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Re: [O] resuming an interrupted org-publish to ftp

From: Nicolas Goaziou
Subject: Re: [O] resuming an interrupted org-publish to ftp
Date: Sat, 20 Feb 2016 13:53:50 +0100


Julien Cubizolles <address@hidden> writes:

> I have a huge number of files to publish to a ftp server (I had to
> reexport them after an Org upgrade) and org-publish fails because the
> ftp server closes the connection before the *whole* transfer is
> done. And it seems that in this case none of the timestamps used to
> control which file has to be uploaded are updated. So I have to start
> the whole upload again, it fails again...
> Shouldn't org-publish update the timestamps after each successful upload
> of a file, and not wait for the end of the whole upload ?

Isn't it the case already?

    ;; Allow chain of publishing functions.
    (dolist (f publishing-function)
      (when (org-publish-needed-p filename pub-dir f tmp-pub-dir base-dir)
        (let ((output (funcall f project-plist filename tmp-pub-dir)))
          (org-publish-update-timestamp filename pub-dir f base-dir)
          (run-hook-with-args 'org-publish-after-publishing-hook


Nicolas Goaziou

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