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[O] org-indent-mode and erratic checkbox behavior?

From: ardumont
Subject: [O] org-indent-mode and erratic checkbox behavior?
Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 13:12:32 +0200
User-agent: mu4e; emacs 24.3.1


I have a minor visual annoyance with checkboxes and `org-indent-mode`.
As I move to next/previous line, headlines stay still (ok) but checkbox keeps 
going forward and backward (2 blank spaces).
(I did not change the default binding C-n/C-p which are still bind to the 
default next-line/previous-line.)

I assume (but I can be wrong, thus feel free to correct me):
- it's not correct behavior because it does not do it to every checkbox (I am 
unable to understand the reasons it does for some and not for others)
- it's org-indent minor-mode which does this because when deactivated,
this behavior disappears

An example can be worth more than trying to explain so I'll do my best to 
describe what I see (I'll use '|' as the caret) :

- On header first character:
#+begin_src org
| IN-PROGRESS 0.5.6 [0%]
  - [ ] backlog

- C-n - move to the next line in the first character indented in the list
#+begin_src org
* IN-PROGRESS 0.5.6 [0%]
  | [ ] backlog

- C-n - move to the next line and here the first line `loses` its indentation
#+begin_src org
* IN-PROGRESS 0.5.6 [0%]
- [ ] backlog
  | [ ] Update version
  - [ ] Fix behavior orgtrello-buffer/goto-end-of-line! When going to end of 
line in checkbox, we need to do it twice, fix.

- C-n - move to the next line and here the first previous `loses` its 
indentation too
#+begin_src org
* IN-PROGRESS 0.5.6 [0%]
- [ ] backlog
- [ ] Update version
  | [ ] Fix behavior orgtrello-buffer/goto-end-of-line! When going to end of 
line in checkbox, we need to do it twice, fix.

- C-p - move to the previous line, the indentation does not change
#+begin_src org
* IN-PROGRESS 0.5.6 [0%]
- [ ] backlog
| [ ] Update version
  - [ ] Fix behavior orgtrello-buffer/goto-end-of-line! When going to end of 
line in checkbox, we need to do it twice, fix.

- C-p - move to the previous line, the indentation does not change but the 
indentation from the line I came from gets back
#+begin_src org
* IN-PROGRESS 0.5.6 [0%]
| [ ] backlog
  - [ ] Update version
  - [ ] Fix behavior orgtrello-buffer/goto-end-of-line! When going to end of 
line in checkbox, we need to do it twice, fix.

- C-p - move to the previous line, the indentation does not change
#+begin_src org
| IN-PROGRESS 0.5.6 [0%]
  - [ ] backlog
  - [ ] Update version
  - [ ] Fix behavior orgtrello-buffer/goto-end-of-line! When going to end of 
line in checkbox, we need to do it twice, fix.

- source of the org file: 
- The same behavior is seen if the caret is elsewhere than the first character, 
only the position changes but the behavior stays.
- org-indent-mode is cool, I'd like to keep it since I like the heading display 

Some more information you may wish:
- emacs-version: GNU Emacs 24.3.1 (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 
2.24.23) of 2014-06-06 on localhost
- org-version: Org-mode version 8.2.7c (8.2.7c-25-g1faeb4-elpa @ 
- minor-mode activated in org buffer
(M-x describe-mode RET
     Enabled minor modes: Anzu Auto-Composition Auto-Compression 
Auto-Encryption Blink-Cursor Buffer-Pack Column-Number
     Company Delete-Selection Diff-Auto-Refine Erc-Spelling Erc-Track 
Erc-Truncate Eval-Sexp-Fu-Flash File-Name-Shadow
     Flx-Ido Font-Lock Git-Pack Global-Anzu Global-Auto-Revert 
Global-Buffer-Pack Global-Company Global-Diff-Hl
     Global-Flycheck Global-Font-Lock Global-Git-Gutter Global-Git-Pack 
Global-Hl-Line Global-Page-Break-Lines
     Global-Theme-Pack Global-Undo-Tree Guide-Key Ido-Ubiquitous Line-Number 
Magit-Auto-Revert Mouse-Wheel Page-Break-Lines
     Popwin Prelude Prelude-Global Projectile Projectile-Global Recentf 
Repl-Toggle Savehist Shell-Dirtrack
     Show-Smartparens-Global Size-Indication Theme-Pack Tooltip Transient-Mark 
Undo-Tree Volatile-Highlights Which-Function

Hoping I provided everything needed.
Thanks in advance for your time.



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