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Re: [O] Possible to use src block to generate org headlines for export?

From: Andreas Leha
Subject: Re: [O] Possible to use src block to generate org headlines for export?
Date: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 01:26:02 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.4.50 (darwin)

Nicolas Goaziou <address@hidden> writes:

> Andreas Leha <address@hidden> writes:
>> But then, I do not understand your statement 'headlines are the only
>> limitation to raw+replace behaviour'.
>> This code block does not seem to respect 'raw+replace' for me:
>> #+name: dtrn
>> #+BEGIN_SRC R :results raw replace
>>   nwords <- 500
>>   nletters <- sapply(1:nwords, function(i) sample(1:10, 1))
>>   words <- sapply(nletters, function(i) paste(sample(letters, i), 
>> collapse=""))
>>   words[sample(nwords, 100)] <- "\n"
>>   paste(words, collapse=" ")
>> #+END_SRC
> That was not clear, indeed.
> "raw" behaviour is only "useful" (i.e., mandatory) when you want to
> insert a headline (or a drawer) as a result of a code block evaluation.
> But then, you lose the ability to replace results. That's the limitation
> I'm talking about.
> In any other case, "drawer+replace" is the superior choice.

Thanks for this clarification.

But in that case let me return to and refine my proposal:  Why not have
"drawer" as the default unless "raw" is given?  

One could argue, that the extent of the results is implicitly given
when the results are not "raw", but being explicit here would allow for
some additional features (such as different background for results -- is
anyone doing this? I'd be interested).

One could also argue, that the users are free to put their results in
drawers if they wish.  But on the other hand what would be lost by
defaulting to drawers?

<<<<< main part ends here

Having said all that, I want to add, that I do not particularly like the
visual appearance of drawers for results blocks;  I think they
- add one more line than necessary and they
- differ too much from the appearance of source blocks

This is the state in org           This is what I'd prefer...  
--8<------start-------->8---       --8<------start-------->8---
#+PROPERTY: results drawer         #+PROPERTY: results drawer  
* Test                             * Test                      
#+name: dtrn                       #+name: dtrn                
#+begin_src R :exports both        #+begin_src R :exports both 
  "hello"                            "hello"                   
#+end_src                          #+end_src                   
#+results: dtrn                                                
:RESULTS:                          #+begin_results dtrn        
hello                              hello                       
:END:                              #+end_results               
--8<-------end--------->8---       --8<-------end--------->8---

But do not take this too seriously.  I am more than happy to live with
the standard appearance of drawers here.


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