I have a strange behaviour when trying to produce a beamer presentation .
I have a rather complicated set of slides, one of the slide contains this snippet:
%--------- snippet ----------%
** CGI - producing output
- Example in shell script:
#+BEGIN_SRC bash
echo "content-type: text/html"
echo "<!doctype html publi\"-//w3c/dtd html 3.2 final/en\">"
echo "<html>"
echo "<body>"
echo "it is <b>"`date`"</b>"
echo "</body>"
echo "</html>"
%--------- snippet ----------%
I use minted for formatting the visual output.
When I try to export to beamer, it stops well before the export with the following error:
org-babel-exp process emacs-lisp at line 16...
org-babel-exp process html at line 114...
org-babel-exp process html at line 164...
org-babel-exp process bash at line 270...
byte-code: Invalid search bound (wrong side of point)
If I comment the above snippet, everything is all right, so I think it should be the culprit.
However, if I isolate the above snippet in separate org file, the pdf file is produced all right.
Anybody has any idea of what is going on? I am available to give you more information (my
init.org, and the whole org file, if necessary).