Thanks for getting back to me. Unfortunately this is not the issue I am reporting. The problem is that the #+NAME that produces the label is incorrectly exported to the LaTeX document. That is it is the weird \label{fig:orgparagraph1} which is not what I am trying to label the figure as.
You are right that [[fig:result_plot]] does produce the \ref{fig:result_plot}, However, the reference appears unresolved in the resulting document because the figure itself is incorrectly labeled.
On Wed, Sep 16, 2015 at 11:26 AM Nicolas Goaziou <
address@hidden> wrote:
Andrew Davis <address@hidden> writes:
> #+CAPTION: Plot of something interesting.
> #+ATTR_LaTeX: :width \textwidth
> #+NAME: fig:result_plot
> file:./img/plot.pdf
> This method of placing plots into an org document no longer
> works. Previously, this would correctly produce the figure with
> a consistent label for internal references within the org document and
> the exported LaTeX document. Now, the export results in the following
> TeX code:
> \begin{figure}[htb]
> \centering
> \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{./img/plot.pdf}
> \caption{\label{fig:orgparagraph1}
> Plot of something interesting.}
> \end{figure}
> As it can be seen above, the intended label of fig:result_plot is no
> longer exported. This breaks any reference to \ref{fig:result_plot} in
> the LaTeX document while the label of ref:fig:result_plot only works
> within the org document.
This is usually not an issue since [[fig:result_plot]] will results in
In any case, see `org-latex-prefer-user-labels'.
Nicolas Goaziou