Hi Chuck,
Thanks for your feedback.
2014ko abuztuak 7an, "Charles C. Berry"-ek idatzi zuen:
Hi Aaron,
I like what you are trying to do, but ...
1) The change has at least one bug: Remote sessions are broken by this
2) The behavior of :results output is modified in ways that might not be
desired. i.e. warnings and errors will not show up in the output.
Issue 2) ===========
#+NAME: aa
#+BEGIN_SRC R :session R2 :results output
warning("this is a warning")
: [1] 2
For some purposes having the warnings in the #+RESULTS: block is helpful.
And when revising code, having the errors in the #+RESULTS helps -
especially if I have to put aside work in progress.
Hmm. Certainly, the previous behavior should be retained for now. In
the longer term, I’d like to see a system whereby R errors trigger elisp
errors. This is so that the execution of a whole document (subtree,
etc.) will be halted by the first error, rather than continuing what may
be a long series of commands that will not give valid output. What do
you think?