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Re: [O] Behavior of `org-show-entry'

From: Eric Abrahamsen
Subject: Re: [O] Behavior of `org-show-entry'
Date: Sun, 05 Feb 2017 15:16:21 -0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.130014 (Ma Gnus v0.14) Emacs/26.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Kyle Meyer <address@hidden> writes:

> Eric Abrahamsen <address@hidden> writes:
>> I do a lot of my Org navigation with `helm-org-in-buffer-headings' and
>> `helm-org-agenda-files-headings', which prompt you for an org heading,
>> then take you there.
>> I'm always annoyed that, once you're at the heading, it leaves it in
>> a half-open state where you can see the immediate text of the target
>> entry, but all of its child entries are replaced by an ellipses.
>> * Target Heading
>>   Drawers and text
>>   ... # ellipses instead of child headings
>> * Next Heading
>> You then have to hit <tab> twice to see the children.
>> The helm commands end by calling `org-show-entry', which first does
>> this:
>> (outline-flag-region
>>  (max (point-min) (1- (point)))
>>  (save-excursion
>>    (if (re-search-forward
>>      (concat "[\r\n]\\(" org-outline-regexp "\\)") nil t)
>>        (match-beginning 1)
>>      (point-max)))
>>   nil)
>> Which leaves the heading in the state described above, and then does
>> this:
>> (org-cycle-hide-drawers 'children)
>> Which has no effect.
>> I'm not really sure what the purpose of `outline-flag-region' is, but
>> I'm pretty sure this isn't the desired effect.
> Based on how org-show-entry calls it, outline-flag-region shows the text
> from the current heading to the next.  So it seems to behave as
> documented: "[s]how the body directly following this heading".

Okay, but I still don't see how this would ever be the desired result.
You can't get to *any* next visibility state without first wasting a

>> The call to `org-cycle-hide-drawers' should reveal children, isn't
>> that right?
> The purpose isn't to reveal the child headings (I don't understand why
> the argument is called "children"), but to hide the drawers.

Weird! But thank you for doing the thinking I was apparently too lazy to
do :)


>> Which part of this should be tweaked to achieve the desired effect?
> Perhaps helm could call org-show-children after it calls org-show-entry.

Okay, cool. I guess my main question was: should this be fixed in helm,
or in org? I'll try clobbering the helm functions for a while and see
how that goes, then raise this on the helm list.

Thanks for your help,

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