. I have a references.bib file on Dropbox at /home/felixdz/Dropbox/bibliography/references.bib.

I am using Eric Schulte's Starter Kit for Emacs 24 along with Vikas Rawal's research-toolkit.orghttps://github.com/vikasrawal/orgpaper/blob/master/orgpapers.org

The only other customization I have done is add the solarized-dark theme.

I am using this simple template from Ivan Hanigan with the R code stuff edited out. http://ivanhanigan.github.io/2013/11/a-sharp-looking-orgmode-latex-export-header/

The headers, text and general layout are printing well. However instead of getting the nice .pdf's, .odt's or html like Mr Hanigan I get the following output:


Sharp Report Template

1 Introduction

This is a test document.1

The pages after the first page have a nice looking header, footer and page number. \clearpage

2 Section 1

Some more stuff.2

3 References

\bibliographystyle{apalike} \bibliography{/home/felixdz/Dropbox/bibliography}







How do I get my references and bibliography to print correctly?




Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea."

Robert Heinlein

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