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[O] babel: ob-C with Visual C++ and compilation-mode

From: Ernesto Durante
Subject: [O] babel: ob-C with Visual C++ and compilation-mode
Date: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 18:16:11 +0200


I am using ob-C with gcc and Microsoft Visual C++. These two compilers
have two different behaviours for outputting  errors. Gcc uses the
standard error output and Visual C++ uses the regular output. 
Under Windows, errors are not displayed because of the way
org-babel-eval is coded. To work on both platforms, the standard
output must be concatenated with the standard error.

I modified the org-babel-eval in the following way.

diff --git a/lisp/ob-eval.el b/lisp/ob-eval.el
index 057590f..1a93460 100644
--- a/lisp/ob-eval.el
+++ b/lisp/ob-eval.el
@@ -53,12 +53,20 @@ STDERR with `org-babel-eval-error-notify'."
       (setq exit-code
             (point-min) (point-max) cmd err-buff))
-      (if (or (not (numberp exit-code)) (> exit-code 0))
-         (progn
-           (with-current-buffer err-buff
-             (org-babel-eval-error-notify exit-code (buffer-string)))
-           nil)
-       (buffer-string)))))
+       (let ((temp-buffer-str (buffer-string))) ;;temp-buffer-str holds 
standard output + body
+         (if (or (not (numberp exit-code)) (> exit-code 0))
+             (progn
+               (with-current-buffer err-buff
+                 (org-babel-eval-error-notify exit-code (format "%s%s" 
temp-buffer-str (buffer-string)))
+                 )
+               (save-excursion
+                 (when (get-buffer org-babel-error-buffer-name)
+                   (with-current-buffer org-babel-error-buffer-name
+                     (compilation-mode)
+                     (read-only-mode 0)
+                     )))
+               nil)
+           temp-buffer-str)))))

One suggestion. It will be nice to put the error buffer in
compilation-mode, this way errors are highlighted and we can jump
directly into the source code. I modified org-babel-eval to launch the
compilation mode in case of errors. I also removed the read-only
attribute, else the buffer content of org-babel-error-buffer-name cannot
be erased.

Clearly, it's not a good patch because org-babel-eval seems to be
a core function in babel. Maybe for ob-C, this function should be
replaced by a new function. 

Thanks to everyone for orgmode and babel to exist. 


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