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Re: [O] (no subject)

From: Eduardo Mercovich
Subject: Re: [O] (no subject)
Date: Fri, 04 Sep 2015 15:35:11 -0300

Dear Thomas. 

> you could revert to your working org installation (if you did not delete 
> that folder)  by deleting / moving the folder with the faulty 
> installation (say "org-201508XX") from your .emacs.d/elpa directory.
> If this solves your problems, then I would recommend starting a "bare" 
> emacs
>   emacs -q
> and install org from elpa again.

I did it, with some hiccups in the middle, and now I have a working
Org-mode version 8.3.1 (8.3.1-95-g1dbb25-elpaplus) 

Thank you! :)

> A few days ago I ran into that same  issue :-)

Even while upgrading is not yet perfect, the packaging system is
becoming better by each version. 

As I'm not a bleeding edge developer, I may enjoy this version for a
while, but for those who may step on the same rock: 

1 . I uninstalled org from the package manager (M-x list-packages, there
mark with "D" and execute with "x")
2 . unloaded every org file (this is important, close all org buffers
before installation), 
3. . and installed again org from the package manager; 
4. . after, installed org-plus-contrib. 

Now it seems it's working fine, and I hope it may serve others too.
Don't forget to unload org buffers before install! (is upgrading the

Thanks a lot Thomas! :)



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