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[O] Mobile-Org Issues

From: Shiyuan
Subject: [O] Mobile-Org Issues
Date: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 23:42:35 -0700

I am on iOS 7.06 and using the Orgmode from git repos(commit 381ad4b on Aug 3).  I installed the MobileOrg from AppStore and noticed the following issues. The problems don't seriously hurt the functionality but are a bit annoying. Any advice on fixing them is appreciated. 

1. `org-mobile-push` tries to write ~/.emacs.d/.org-id-locations and produces an error which seems to due to the permission. I guess a change of permission would fix the problem. But my question is why org-mobile want to generate this file? What's this file for? Can I customize the location? 

2. When sync on iOS after adding a capture note, the screen is frozen. 


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